A Switch in Moods | Chapter 25

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     Simon and I had walked outside and immediately we could see Jj in his car driving down the road away from us.

     "I'm gonna call him" I told Simon, pulling out my phone going to contacts about to click Jj's name.
     "No you're not" Simon said snatching my phone. "Get in the car, lets go" Simon said as he opened up his car door and got in.
     "Wait why?" I asked confused on what he was doing.
     "We're following Jj. God you are slow" Simon said with a little laugh at the end before he closed his door.

    I ran over to the passenger side and hopped in quickly buckling my seatbelt as Simon hastily started the car and pulled off onto the road. We stayed far enough from Jj to where he wouldn't notice the car, although we were close enough to know where he was, except the few times we almost lost him.
     "Where would he even be going. He's not going towards the city" I asked Simon as I was pretty confused.
     "That's why we're following to find out. Even I'm curious" Simon said as we entered a neighborhood.

     "Slow down, slow down, pull over and park!" I slightly yelled at Simon as I could see Jj's brake lights turn on, meaning he was gonna stop and pull over at one of the houses nearby.
     "We'll keep the car far back so he doesn't see us" Simon said, which was a good idea. Who knows what Jj would think if he knew we were basically stalking him right now.

     Simon and I sat in silence for about a minute until Jj finally got out of his car and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door, and low and behold, a really pretty girl answered.
  "Oh" was all I had to say as I saw her invite him in.
     "We'll stay here for now. We can wait for him to get out, i'll put music on" Simon said connecting his phone on the AUX.
    "Sounds good" I said slouching back in my seat thinking around me and Jide.

    After about 30 minutes of waiting, Jide walked out of the house on his own, the girl not even in the doorway. He walked down to his car holding his shirt in his hair.
     "Well I think we both know what happened in there" Simon said as he turned the music off.
     "Yea. I think we do" I simply said, not knowing what to think of the situation.
     "He's probably just going home, so I'll go a different way so he doesn't see us at all" Simon said as he took a u-turn in the road.
    "Sounds good to me" I told Simon as I pulled out my phone and opened Twitter.
     "You okay?" Simon asked, probably noticing that I wasn't very talkative like usual.
     "Yea. Kind of, just questioning things" I said smiling over at him to reassure him I was okay.

    That night Simon had suggested that I stay over at their place for the night, since he wanted me over there the morning after anyways. Currently I was sitting in the lounge watching some Netflix while Simon was in his room with Talia, everyone had already left the party and it was partially cleaned up. My attention got turned from the tv to the front door as I heard somebody put keys into the lock. I stared at the door and waited for it to open, even though I was 90% sure I knew who it was going to be, I was still curious.

    The door opened and in walked Jide. We both made eye contact, but I quickly looked away and looked down.
     "Hey" he simply said, still looking at me as he closed the door.
     "Hi" I said, turning my attention back to the tv.
     "Goodnight" Jj said walking towards his room.
     "Yea" I said, not wanting to show much interest in talking to him. He opened his bedroom door and walked in. There was only a time period for about 30 seconds where I didn't see him, because next thing I knew, a lot was going to go down.

     "Fuck" I could hear Jide whisper to himself behind his door before he opened it back up and looked at me. "Aria?" Jj said, trying to get my attention.
     "What is it?" I asked him, I genuinely was interested in the conversation now, I wanted to know what he had to say.
     "We have to talk" Jj said in a serious voice.
     "Okay" I said but still not moving a muscle.
     "Can we do it in my room, just in case Simon comes out?" Jj asked me while scratching the back on his neck.
     "Oh, sure" I said getting up from the sofa and walking over towards his room. He moved out of the way so I could walk by him, and then closed the door behind us. I thought about walking over to his bed and sitting down, but instead I just stayed standing.

     "What are we?" He asked me.
    "Well I don't know, as far as I know right now we're friends" I said crossing my arms and looking him in the eyes.
     "Why you gotta be like that, we both know we don't want to only be friends" Jj said with a sigh at the end of his sentence.
     "Because, it's not like you ever mentioned anything more to me until now" I said wondering what he was planning to say next.

     "I didn't think you liked me until Simon mentioned it!"
     "Simon fucking told you?" I questioned Jide. That was the one thing Simon agreed he wouldn't tell anyone.
     "Yea. And I'm glad he did, why wouldn't you tell me" Jj said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.
     "I didn't think you were serious about liking me. I thought you just saw me as a pretty face!" I said starting to raise my voice to equal the tone of his.

     "I see you as way more than that!" Jj said putting his head into his hands and walking back and forth through the room.
     "Then why the FUCK do you keep on messing with these other girls if you like me!!" I yelled, finally letting my confusion about the whole thing get out of my head and into the world.
     "Because I used them to try and get my mind off of you, and it didn't work. That's why this whole thing is happening right now!" Jj said getting even more annoyed.
     "So that girl tonight? You just used her did you?" I asked him
     "Yea I did, how do you even know about that!" Jj said quite loudly.
     "Don't worry about how I know. But fuck you for that!" Don't use women you asshole" I said pushing him away from me since he had taken a few steps close the me.
     "I know it's wrong, that's why I'm stopping. That's why I need you" Jj started to say the sentence with annoyance, but soon his tone switched severely. Now his voice was soft and almost loving.

    He took a few steps close to me as we both stared into each others eyes. I looked up at him as he looked down at me, suddenly he grabbed the sides of my face and brought me into a kiss. As we kissed I placed my arms around his neck. After a short amount of time, I stopped the kiss but kept my arms around him. We kept our bodies close and looked into each other's eyes again. He picked me up and put me on the bed gently, kissing my cheek. He gave me a bunch of small kisses all over my face which left me giggling underneath him. He soon moved to my neck and started to give me a hickey.

     "Ji- Jide. Stop" I said giggling as he gave me a hickey.
     "Why?" Jj said after he took his mouth off of me, looking at me with a smirk on his face.
     "If you give me a hickey people are going to see it tomorrow and ask questions" I warned him.
     "Too late" he said placing his finger over the spot where he had given me a hickey.
     "Fuck Jide. I hate you" I said jokingly to him.

     It was weird how quickly our feelings towards each other in the night had changed. We really had a weird effect on each other like that. During the night not much had happened. Me and Jide looked through some random posts on his reddit together, and then soon fell asleep together. It felt good to be in his arms, I felt safe from any troubles in my life when I was with him in this moment. And let me not forget to mention how warm and comfortable it was for me, I slept like a baby.

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