The Start To A Week | Chapter 37

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     There's a good chance that we're going to be put on lockdown very soon because of this whole corona virus thing. I find it funny how I can't even talk about the pandemic in a video and call it corona, because I'll be demonetized.
   Anyways, since I knew we were going to be on lockdown and not really able to leave. I planned out my whole week to get a bunch of videos prerecorded with other people. As well as a few videos that I would be outside for.

     Today was Monday, the start of my week. My plans for today were to head over to Harry's and get him to film some videos with me.

     "Harold!" I yelled as I opened up his flat door and walked inside. He had recently told me that as long as I was alone, that it was fine to just walk in.
   "Hey Aria" Harry said as he looked at me from the sofa.
   "So are you ready to film the first video with me?" I asked him, with a grin on my face.

     "I'm definitely ready, but what video even is it?" He asked since I hadn't even told him yet.
   "Doing my best friends makeup!" I said happily as I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him off the sofa.

     I pulled him up into his bedroom and set two chairs up in front of the window, so we would have nice natural light.
   "You know I didn't agree to this right? I did not consent to this!" Harry joked as I put down my makeup bag and laid a few things out on a table.
   "Actually Bog! You one hundred percent did just agree to this! Right downstairs you said you were definitely ready" I joked with him. I knew he wasn't going to back out, but I still wanted him to know that if he wanted to now, it wasn't an option.

     I pressed record on my camera and we began.

     It had been going really good so far. I mean don't get me wrong, Harry definitely looked odd in the makeup, but I was doing a pretty good job. Harry wasn't complaining much either. He was making funny jokes every now and then, and saying how weird it felt on his face.
   Although as soon as we got to mascara was when things took a turn.
   "Woah! You're going all in my eye!" Harry said as he jerked his head away from me.
   "Stop being a pussy! It's not going in your eye!" I tried to explain to him while laughing.

     "I don't trust you! Just let me do it" Harry said as he tried to grab the mascara wand out of my hand.
   "Don't you dare! If you can't even do mascara, eyeliner is gonna be very funny for me" I explained to him as he finally started to calm down.

    We finally got the rest of his face done, and let me tell you he definitely looked like a clown. The look did not fit him at all, but it was extremely funny. I took a picture of him on his phone, and he sent it to a groupchat all of the boys were in. All of them were asking him questions about who did the makeup. If it was Katie or me, and such and such. Simon even made the comment "well maybe James Charles will let you shag now" which made me and Harry laugh.

     "Are you ready to film the FUT draft video with me now?" Harry asked as I was cleaning all of my makeup products up and putting them back in my bag.
   "I mean yea I'm ready, but are you?" I said as I looked over at him and motioned to his face.
   "Oh right! It was pretty stupid to do the makeup before this video wasn't it" Harry said.
   "Do you want a makeup wipe to take it off?" I asked him. Knowing that otherwise he was probably just going to scrub his face with water.
   "Yea thanks! That would be nice" He said as he set up everything for his recording.

     We recorded the video together and I gave the best reactions that I could. He said that he wasn't planning on posting the video soon, but probably would in a few weeks. We were both pretty hungry so Harry ordered pizza, which I was very thankful for. Seeing as I hadn't eaten all day yet.

     I had been over at Harry's for a while. So it was definitely time for me to head back to my own flat. I was pretty tired, and honestly just ready to get some sleep since I was waking up early the next day.

     Soon enough it was Tuesday. I was recording another video today, but instead of for my channel, it was actually for Ethan's. Later on in the day though, I would be getting a video for myself. I was going to get Ethan to help dye my hair, but we'll get into that later.

     I showed up at Ethan's flat in my workout clothes. Ready and knowing that I'm gonna sweat today. Ethan's video concept was that he was going to get me to do a bunch of workouts to get me "in shape". We both thought this would make for a really funny video because me and him both know I don't do fitness. Also, working out is kinda his main thing now, so it fits well with his channel.
   He tried to get me to do twenty press ups  and I constantly kept falling on the floor. He had his friend there to help record so that he didn't have to hold the camera.

     "I'm dying Ethan!" I said as a joke. I had just finished doing the press ups and he immediately made me go into a plank, and hold myself up.
   We even went outside at one point and he made me go for a fun with him. I can say that part was definitely a lot nicer than the rest.

     After filming his video, I was completely sweaty and just gross feeling. I borrowed his shower to freshen up and to smell better. Although I didn't wash my hair because we were going to be dying it, and washing it before isn't a good idea.

     After I got my clothes on, I called Ethan into the bathroom and I set my camera up. I also gave Ethan a camera so that he could get different angles when we started. I was going to be bleaching my hair. Not all the way though. I'm going for that really popular look right now with the two bleached front strands. Although if I don't like it, then we're just gonna say fuck it and bleach all of my hair.

     We started the video, and immediately as I put the first little dot of bleach in my hair I regretted it. I kept on freaking out about how it might be a mistake, but Ethan calmed me down. I did one of the strands and so far it looked okay.
   Next was Ethan's turn. I was letting him do the second strand and praying he didn't mess up.
   "So about this much?" Ethan asked as he pulled a little bit of my hair, sectioning it from the rest.

     "A little bit more. Come on! Be generous!" I joked with him, since his section was pretty small.
   "So like this?" Ethan asked as he grabbed a lot more.
   "Woah woah woah! Okay maybe a littleee too much. You got too much dip on ya chip" I said to him.

     He finally got a good enough section and started to paint it with the bleach. We had taken so long that I wasn't going to be able to wash both sides out at the same time. I was going to have to wash out the left, and then wait a little longer to wash out the right.

     After we washed everything out, it actually turned out really good. Well at least after we toned it so it wasn't so yellow. Ethan and I's reactions were so funny. We got extremely hype over how amazing the color looked after all the bleach had washed out. I joked about wanting to bleach Ethan's hair too, and he considered it for a moment, but then rightfully backed out.

     It was a really fun day that I got to spend with him, and I knew my fans were really gonna like this video. They always love every video that I make with Ethan. They think that our jokes together are really great. Although it's not a "ship" type of thing. They'll always comment how we have a relationship like sibling. Or a childhood best friends type of thing. I didn't mind that at all, I actually find it quite adorable that we mix so well together.

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