I Guess He's Your Superman | Chapter 33

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   "Come on Harry! Open the damn door!" I yelled as I constantly banged my fist against his flat door.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Harry said with a big smile on his face as he opened the door.
"There's no reason it should take you six minutes to get to the door Bog. I even called your phone" I told him as I walked past him and into the flat.
"I was... uploading a video" Harry said as a quick excuse.

"Oh! uploading a video you say? Let's watch it together then why don't we" I asked as I walked over to the sofa and sat down.
"He didn't upload a video Aria" Callux said nonchalantly as he walked by.

"Are we lying now Bog?" I asked him with a serious look on my face. Only to try and get him nervous since I thought it would be funny.
"Uh... yes. I'm sorry. I was fixing myself up. I wanted to look nice. I didn't want to look like a bum" Harry said as he put his hand up into his hair and ruffled it a tiny bit.

"But you still chose to wear the dr.pepper sweatshirt I see?" I asked him, trying to annoy him.
"Oh come onnn! You told me the other week that you liked it!" Harry said in defense.
"Spot on loser. I do like it. I'm only joking with you" I told him.

As Callux walked back into the room things got quiet.
"We still going to Nando's?" Callux asked as he just stared at us.

"I don't think so" said Harry at the same time I said yes.
"we're not going anymore?" I asked Harry.
"I thought me and you could go on a walk or something instead, and just order something here" Harry offered.

"Sounds good to me ket boy" And with that we got up from the sofa and made our way out the door.

     While on our walk I had gotten a few text from Jj trying to apologize, and a few missed calls as well. I wanted to resolve things with him, but I was having a good time right now and didn't want to possible ruin it.
     Harry and I had been messing around in a park for a while. I decided that I wanted to attempt to do a handstand since it had been a while since I had tried. Without my consent, Harry had recorded it on his phone and posted my nasty fail at a handstand on his twitter.
     "Harry are you kidding me! You're such a jerk!" I said as I playfully hit him, after looking at his tweet that he tagged me in.

     A few minutes later my phone buzzed with another text from no other than Jj. and then again. and then again....

Jide: are you kidding me??
you're with Harry right now !
that's why you won't reply to me. let's please talk already
stop ignoring me
what's up with you and Harry anyway !
should i be worried at all
i knew i didn't like the way he looked at you. i do something wrong and now this hero comes to save the day right??!?!? FUCK
please come see me 😐

I'm not coming to see you Jide :Aria

And with that simple response..... I think I set him off.

Jide: I'm coming to get you then

     After that text I had gotten from Jj, I immediately closed the conversation and picked my head up to look at Harry.
   "Can we go back to your flat? Jj's looking for me, and he's the last person I want to see right now" I told Harry.
   "Of course. Let's go" He said with no hesitation as he grabbed my hand and we started walking at a decent speed, but not too fast.

     We were now back at the flat in Harry's room. Just waiting for the moment where something was going to happen.
I jumped a little as five loud knocks were heard from the flat door downstairs.
     "HARRY! BRO I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" Jj said as he continued to bang on the door.

   "Hey Harry. Jj's at the door" Callux yelled from downstairs.
   "Yea I know!" Harry yelled back down to Callux.
   "oh okay. i'll just open the door then" Lux said as he did just that.

   "NO!" Me and Harry both yelled just a second too late.

     "ARIA! JUST COME DOWN HERE!! I WANNA TALK" Jj yelled still from downstairs.
     "I don't wanna talk right now!" I yelled back down politely. I wish he would have just left me alone.

     I could hear Jj's footsteps coming up the stairs and towards Harry's bedroom. I wasn't scared of him. That's not the reason I didn't wanna see him. I didn't want to see him because I felt hurt right now, and seeing his face wasn't gonna help that so soon after.
     "you're coming with me" Jj said as he walked in the room.
     "no i'm not" I said with my arms crossed over my chest.

     "Wait... what are those" Jj asked as his voice got severely quiet. He pointed to a pair of panties that was on the ground, along with the rest of Harry's clothes that are usually down there.
     "I swear they aren't hers Jide! They're Katie's I swear! I wouldn't do that to you" Harry said as he held both of his hands up in a surrendering way.
     "Better be" Jide said as he walked over to the bed and quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me off the bed and dragging me with him.

    "Jide! Stop! Leave me be!" I yelled at him as he pulled me down the stairs against my will.
   As we got to the bottom of the stairs and headed towards the flat door to go out, Callux spotted us.
     "Jide you're gonna hurt her" Lux said with a serious tone in his voice.

     "Don't worry about it" I said with tears in my eyes as we headed out the door. Not because it hurt, which it didn't by the way. But because again, I wasn't ready to be around him right now.

     He slammed the flat door shut and immediately after he pulled me into a kiss. At first I gave in, but then I realized I wasn't doing myself a favor by giving into him that easily.

     "Just drop me off at my flat... and be ready to pick me up at 2pm tomorrow. No later.. Or you won't get another chance" I told him in the most serious voice I could conjure up, as I stared him in the eyes.

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