Redemtion | Chapter 34

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     It was currently around 1pm. I was putting some makeup on and getting ready for Jide to pick me up. Even though I was annoyed at him right now, I still wanted to look nice for him. My phone rang with a call from Jide, which I was hesitant to answer, thinking he was calling to cancel.
     "Hey Jj" I said as I picked up the phone.
   "Hey. I'm picking you up at 2 right?" Jj asked with an unsure tone in his voice.
   "No Jide. Wrong time" I said, just to mess with him a little.
   "Wait really! I was so sure. Fuck! I'm sorry. What time is it?" Jj asked me really worriedly.
   "I'm kidding Jide it's 2. You better not be late. I hope you didn't just wake up" I told him before I hung up the phone.

     Just as I finished getting dressed, someone had knocked at my door. It was only around 1:30, so I wasn't expecting it to be Jide. As I walked into the lounge room I noticed Jacob sitting on the sofa watching some Netflix.
"Were you expecting anyone?" I asked as I continued my walk over towards the door.
"Not that I'm aware of" He said as he turned around to look at me.

I put my hand on the door knob and turned it slowly, opening the door. At the door stood Harry, with a worried look on his face. Upon seeing me, he immediately grabbed my hands in his and started talking pretty fast.
"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he? He pulled you away so quick I didn't even know what to do" Harry said as he looked me in the eyes.
"I'm fine Harry. Don't worry about me. He wouldn't hurt me like that" I said as I brought him in for a hug, to reassure him that it was okay.
"I'm sorry. I just don't ever want anything bad to happen to you Aria" Harry said as he pulled away from the hug.
"I appreciate it a lot Harry. But I've got to go. Jj's coming to pick me up very soon" I told Harry with a smile on my face.
"Oh... so you guys are still talking?" Bog asked with a confused look on his face.

"Uhm.. Yea. This is the last chance I'm giving him though. And if he messes it up then that's it. He doesn't get another opportunity" I told Harry with a smirk on my face.
"Well I'm glad you're not gonna put up with his bullshit" Harry said as he slid his hands into his pockets and looked down at his sliders.
"Well you better go Bog. I don't know how he would react if you were here when he showed up" I told him as I put a hand on his shoulder.
"You're right. Bye Aria" He said, quickly walking away after.

Not even fifteen minutes later, Jide had shown up at my door, ready to pick me up.
"So where are we going?" I asked him as we walked towards the lift.
"Oh. I didn't know I was supposed to plan things" Jide said in a surprised voice.
"I wanted to put you on the spot" I told him with a smirk on my face.
"Let's just go back to me and Simon's place then" Jj offered.

"Hm. Quite basic but okay Jide. I'll find a way to make it fun" I said with a big smile on my face

"SIMON!" I yelled as I entered the flat and noticed him sitting on the sofa alone. I ran towards him and gave him a big hug, basically jumping on him. I turned around after and spotted Talia hanging out in the kitchen.
"TALIAAAA!!!!" I yelled even louder and I ran over to her and gave her the biggest hug.
"I missed you so much!" She told me as we continued to hug.
"I missed you too. We really really need to catch up soon" I told her as I let go of the hug.
"Totally" She replied simply.

"Wow... She wasn't even anywhere near that happy to see me" Jide said with a laugh after. Which made me giggle.
"Here. Come with me" Jide said as he grabbed my hand in his and walked me into his room and over to his computer.

"We're gonna do a reddit video together" Jj told me as he pulled over a chair for me to sit down.
"Wait really?! Are you sure it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna feel like I'm intruding on your channel" I said with a small laugh, but still being serious about what I said.
"Yea! It's fine. Come on. Sit down" Jj said, motioning to the seat.
"Okay..." I said as I sat down.

I watched him set up his recording software and bring up his reddit page. He pressed record and started his intro.
"Yo what's up your boy KSIOlajidebt" He said as I mocked him, sitting slightly behind where he couldn't see my mouth moving.
"Today I'm here with Aria. Which I'm sure most of you already know of her. Especially you horny teenage boys" Jide said with a laugh.
"Haha very funny Jide" I said as I hit him in the arm. "ANYWAYS. today we're going on the reddit page" I said before Jide could get anything out of his mouth.

"I was supposed to say that!" Jide complained to me.
"Too slow. Sorry" I said with a smirk on my face.

Eventually we actually got to reacting to a few memes and other things too. I figured that most of our messing around probably wasn't going to be put into the actual video, but I was fine with that. A lot of jokes made it seem like we were in a relationship. Which I know Jide doesn't want people to think.

"That was actually a lot of fun" I said after he had ended the recording.
"You think so?" He asked me as he finally turned his chair to fully look at me.
"Yea I definitely do. So thank you" I said before leaning in and giving him a kiss.

After the kiss he did the most childish but funniest thing I could even imagine. He pushed his chair back very quickly and stood up, with his mouth completely agape with shock.
"Simon! SIMON!" He yelled as he ran out of the room.
"Jide! Get back here!!" I said loudly, running after him.

"Simon!! She kissed me! And I didn't even need to ask!" Jj said to Simon as he grabbed his hands and they started jumping up and down acting like little kinda.

"Oh my gosh.... you guys are just too much" Talia said as she rolled her eyes and laughed.

We all four spent the rest of our day together binging a few classic movies that we had all loved. Along with Talia and I forcing the boys to watch a girly movie or two. Overall it was an amazing day together, and I'm glad that I decided to give Jide another chance.
I really think that he's gonna pull through this time, and everything's gonna be okay.

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