"You raped her and i was supposed to be the next one!".
"You hurt my friend Shawn".
"I can't imagine how you could play this game for so long".
"I really thought you were nice Shawn... i trusted you".
"Lilia... listen let me explain...".
"no, i don't want one of your lame excuses which by the way always denies that it was you!".
"This time I'll tell the truth".
"Go back to no mans land Shawn you belong there".
I walked to the door to go back to the warehouse.
"Lilia where are you going!".
"Just walking around a bit".
"What if you get shot?".
"Why do you care? you want me dead anyway".
"O my god Lilia..." he sighs.
Without responding, i walked out shut the door behind me.
"Lilia you wanna kill yourself?!". I turned my face from the door walked straight to the old locker hall."Lilia woodsome" the voice called out my name.
"What?!". Didn't realized that it was the second shooter standing behind me.
"Aww did he hurt you?".
"Shawn is just stupid".
"Every boy is the same... you really thought he would be different?".
I looked down.
"I just thought...".
"You really thought Shawn was your friend!?".
"Your right he was wearing a mask". I turned around to him. "Shawn isn't the boy you thought he was. you can't trust him".
"Just like you".
"Just like you he is wearing a mask only for him it's not a real mask he can't take it off that fast and easy as you can".
"What are you trying to say, Lilia?".
I looked him directly in the eye.
"Take off your mask". I know i had it all under control.
He reached for his ear like he had a microphone in it.
"Yup".As soon as the letters rolled over his lips. The bullet was been fired in the other room... where the shooters marked their territories.
"I guess the twenty-seventh has died".Was it the twenty-seventh?.. i really lost count... but the shooters should have had a kinda killings-list to keep track of the one who dies and the one who is still in the game.
The twenty-seventh has left the playfield.
Mystery / Thriller"My friend is there!" "That's His problem right?!" If there is a school shooting at Lilia's and Shawn's college. They are the only hope. But can you be the hope if it's just a matter of time before everybody dies?. "I go with you" "What no...no...