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*Riku pov*

*Flashback Start*

I walk towards it and see a few heartless surrounding this little kid who was probably around 10 years old. There was also a person in a black coat with them. "Who are you?! Leave this kid alone!" I summon my keyblade and fight them off while standing in front of the kid. The person leaves while I am fighting them. After fighting off the last one I turn and look at the kid. "Hey buddy you okay?" He looked at me as if he were scared of me. I sit down and look at him. "I won't hurt you. But I can help you find your parents if you want." "Th..they are de-dead..." I sigh. "What's your name buddy." "As-Asher. What's yo-your no-name?" I smile at Asher. "My name is Riku. Do you want to come back with me and meet my friends?" He walks over to me and hugs me. I can tell he has been through a lot. I smile at him and he looks at me nervously thinking about if I would end up hurting him. I pick him up and carry him back to the place. I look down and realize that he is asleep.

*Flashback end*

I smiled and then started thinking about when he when he was meeting everyone for the first time.

*Flashback starts*

All of a sudden everyone else comes in and Sora is holding a crying Asher. I immediately go to him and grab him from Sora. "Sora what happened?" Roxas speaks up. "More heartless came and scared him. We got all of them and then he while we were fighting one must've gotten him. Sora got beat up trying to protect him." I look at Sora and smiles. "Thank you" I hold Asher close and then Asher looks over at me and reaches for Emma. I smile and then looks at him handing Asher over to Emma. She holds Asher close and then bounce him trying to calm him down. "Asher how would you like to stay with me and the rest of us?" He looks at me and immediately nods. "Yes!" She hands him over to me again and smiles. Asher peaks his head up at the rest of them. "Who are those people?" Everyone laughed and I introduced everyone while pointing to them. "That's Sora, Kairi, Roxas Xion, Saix, Axel, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, and Leon." Asher looks at them and smiles and then looks at me seriously. "Sora is nice and sweet, so are the others because he saved me and so did the others." Asher yawned and then snuggled into my side.

*End of Flashback*

The last one I think about is when he called me dad and Emma mom for the first time. I laughed thinking about how he thought we were upset with him. He was so scared that we were mad.

*Start of Flashback*

He looks up at me again and then gets all shy. "Hey what's wrong? You don't have to worry about talking to all of us. Okay? Nothing you say will make us mad at you." Asher then says what I think makes my night and life so much better. "Will you be my dad? Can I call you that?" I nod and tears start forming in my eyes. "Oh I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm sorry!" I laugh. "Asher these are happy tears. But yeah you can call me dad. If that's what you want!" Asher then looks over at Emma and smiles. "Does that mean I can call you mom?" She started crying too and laugh a bit. "Yeah. You can definitely do that. Alright I know we all have something to be happy about right now. But you mister need to go to bed. Its late. Your dad will read you something. I have to go and talk to Terra for a second." She kisses him on the forehead and she kisses me on the lips and she walks out.

*End of flashback*

I smile and then hear different footsteps right by me. I turn and see Sora and Terra. I looked down and then focused on the river. They each sit down on each side of me. "Riku, him dying wasn't your fault. You couldn't have stopped him from pushing you out of the way. We all know he felt like he owed you and Emma a lot for taking him in." I looked at Sora and nod. "Aria was aiming for me. I know why. When we were all separated after the darkness came for us again... There was this man and woman there. They were talking in the castle. They wanted Asher to kill me, to make the darkness in him grow. They were convinced that he has the potential of becoming full darkness. I overheard their conversation and I don't think they knew that I did." Terra looks at me. "Who was it?" "I don't know. Just two people that were talking. Probably part of the reason for the darkness taking over again." Sora sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "We will find a wa-" I got up and looked at them pissed off. "Are you both with me, I need to get revenge on them. I need to avenge him." "Riku, think about it, would Asher want you to do that? You know he did what he did for a reason. W-" "Terra you have Avery, we all know that you would want to do the same thing that I want to do. Either you both come with me or stay out of my way for going after them." Sora looks at me surprised. "Riku, don't do this." I make a portal appear behind me and I turn and walk through it, going to the keyblade graveyard, before they could say anything. 

A Destiny Found (Riku fanfic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now