A Whole Day in One | Chapter 22

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     "What's up fuckers!!" I said yelling as I entered Simon and Jj's apartment, Simon had trusted me with a spare key, so it was easy to get in.
     "Someone's been watching a little too many vines again lately" Josh joked as I saw him walk around the corner and come into my view from where I was standing in the doorway.
     "Yep, accidentally stayed up till 3 in the morning watching them" I said as I walked over towards the lounge and sat down on the sofa.
     "Wow. That's a record. Usually you're up till at least 5 watching them" Jj said, laughing slightly at the end.
     "HaHa.. very funny Jide" I said sarcastically at him as I smiled and rolled my eyes. "I knew you guys wanted me here semi-early to help set up the cameras so I went to sleep early" I said in a normal tone, almost as if going to sleep at 3am was a normal thing people did at my age.

     "Well at least you're here right now, Randolph's not gonna be here till we actually start recording" Simon pointed out to me.
     "I basically have no life, so I'll always be available when you need me" I said in a tone that almost insinuated that it was a joke, even though we all knew it wasn't.

     "No boys to take up any of your time?" Simon asked me, probably since he realized that I haven't mentioned any interest in a guy lately, which was somewhat unlike me.
     "Other than you seven, the Cal's, and my family. Nope, you boys take up enough of my time" I joking said to Simon, trying to play it off so he wouldn't ask too many questions about anything. I didn't really want to talk about relationship stuff at the moment.

     "I think we should have a mission find Aria a man, we know a lot of suitable bachelors" Simon said as a joke but also partially serious.
     "Nah. Doesn't sound like a cool idea" Jj said in a monotone voice, which is the first thing he had said since Simon had started to talk about me and boys.
     "Aye no way, not fun. Still gonna think about dudes you'd be great with though" Simon said as he walked off into another room to grab the two cameras they would be using, and also the tripods for them.

     "I get where Simon's coming from, but I wish he would pick up on the fact I don't want a boyfriend right now" I said to Jj, hoping to start up a conversation since he had been weirdly quiet.
     "For real? You don't want a boyfriend?" Jj asked confused, probably because like I've said, I've always been interested in having a boyfriend and talked about it quite frequently.
     "Yea, I've been focusing on myself and my content recently, along with being with friends, and I think it feels great not to have that distraction of a relationship at the time" I explained to Jj, or at least tried my best to.
     "Yea yea, I get that" He said as soon as Simon had entered the room and was walking his way towards us.

     "Okay. Let's set up" Simon said putting everything down for us to help.

Jj's POV
     We had finished recording the video and I had asked Aria if she wanted to stay for a little while and hang out, but she ended up heading home early with Harry. I can tell you that didn't feel good. There were times where I would think me and her were having some type of romantic moment, but maybe that was just me, and she didn't see it that way. My hopes for anything between us has really been draining quick, I think Simon's noticed a little bit, but I'm not really sure if he knows that it has to do with Aria. He's aware that I really fancy her, but I don't think he knows how bad it actually hurts me to see her when she's talking to other dudes in flirtatious ways. I know that he doesn't think I truly fancy her a lot, he thinks that she's just a girl I find attractive and want to shag, but that's not what she is to me at all. I really haven't felt a true connection to a girl like that since I was with Seana. The only thing about Aria is that, if we ever got together.... I'd be way too scared to hurt her.

  Aria's POV
     "YOU'RE ALL TRASH!!" I yelled really loudly after I had beat Harry, Ethan, Tobi, and Freezy in a MarioKart race.
     "Rigged!" Tobi said acting dramatic and throwing his controller onto the sofa.
     "You're just mad I have talent" I said flipping my hair dramatically.
     "I don't know if I would call winning a children's game, talent" Ethan said with a short laugh at the end which made the rest of us giggle.
     "Oh shut up!" I said to Ethan while still slightly laughing. "Now take your shots boys" I told them as I poured some alcohol into their shot glasses.

  Yes. Yes we had turned playing MarioKart into a drinking game. Whoever won was immune and didn't have to take a shot, but the other three would. Lucky for me the more drunk I get, usually the more competitive I get, which makes me more likely to win any game I'm playing. I had lost the first two races which Tobi had won, so I already had a little bit of alcohol chilling there in my body.

     The worst at the moment probably had to be Ethan. He would constantly laugh at any simple thing because of the alcohol. He's even been laughing at all of the blue shells people have gotten to knock the person who was in 1st, out of their place. Harry was doing surprisingly well, it was usually me or him that had been ending up winning. Tobi had gotten a few wins also, but after a few drinks his wins had calmed down.

     After we had finished a good amount of races, and were mostly all drunk. We decided to watch some random Minecraft videos for fun, and then we somehow ended up watching a little, maybe 12 year old, German boy rap a disstrack on me and my channel. In the song he had actually even mentioned that he loved my gaming channel, but hated my main. Which for a 12 year old boy, that's very understandable. Most of my main channel viewers were always girls.

     "Did he just say I'm built like a spaghetti noodle! Who IS this kid!" I said and started to bust out with laughter at the end. This made the boys laugh too, so much that I decided to go on my phone to copy the link to the video and post it to twitter telling people to go like and comment, along with a tagged photo with me and the boys.

     The rest of the night we had completely drained ourselves of energy, which eventually led to me and Tobi both laying down in my bed, asleep, cuddling a pillow. Harry had gotten his fourth call from Katie tonight, so decided to head up to his flat, and Ethan had passed out on my couch way before anyone else even felt tired. I understood why he was more tired now than usual though, I've gone to the gym with him a few times, and once night came, I was totally ready to go to sleep and recover.

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