Escape Room | Chapter 35

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I laid in my bed thinking about the dream I had just woken up from. The past few weeks I've had constant dreams about Jj. We've been hanging out with each other so much, and it's feeling really great. We were close to each other, but I can definitely say now we're even closer.... The only bad thing is that he constantly tries to convince me to stop hanging out with Harry. I've told him multiple times that I'm not willing to do that. Harry's my best friend at the moment, and I'm not going to throw that away, even if it is for Jide.

Today, I had some plans that would get my mind off the whole situation. Ethan and I are supposed to be hanging out over at his flat. We haven't seen each other in a while, so it seemed like a really good time to catch up. We were on a really long facetime call last night and he was explaining to me all of the video games he had that we could play. I can definitely say that I was still extremely tired at the moment, since I didn't get much sleep. Although I know when I go over to Ethan's, my energy is going to spike.

I got to Ethan's flat door and raised my fist up to knock on the door, but before I even could, Ethan opened the door.
"Finally! You're here!" Ethan said excitedly as he pulled me into the flat.
   "Yep. Sorry it took me a while. I did some laundry before I came" I told Ethan, feeling bad that I was almost twenty minutes later than the time we agreed on.
   "It's fine. Look at you being all adult-like" Ethan teased. "What game do you want to play" He asked as he pointed at his Xbox One
   "CoD?" I questioned him with puppy dog eyes, trying to persuade him to say yes.

     "You play CoD? Are you any good though?" Ethan questioned me with a smirk on his face.
   "Oh! Is that a challenge?!" I asked as I picked up a controller.
   "It definitely is. You're gonna get shit on kid!" Ethan said as he laughed and picked up another controller.

     We played for probably a solid three hours, and we didn't even realize until he checked his phone. He had gotten a call from Simon.
   Ethan was supposed to be leaving now to go to film a video for the Sidemen channel. They're were doing some escape room or something. It was still pretty early in the morning so I was surprised they were all up.
   "Do you want to come with?" Ethan asked me as he stood up and grabbed a water.
   "Yea I do. I think it would be interesting to see you guys fail" I said with a smirk.
   "Aye! You can't talk about failing after you just lost to me multiple times" Ethan said with a laugh as he also grabbed me a water and we walked out of his flat.
   "Oh come on! I wasn't that bad.. And plus I won a few times! Just not as many as you.." I said with a laugh after.

     "Oh you brought Aria? What is she supposed to do the whole time we're in there?" Vik asked as me and Ethan walked in together.
   All eyes turned on us after what Vik said.
   "Oh.. I can't leave if you guys want" I said with an awkward laugh after.
   "No it's fine. You can sit in the room with the workers and watch us" Jj said as he walked up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
   "Can I?" I asked as I looked at one of the workers.
   "Sure! That's not a problem with us. As long as you don't mess with anything. Which I can tell you won't" the lady said very nicely.

     "Thank you so much. It would really suck coming all the way here and then having to leave" I said, she shook her head after, agreeing that it would be horrible.
   "Hey... where's Josh? We're about to start" Tobi asked. We all looked around the room and didn't see him. We even looked outside the building to see if he was waiting outside there or something. Simon called his phone a few times and on the third call he finally answered.

     We found out that he had accidentally slept in and would be late, but the boys had to start already and didn't have time to wait. They planned to just have Josh come in and choose a room to go in to help the boys.

     They were all almost done with their escape rooms, and there was not much time left.
   "They're gonna open that door and a picture of Jake Paul is gonna be on the back" the lady next to me explained with a laugh.
   "Really!? That's actually jokes. Can I say something when they see it? On that little mic thing you have" I asked her as I pointed to the mic.
   "Sure thing!" She said as she moved it over to me a little bit.

     We watched them on the camera and it was the funniest thing when they saw the picture on the back of the door.
   "He's quite good looking isn't he Jide" I said into the mic as a joke.
   "Aria! What the fuck! Why'd they let you talk!" He talked into the walky talky extremely confused.
   He immediately ripped the picture off the door and they all started to stomp on it and call him names. I couldn't stop laughing it was so funny to me, and I knew it was going to be a highlight of the video for sure. Whoever came up with the idea was a true genius.

     Jj, Vik, and Ethan had basically lost, although the lady gave them a few extra minutes to be able to finish. She was probably feeling nice, since they weren't the brightest of groups. Once they got out they met up with the other group, which now included Josh. They all ended the video and just jokes around for a few more minutes.

     While the group was all talking together, Harry walked up to me. Probably noticing that I was all alone.
   "Do you wanna go get something to eat?" Harry asked me. Most likely since we haven't hung out in a while. Which was a result of Jide wanting me to spend less time with him.
   "Of course! That sounds really nice" I said with a big smile on my face.
   "Pizza?" Harry asked with a smirk, knowing that pizza was our favorite thing to eat together. We didn't know why, but it always put us in a good mood.
   "Definitely" I said as we turned towards the door to go walk out.

     "Oh Aria! Where are you guys going? Can the rest of us come?" Jj said very loudly as he noticed me and Harry walking away from the group without saying anything.
   "Oh uhm. We're just going to get some pizza" I said, trying to get Jide to leave us alone. I wanted some alone time with my friend. I mean I loved the boys, but it can be hectic sometimes when they're all together.
   "Jide leave them alone" Simon said as he put a hand on Jj's shoulder.
   "Why Simon? It's not like there's a reason to" Jide said a he shook Simon's hand off.

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