A Jealous Girl | Chapter 20

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I sat next to Randolph, as the boys all filmed a video for their moreSidemen channel. They were doing a 'Guess the Youtuber' challenge today, and it was pretty interesting to spectate.
     "So female and little, thanks Tobi" Harry spoke out, which made the boys laugh as they tried to guess who the person was.
     "It's obviously Jojo Siwa" I whispered into Randolph's ear.
     "Wait, how did you guess it that quick" Randolph asked looking over at me.
     "Well they've gotta be popular somewhat, and she's a child so it works with little. Even though she's bloody tall" I said laughing a little bit at the end.

     "Child" Tobi said giving Harry and Josh their last word.
     "Tobi is not the best at this one huh" I said to Randolph, while still looking at the boys.

     "Is it Ms.Siwa" Harry spoke, which made Tobi high five him, happy that Harry had gotten it right.

     The game ended up in a tie, since Vikk gave Simon, Jj, and Ethan's team one extra point.
     "Just for the record. I'm team pink beard" I said as I walked up behind Harry and Tobi and rested my arms across both of them.
     "Of course you are, because you're RACIST!" Jj yelled in his Babatunde voice.
     "Bet you weren't calling her that last night" Ethan said with a loud laugh at the end.
     "Aye shut up" I said turning my attention over to Ethan.

     "Are you ready to go?" Harry asked me, grabbing his car keys.
     "Yea. I think so. Let me say bye" I said getting up from the sofa as Harry walked off.

     I said my goodbyes and headed out to the car where Harry was waiting for me.
     "Thanks for bringing me, and taking me back home" I said as I put my seatbelt on.
     "Yep. No problem" Harry said smiling over at me and then pulling out onto the street. We stayed in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Harry decided to start up a conversation.
     "What was Ethan talking about earlier" Harry asked as he sent a quick glance my way before turning his attention back to the road.
     "Oh I don't know. When?" I asked, confused on what specific thing he meant that Ethan had said that night.
     "About Jj, and last night. Oh, did Jj stay over" Harry asked, turning the music down so he could hear every bit of what I was saying.
     "Yea, he did. It was already late so Ethan left but Jide stayed" I said as I looked out the window and at the other cars passing by.
     "He didn't try anything with you right?" Harry asked, right before he accidentally ran a red light and almost got us hit.

     "What the fuck Harry. You're gonna get us killed, watch out!" I said as I looked over at him like he was crazy.
     "Fuck. I'm sorry! I was distracted" Harry said as he ran a hand through his hair.
     "Nuh uh, after that, both hands on the steering wheel mister" I joked with him, well sort of, I did want him driving with both hands after that.
     "What were you distracted by anyways" I asked, confused, since he was staring ahead the whole time.
     "Not anything on the road, just my thoughts" Harry said as he turned the music back up.

     "Guess we're not talking about it then" I whispered under my breath so he couldn't hear me.

"You wanna come up to my flat and chill with me and the Cal's for a while" Harry asked me as we were getting into the lift.
"Sure, why not" I said, which made him push the button for his floor, but obviously not mine.
"I don't know what the Cal's are doing, or if they're at the flat, but hopefully they are" Harry said, trying to make a conversation so we weren't in pure silence.
"Aww why, you don't wanna have alone time with me" I said fake pouting.
"Oh hush. It's just because I think being alone with me will be boring" Harry said.
"Nonsense" I said as the doors of the lift opened and we walked out towards the flat.

Harry took his key out of his pocket and unlocked the door, opening it for me to walk in first. I walked in and immediately noticed Freezy on the sofa in the lounge.
"Oh hey. I haven't seen you in a while" Freezy said as he got up walking over to me and Harry.
"Yea I know, got a little busy with pre-recording and helping the sidemen out with videos" I said as I gave him a hug, which he accepted and hugged me back.
"Busy woman I see. I like that from you" He said as Harry just stood there on his phone. "Bog why're you just standing there? This is your place" Freezy asked with a little laugh.
"Oh. I just didn't want to leave Aria" He replied, putting his phone away.
"Well let's go watch something together" Freezy said as he turned around, walking to the lounge, Harry and I following.

"So what're we watching boys" Freezy asked as he looked over at me and Harry.
"Don't know" Harry said as he pulled one of his legs up onto the sofa.
"I think we should watch some of Calfreezy videos" I said with a smirk.
"Oi, but if we do that we gotta watch some old Ariella and Wroetoshaw videos as well" Freezy said as he pulled up YouTube on the tv.
"Sounds good to me" I said as I watched him go to and old video of his.

We were in the middle of watching a wroetoshaw video, which can I say wow he was so little, but then Harry got a text.
"Oh uh, I gotta go guys, Katie wants to see me" Harry said as he got up from his spot on the sofa and made his way towards the flat door.
"Why don't you just invite her over. You usually do, don't you?" I asked Harry, genuinely confused.
"Yea, but now isn't a good time" Harry said, opening the flat door and walking out.

"What's he on about?" I asked looking over at Freezy with a confused look on my face.
"He doesn't want her over right now because you're here" Freezy said with a sigh at the end as he paused the YouTube video.
"What do I have to do with anything" I asked Freezy.

"Katie doesn't like you" Freezy said pretty bluntly as he looked over at me.
"But why not? I haven't even met her more than once" I asked Freezy.

"She's jealous"

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