Oh fr Jj :o | Chapter 7

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I woke up with a massive migraine as I expected to happen. I grabbed a pill bottle out of my bedside cabinet and walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I realized I was still in my makeup and outfit from last night and would have to change sometime soon and wash my face.

My body felt amazing as I took a warm shower, washing all of the sweat from last night off my body. Afterwards I changed into a casual outfit. Just some joggers and a t-shirt. I wasn't quite sure what to do today seeing as though I didn't want to be around too many people. I didn't want to be somewhere that was gonna make my head feel even worse. I walked over to my computer and thought that it might be a good idea to record a gaming video.

I texted Simon and Tobi to see if they were down to record something with me. They agreed and we later found a game that all of us would enjoy. There were a few times during the recording where my head pounded, but for the most part I felt pretty good, and I had a lot of laughs.

After recording, I hopped on twitter and saw that Vikk had posted a photo of me from the club last night on Twitter.

Vikkstar123: can't believe this girl actually got me to dance at the club last night 😭😂

Vikkstar123: can't believe this girl actually got me to dance at the club last night 😭😂

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52 comments    8247 likes

  Behzinga: She cried about how much she loved everyone on the way home 😂
      Tobjizzle: @ Behzinga that's mad
  User1: Aww she's so pretty :)
  KSIOlajidebt: peng @ Ariella
  User2: who even is she lol?
  User3: She's not all that tbh. Why is everyone hyping her up 🤨
  User4: She's adorable stop hating lmao @ User 3

      I decided to leave a comment of my own underneath it
  Ariella: oh you loved it 🤪 @ Vikkstar123 and thanks for exposing me @ Behzinga 🙄

     The hate comments underneath his post didn't bother me that much. It wasn't any more than the usual whenever I had youtube friends that were boys. You get quite used to it after a while I must say.

     I went to my bedroom to take a nap to try and get my head to feel better, but after a quick 10 minutes of sleep I was woken up by my phone ringing.

     "UghHHHHH. Who the FUCK is calling me" I said to myself annoyed as I rolled my body over to get my phone off my bedside table. I looked at the caller id and guess who it was, Jj, of course it was.

     "Hi Jj.. what do you want" I said with a tinge of annoyance in my voice as I rolled my eyes.
     "Good afternoon grumpy pants, what put you in a bad mood" Jj asked me while laughing quietly.
     "I was trying to sleep and you just called me out of nowhere waking me up" I said in an exaggerated sad voice.
     "Oh, let me make it up to you then. At 8pm let me take you out for some food" Jj said and I could tell just from his voice that there was a smile on his face.
     "Okay Jide, I'll take you up on that offer then" I said also smiling to myself. I swear this dude was gonna be the death of me. One minute he's joking around and bullying me and the next he's calling me great and wanting to actually spend time together.
     "Wear something nice. Not too nice, but decently nice... yea. I'm sure you were going to anyway. You always do" Jj said as I could hear him walking around wherever he was.
     "Oh I'll make sure to look all nice just for you him" I said in a sarcastic voice.
     "Aye. Don't act like you don't love me babe" He said as I could hear his bed as he must have laid down on it.
     "Fine, fine. Well I'll see you later Jide. Love ya lots" I said as I started to look through my closet for clothing options tonight.
     "Bye Ariella. Love you lots too you mug" Jj said and hung up with a laugh before I could say 'fuck you' which he definitely knew I was going to try.

     I mean this wasn't a date right, I don't think Jj would ever ask me on a date with him. Although if I don't see it as a date why am I actually trying hard to look good. He sure is leaving me confused at this moment in time.

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