•the eighteenth•

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Demian let the gun slip from his, hands let it fall on the ground now realizing what he had done. He ran to her body lifting her on his lab And broke down sobbing. Hiding his face in his hands.
"Fuck no..! Ava? Please be alive please Ava i...".
He knew she was dead he knows he killed her. He killed the love of his life...


He said that they made him do this. Does he need to kill for the shooters? Did they do something with his mind? They did something with his mind how he reacted when i tried to save him was strange. It has too. He isn't like that.

I pushed open the door. Ran to him and hugged him highly. I probably scared him because he shifted when my arms slide around his waist.
"Back off Julia!".
He pulled me away with his shoulder looking at Ava again
"I'll never back off". I hugged him again.
"I killed her... i killed Ava" he cried. "It's okay". i Rubbed the spot where his heart is.
"Don't do that... its not okay... its everything but okay! I killed someone! I committed a crime!".
"Please don't cry if you cry i cry".
"I can't stop it i loved... no love here... i love her".
"I know... i know you did".
"I didn't even tell her how i was feeling",
Still holding her body.
"It maybe sounds rude against her but... you'll find somebody new".
"No, she was the only one".
"I wished i could bring her back for you".
"The way she smiled at me nobody does that".
"I do".
"You are my best friend".
"That doesn't mean that i can't love you".
"She was the only one who loved me... i think i hope she did".
I stood up hooked my arms under his armpits. And dragged him away from her. It will only hurt him more.

I didn't want him to see this. But before i could turn his away. He saw how a boy got a bullet through his head.

The black-haired boy was the eighteenth...

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