•the twenty-first•

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Doo, it was Doo... laying on the ground with just a single drop of blood sliding down her forehead.
She was in my year we bought spraypaint together, For a project, we needed to do it by our subject streetart.
We became buddies along the subject.

"O my God".
"I'm sorry Doo...i'm sorry i couldn't save you" i cried.
The voice from the shooter boomed in my skull.


I covered my mouth with my hand. Cried in my skin. I waved my free hand in front of Doo's eyes make them close. I kept my mouth for Shawn... for him staying alive. Which is stupid Because i stood behind his name from the raping list.
Who am i kidding I'm supposed to want him dead. The Shawn who i knew isn't the real Shawn, apparently.

Maybe he is the same as all of them...

the boy who abuse the boy who rapes. Who knows how many mind games he as played over girls how many times he has hugged somebody to comfort her. And then if he got her trust he rapes her.
Every boy is the same... they are so nice because they can rape you after. My heart sank
He lied... he was lying to me. He said he didn't rape anybody. The rape list on the wall told another story. The story that he lied.
I hate people who are lying.

All the boys are the same.

And apparently, all the shooters are the same too... Because another shot was fired.
The twenty-first dropped.

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