Hanging Out With Vikk | Chapter 4

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We had all hung out a while before the boys decided they should start filming. They mentioned about the video being something called their 'annual moo off' , and honestly I don't know what to expect.

     We all went outside except for Freezy, Talia, and Freya. They all decided to hang out in the house and watch love island for jokes.

     The boys started to set up the tripod and camera figuring out how everything would work, meanwhile me and Harry were just sitting on the ground throwing grass at each other. Childish. I know.

     Finally they started filming and at one point I had to walk away from them because I was laughing so loud and I didn't want the camera to pick my laugh up. I made a pretty good effort of trying not to accidentally get in front of the other camera angles or for my voice to be on video. I didn't want fans to pick up that the girl voice wasn't Talia or Freya's and start to ask questions. I didn't want to cause that ruckus.

     After filming most of the boys wanted to head back to the house and just hang out for the night. Although Tobi decided to go home, and Vikk offered for me to hang out at his. After I agreed to go with him the boys tried to make a big deal out of it saying things like "AYE BIG UP VIKK" "VIKKS PULLING TONIGHT BOYS" and many other variations. Me and Vikk well knew this wasn't true though. We were just friends wanting to hang out since we've watched each other's channels for so long.

     "I can't believe you'd rather hang out with Vikk than me!" Jj said fake offended.
     "Get back in the gym and maybe I'll think about it" I said as a comeback from his joke attack towards Vikk.
     A few of the boys started overreacting and going crazy laughing over what I said.
     "Fair enough" Jj said back laughing.

     "Bye everyone!" I said with a smile as Vikk started to open the front door.
     "WAITTT" I could hear Talia yell as she jumped up from the sofa. She ran over to me and gave me a huge hug which I obviously returned.
     "Aww you're too cute" I said after we finished hugging as she ran back to the couch.
     "Okay bye everyone" Vikk said as he let me walk through the door first. It was a little chilly outside so he had handed me his hoodie to wear for the car ride.

     We listened to some pretty good songs on the way over to Vikk's place. We found out that we have similar taste in music. With a few exceptions of course.

     When we arrived it was about half past 10pm and neither of us had eaten much since lunch, so obviously we decided to order a pizza. We had to order a pizza that was half pepperoni and half Hawaiian because Vikk insisted that he wanted Hawaiian. He insisted on paying the full bill even though I said I wanted to pay for my half.

     We ate and talked to each other for a while, and that's when I noticed the keyboard piano that was sitting across the room.
     "You play the keyboard?" I asked and then took another bite of my pizza.
     "Yea, you wanna hear a little something?" Vikk asked as wiped his hands off on a napkin and got up walking over towards the keyboard.
     "Yea definitely" I said as I started to walk over as well.

     "I know a few songs already but I've also been kind of working on a little random tune" He said as he got a sheet of paper out of a folder and set it in front of him.
     "Ooooh I'm intrigued" I said truly interested in what he was about to play for me.
     He motioned for me to sit down next to him on the bench, and as I sat down he began to play.

     I had always been fascinated how some people could play instruments so beautifully. Anytime I tried it sounded like an exorcism.

     Vikk stopped after about only eight seconds of playing and looked over at me.
     "That's all I really have of it right now, but I've been trying to make sure I actually like it and it isn't just random stuff put together" Vikk said as he put away his sheet of paper.
     "It's really good already. I wish I could do something like that. I don't really have any cool talents" I said laughing at how incapable I am.

     "I'm sure there's something you could be good at. You might not be good at first, but it takes practice. I'm sure you didn't start off youtube being good but you got there eventually" Vikk reassured me about it.
     "You're right. Maybe I'll try something new out soon. I've always been kinda interested in painting and kind of want to get into that. I've tried it a few times but have gotten annoyed with the outcome being so bad" I said shyly since I've never told anyone about my many failed painting attempt.

     "What about digital art. That seems like something cool that you could get into along with normal art. I'm sure doing both would help with skill level a lot" Vikk said as he got up from the bench and went back over the the kitchen, which movements I followed.
     "Yea, that actually does sound pretty cool. It'll just take some time I guess. Thanks" I smiled as I spoke.

     I felt as though I could truly trust Vikk. I think he might be one of my better friends here. I've never really had anyone that I was friends with do youtube too. It felt great to have a huge part of my life in common with someone else.

     "Hey I've got to record a little Minecraft video. Do you want me to take you to your flat... or I mean you're welcome to stay and watch if you want." Vikk asked me as he walked into his office motioning for me to follow him.
     "Oooh I'd actually love to stay and watch, THE vikkstar123 record one of his Minecraft videos" I said smiling with a little giggle.
     "Sounds like a plan then" Vikk said as he pulled over a chair for me and left it right outside of the facecam.
     "Thank you Mr.Vikky" I said plopping down in the chair.

     "Yep no problem. I'm actually recording with one of my friends Lachlan so I'm gonna face call him right now to make sure he's ready, and I'll introduce you. If that's okay" Vikk asked making sure that it was okay to make notice of me being there.

     "Yea that's chill" I said. Right afterwards he went to go face call this 'Lachlan' and I already knew who Lachlan was. Like I said I've watched Vikk's videos before. Although I'm not sure if Lachlan is aware of who I am.

     Once the call went through they were talking about what map they were going to play, then finally Vikk decided to mentioned me.

     "Oh uhm and Lachlan, this here is Aria. She's actually a youtuber too" Vikk said as I poked my head into frame and waved.
     "Hi" I said simply not wanting to embarrass myself by saying anything weird.
     "Ohhh. Yea I know who Aria is. She's that girl you used to talk about a lot like 2 years ago. You used to talk about how cute you thought it was that she was really good at a lot of games" Lachlan said surprising me.
     "Oh really now Vikky" I said with a smirk looking at him as me and Lachlan laughed.
     "Oh here Lachlan is acting like he didn't think the same. I remember you almost donated her $100 on twitch" Vikk said reminiscing probably on all the times they've mentioned me.

     "AYE! Why didn't you. I'm sure I could have used the money well back then!" I joked fake offended on how he didn't donate the money.
     "Hey hey hey now! I would have if Vikk didn't talk me out of it" Lachlan said with his hands up in surrender.
     "Nonce" I simply said as I lightly punched Vikk in the arm.

     "Yea yea yea. Okay let's play Lachlan" Vikk said laughing as he turned off the face call and went to a normal call, and then loaded up Minecraft and his recording software. I moved my chair out of frame again and just watched him and Lachlan do their thing.

     I made occasional input to the boys with jokes here and there too. Vikk said I was okay to talk occasionally as he would cut it out. He said just to make sure it was while much wasn't happening.

     Overall it was a good night of fun. Me Vikk and Lachlan had all become pretty good friends too.

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