A Dare to be Done | Chapter 21

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     "Apparently Katie's jealous of me or something. I don't know why at all" I spoke to Talia and Simon, finishing with a sigh after.
     "Probs just cause you're spending so much time with Harry" Talia answered me right away.
     "I know we're around each other a lot, but they've been together so long. She shouldn't worry" I said, still confused on why it was just brought to my attention now.
     "Maybe she knows something that you don't" Simon said without looking up, but instead still looking down at his twitter feed.

     "Yea. I guess so" I said, still curious on the whole situation. "You know what, since we're all bored, and I need a YouTube video. Let's ask Twitter for challenges and make a video for my main channel" I said with a really big smile, hoping they would accept.
     "Sounds cool" Simon said as Talia shook her head yes.
     "All's good then" I said, going to twitter to type out a tweet.

Ariella: Send in some challenges or dares, going to pick 20 for a video. Also send in some "truth" type questions for forfeits :)

     "The beginning is done, now we wait"
   About thirty minutes later, I went through my comments and wrote down a bunch of dares down on a piece of paper and stuck them in a hat. I also wrote down some of the truths and put them into another hat. I set up my camera on its tripod, and we began recording.

     "Call the last person in your contacts and tell them you're pregnant! What- I forgot I put this one in there. But okay" I said, reading out the piece of paper I picked out.
     "Ooooh this is gonna be good" Simon said enthusiastically
     "Drama!" Talia said quick and simple.
I pulled out my phone and went to my recent contact. Low and behold, the first name I saw on my screen was Mr.Vikram.

     "Who is it?" Talia asked while leaning over to try and look at my screen. "Oh my gosh! It's Vikk" She said with shock. Simon laughed and I hit the call button. After a few short rings, Vikk answered the phone.

     "Hey what's up!" Vikk said happily after answering the phone.
     "Vikk, I have something to tell you. I haven't told anybody else yet, cause I just don't know how, and I thought you could help" I said in a very convincing fake nervous voice.
     "Oh, what is it. Are you okay?" He said, slightly worried now.
     "Uhm yea. I'm okay" I said with a little sniffle like I was crying. "I'm sorry, let me just get it over with" I said to him. I looked over at Talia and Simon to see them trying not to laugh and blow our cover.

     "Yea, go ahead. Please" Vikk said, trying his hardest to be supportive. It actually made me feel a little bad that this was all a joke.
     "I'm pregnant" I said bluntly. The phone call went silent for a few moments before Vikk spoke up.
    "O-oh. Who's?.. and it's gonna be okay, I'm sure everyone's gonna be understanding. It might be hard at first, but you're strong, and I know you are. I'll always be here for you too" Vikk said through the phone in the most compassionate voice I've ever heard.
     "I don't know who's it is Vikk... I- i had a one night stand a couple weeks ago, and I think that's when" I started to say but cut myself off and started fake crying.
     "Really?? I'm coming over right now" Vikk said as I could hear him get out of his chair.
     "Vikk, Vikk! You can sit down! I'm just kidding. It's for a YouTube video, but thank you for being so sweet always. I know I can count on you" I said smiling into the phone.
     "Wow Aria, you got me worried" Vikk said with a little chuckle.
     "Say hi to Talia and Simon!" I said, motioning for the two to get closer to the phone and talk.
     "Hi you guys" Vikk said.
     "Hiii, sorry Vikk" Talia spoke.
     "Sorry bro" Simon said, before we all said goodbye and I hung up.

     "I actually hated that. I felt really bad" I said with a little giggle.

     We eventually finished the video and I got to editing it straight away, meanwhile Talia and Simon headed home for the night.
     The day after, I had finally finished editing the video, and decided to post it right away.

     After it had uploaded, the normal swarm of comments started to reel in and I began to scroll through and read them all.

   Fan #1: I can't believe she used my dare 😍
  Fan #2: Her and Vikk would actually be so cute. I ship
  Fan#3: Aria's smart for using Talia in the thumbnail
  Fan#4: Vikk is adorable, bestfriend goals

     There were a bunch of comments about me and Vikk, or just about how sweet Vikk was, and they all made me laugh. I decided to call him up to see if he had seen the video or any comments, even though it was just posted about an hour ago.

     "Hey. Did you see the video yet?" I asked him as soon as he answered.
      "Nope. But I sure have seen my twitter mentions" Vikk joked, which made me laugh.
     "Sorry about it, the fans will ship anything to be honest, but it's still cute" I said as I still looked at my screen reading through comments.
     "Yea it is cute. I'll watch your video and call you back to talk more. Alright?" Vikk said through the phone.
     "Sounds good. Bye Vikram" I said with a giggle trying to come through.
     "Bye. And stop calling me Vikram" he said in a joking manner right before he hung up. Fun fact, he loved it when I called him Vikram.

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