"We told to keep your voice for yourself".
"I Didn't and i won't".
He pulled out his riffel the first time i saw him carry a riffel. Which he pointed at my direction. I didn't care at all anymore. Better die than live one more day.
"If you really wanna waste bullets shoot me... i don't care anymore".
"Your mood changed quickly... Lilia woodsome, the one who never gave up is risking her life?".
"Something like that".
"You really gave up your soul Lilia... luckily i have no problems with that, your just one more less out of our way". he lowered the riffel to my ankle where Demian shot me a day ago.I closed my eyes in pain. And limped to the hall, when i reached the back of a corner i slide down to the floor. I pulled my arm in front of my face. Bit my lip from the pain
"Fuck fuck fuck". I groaned in my sleeve.
"Lilia?.. o my god are you okay?" Shawn asked worried. i looked up at him. I crossed my legs to hide my ankle.
"What do you want Shawn".
"Come on its not save here".
Stretched out his left-hand to me.This is strange... he is right-handed.
I didn't really care. I stood up myself not even taking his hand... if i did i took a hand from a rapper who wanted to rape me.
Didn't work out well... i fell back against the wall.
"What's wrong with you?".
"Just get me out of here".
He dragged me to my feet let me lean on his arm.
"Not this way... that way". i pointed at the old locker hall.He nestled me on the old fabric of the sofa, in the warehouse. Looked at my swollen bloody ankle.
"Did they shot you?".
"Twice why do you care?".
"Stupid i DO care... let me manage that for you". he Reached out for my ankle.
"Hey get off!". He was confused by my reaction Asa and backed away.
I limped to the wall paint, grabbed pastel-colored paint sat on the floor and stared with the pink paint, painted the flower below.
All of it seems so familiar to back then. I closed my eyes and looked out for the memory which was graved in my heart, held onto it and relived it all again.*Flashback to 10 years ago*
I sat down on my table in a corner in the back of the class. Nobody was ready minding me. I had my Head in my draw book.
"Lilia" my teacher Anne said, softly. This was the first time i looked up since i took my seat. I looked up to Anne a woman with brown hair and hazel eyes. A few feet away from her a ginger-haired boy with blue eyes. "What is it, mrs Anne".
"Well this is Demian, he is new here maybe you can be his friend and help him through this first few days".
I ignored her. And threw my attention to Demian.
"Hey, I'm Lilia".
"My sister's best friend has the same name"
"Cool...look I'm drawing". i dragged him go my table.
"Yea... i try to draw them".
"Just flowers?".
"Just flowers". I nogged and studied them.
"My grandmother has these in her garden".
I smiled back and picked up a pink pencil colored flowers.*End flashback*
I looked at the pink flower. Stared at it.
"Lilia... i" Shawn's voice was cut off a bullet so loud that even if the door dumped it shouldn't work.
"I guess the twenty-eighth has left...".
Mystery / Thriller"My friend is there!" "That's His problem right?!" If there is a school shooting at Lilia's and Shawn's college. They are the only hope. But can you be the hope if it's just a matter of time before everybody dies?. "I go with you" "What no...no...