Made an Oopsie | Chapter 18

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I woke up to feel someone playing with my hair, which startled me. As a result I sat up really quickly and turned around just to see Harry, and remember where we were.
"Sorry. I didn't mean imo frighten you" Harry said as he looked over at me.
"No it's okay. I just forgot where I was for a second" I said turning around to face him as he sat up too.
"I'm guessing we should head back now. I have a lot of texts from the boys. Apparently Katie's fuming that I ran off with you and didn't tell you" Harry said as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Oh I'm sorry. I hope she won't stay mad for long" I said looking at Harry with a sympathetic look.
"She'll be fine eventually. Once we get in the car you should text one of the boys back, so they know you're okay" Harry said as grabbed his phone off the grass and stood up.
"Okay. I will. Probably Josh or Tobi" I said as I grabbed my phone also, and stood up ready to walk.
"Why them" Harry asked as we began to take our walk back to the car.
"I just think they won't try to pry" I said, worried that the other boys would try to ask too many questions about Jj or why I agreed to leave with Harry.
"Fair enough" Harry said smiling to me as we kept on walking.

     We finally got into the car and I decided I would text Tobi back.

  3 unopened text from: Tobi 🙃
Nobody meant for this to happen

Please text somebody back
12:36 pm

We know you're with Harry. just please be safe
1:42 am

we're heading back now
im safe and okay. tell the boys im fine please

     After sending the text, I put my phone down and didn't bother with it again. The 78 missed phone calls and 72 missed messages was too much for me to even look at.

     Once we got back to the tower, Harry offered me to go up to his flat to hang out for a little bit. I declined him and mentioned how he should probably go and smooth things out with Katie, which he agreed. So I headed into my flat alone.

     After entering, I immediately headed over to my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine for myself. I trudged my way over to my sofa and sat myself down slumping into the cushioned back. Putting the wine bottle down on my coffee table, I sighed deeply. My hands were brought up to my face covering it, before using my right hand to brush my hair back, away from my face.

     I turned around quickly as I heard my doorknob turning, and in walked Tobi.
     "Are you drinking?" Tobi asked as he walked over towards me.
     "Nope. Well, not yet anyways" I said as he sat down beside me.
     "It's not your fault you know" Tobi reassured me as he put a hand on my shoulder.
     "I would believe that, except for the fact that I ruin everything I touch" I said as I looked over at him and shrugged.
     "And what do you even mean by that" Tobi asked with a confused look on his face.
     "Like... you know spongebob's cousin, Stanley, I'm like him" I said which made Tobi let out a slight laugh.
     "I meant like what in your life makes you think that" Tobi said looking me in the eyes.

     "I mean... I don't even know where to start" I said as I put my hands on my knees and sighed, ready to tell a full story, without really wanting to.

     "You know what, I can tell you don't want to talk about it. It's okay" Tobi said smiling over at me.
     "Thanks" I said slightly smiling back and relaxing.
     "I think I'm gonna edit some videos. I'll catch your later yea?" I said to Tobi, sort of indicating that I wanted to be left alone for right now.
     "Cool. See you later" Tobi said standing up and walking towards my flat door, and eventually out of my flat.

     I looked through the contacts on my phone about to scroll down to call Simon, before I passed by that name I knew so well, Brandon. My ex-boyfriend. He was never good for me, ever, but sometimes I felt like he had what was right for the moment.

Come over
Sent: 12:34am

omw ;)
Recieved: 12:40am

     "Fuck" I said to myself knowing this was the worst idea possible.

Someone walked into my apartment maybe 30 minutes later and I knew exactly who it was.
"I brought the old fun with me" He said as he closed the door behind him.
"That's exactly what I wanted" I said as I got up from the sofa and walked over to him.

Ethan walked into my apartment to see me alone laying on the floor making weird faces to the ceiling, and occasionally letting out a loud laugh.
"What the literal fuck are you doing" Ethan said as he walked over to stand beside me.
"Woah, you look scary" I said sitting up and looking at Ethan with wide eyes, before backing up and standing up.
"Wait. Let me see your eyes" Ethan said with a serious tone in his voice.
"Why so serious, it's like you're a cop or something" I said laughing at the end for no reason and sticking my tongue out at him.
"Okay lay down and try to sleep" Ethan said as he put his hand on my back and helped me walk to the sofa.
"But how am I supposed to sleep when my brain is going so fasttt" I said putting both of my arms up in the air.
"Just sit down then. I'm calling the boys" Ethan said with a sigh at the end as he pulled out his phone.

"Who the fuck gave her drugs!" I heard Jj walking in angrily through the door as I layed down on the sofa.
"I don't know dude. Did you not understand that when I said it on the call the first time!" Ethan said raising his voice a little bit to match up with Jj's tone.
"Shutt the fuckk up" I said pointing over to them with my left hand and covering my ear with my right.
"Hold on let me see something" Vikk said quietly as he walked over to me. "Aria, can I see your phone" He asked nicely.
"Awww you're so cute, yes you can!" I said as I handed it over.

"I've seen her do her password multiple times" Vikk said as he put my password in my phone. "It was some guy named Brandon" Vikk said as he showed the other boys the text.
"Aria? Who's Brandon" Josh asked looking over at me.
"My boyfriend from back when I had so much TEEN ANGST!" I yelled way too loud.
"Shhh" Harry said from beside me.

Everyone had come over to the sofa or near the sofa and looked after me, meanwhile Jj and Ethan were doing something on my phone.
"We'll be back" Ethan said as he grabbed his coat and put it on.
"We're going to be taking this" Jj said as he held my phone up in the air and walked out.
"Welp" I said as I was starting to come back to my normal self and realizing things that were happening.

"Where do you think they're going?" Simon asked, looking over at Josh.
"My guess, going to find Brandon" Josh said shrugging his shoulders.

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