I looked down at her red hair falling in front of her green eyes, there open but dead. Jaysky was her name.
"No not her". Shawn looked down at her b9dy sadly.
"She was your friend?". "No...yes...Uhm... She was my girlfriend".
"Why did i never saw her with you then?".
"It was before your time here, when i was in the first year".
"Then you were pretty outgoing...like having someone in the first year". He shook his head and laughed.
"i knew her from high school".
"Let me guess she left for somebody new?".
"Acutely her parents cut me out of her life".
"How could they cut her away from you? I mean your Shawn Mendes every parent want you as son law-in".
I could hit myself.that wasn't the smartest thing to say...
"Rose said that once".
"Wait Rose had a crush on me?".
"Uhmm, yes... back to you and Jaysky".
"Yeah sure... her parents are pretty rich, her mother is the CEO of a company in Europe. She wanted that Jaysky took over the company. And as you know its really hard to be CEO and have a relationship or boyfriend".
"That's sad...".
He just nogged."You wanna do something for her".
"No... it's over".
"Anyway...You wanted to show me something?"
All the anger flowed back to me. "Yes".
dragged him to the dressing room and shut the door.
"Lilia... you seem angry about what happened?".
I didn't respond. Just pointed at the wall names carved into the surface. "Yea...that uhmm Lilia let me explain okay".
"Okay". i fold my arms.
"Uhmm... uhmm... where should i start?".
"From the beginning, i have all the time".
"I don't want the boy's to be mad at me".
"At one point we are all dead so i shouldn't worry about that".
"It wasn't my plan".
"Yes, sure the boy's Shawn... set the blame on them again... its always them right?".
"No, i don't say it's their fault...".
"But you set the blame on them always".
"Not always".
"Are you sure 'i have money enough' apparently not".
"What do you mean apparently not?".
"You raped her you raped Silvey!".
I was about to break down crash to the floor and cry.He raped Silvey... she never told me she was raped... he raped one of my best friends how!?
The gunshot broke all my calmed levels.
We tagged this as the twenty-sixth.
Mystery / Thriller"My friend is there!" "That's His problem right?!" If there is a school shooting at Lilia's and Shawn's college. They are the only hope. But can you be the hope if it's just a matter of time before everybody dies?. "I go with you" "What no...no...