5 Years Later (Epilogue)

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*3rd person pov*

*5 years later*

Everything was going as well as it can for everyone through these five years. Asher and Vanitas were staying with Anna, Elsa and the gang in Arendelle. Elsa has also been helping Asher control his powers. After the years that he has been gone he finally feels safe to return home. One thing that stops him from doing so is that what if no one wants him back. Will Riku ever take him back? Back on Destiny Island, Riku sits on the beach hoping that Asher would come home finally. Riku still held hope that his son was alive. Riku trusted Vanitas to take care of Asher. Asher was too stubborn to stay here. Riku understood why he left. Emma was the same exact way when they first met. He remembers it clearly.

*Flashback start*

It was close to night so the stars were starting to come out. "Riku why aren't you afraid of what I could do? I told you about my darkness. You hav-" He interrupted her. "Emma I promise you. You will always have me. This darkness inside you is something we just need to keep at bay. I would never be scared of you." She smiles at him then blush. "Riku thank you for never giving up." Riku grabs her hand and smiles nodding. After a while they fell asleep. Emma started having a nightmare and bolt awake. "Emma are you okay?" "I had a dream well nightmare of my past and well what if my father gets to either of us? What if he makes me go against you in a fight...Riku I said this to Terra but I want you to know that if anything happens, make sure I don't hurt anyone, even if it means kill-" Riku looks over at her and glares. "I told you before I will not kill you. And as for if your dad does something, I will protect you no matter what." All of sudden they heard thunder close by.

*Flashback end*

After thinking about that Riku started to think about other memories of her. There have been people that have said that she is alive, he doesn't believe them because he doesn't want to get his hopes up. Zack hasn't left, as he also held hopes that Asher would still come back. Cloud had started a family with Tifa. They had a little son. Kairi and Sora are still going strong. Aqua and Terra are both still helping around to make sure Riku is okay. He hasn't been the same since that night five years ago. Namine had joined the group on the island and was someone who Riku talked to a lot. Avery was grown up. Since that night she felt guilty about being rude to Asher when he left, but she was so upset with him that he was leaving her. He would always promise her that he would be there for her all the time, that he wouldn't leave. She grew closer and closer to Rapunzel and Flynn's son Lucas. Lucas the boy that Terra was upset about him dancing with his daughter at the ball. Terra grew to like Lucas too and was fine with him being friends with Avery. Ventus is living in Corona with Jayden and Violet in the castle. Ever since Asher had left she hasn't been the same either. Violet is more reckless, because now she can fight her own battles now. Asher leaving her really broke her heart and she would travel world to world to find him. She hasn't had any luck, but right now she was going to try one more place, and if it didn't work then she would stop searching for someone who doesn't want to be found. She sneaks out and heads to Arendelle since Flynn and everyone else don't want her out of the castle and away from the guards because of the fact that Sephiroth is still a giant threat that is still out there. She made it to Arendelle and saw that there was snow covering it.

*Violet pov*

I got to a mountain and started to climb up it. On the way I saw two girls, a man, a reindeer, and a walking talking snowman. I thought I was dreaming until I was pulled over to the group by the snowman. They were sitting by the fire and I smiled. "Hello, I'm Olaf, thats Anna, Elsa, Sven, and reindeer Sven!" The one man shakes his head and laughs. "My name is Kristoff. You'll be meeting two more people in a bit, they just had to go back and get different wood for the fire. So what brings you here in that really expensive dress?" I laughed and sighed. "Well, I'm Violet, I live in the Kingdom of Corona and I came here looking for someone. A friend of mine that left a long time ago, I was hoping that I could find them." We heard two people walk over. I didn't turn around until I heard one of the people start talking. I stood with my back towards the people. "Kristoff we brought the wood!" "Here come our friends!" I turned around and felt a lot of emotions come back. When I saw the two people that I never thought I would see again. "Asher and Vanitas?!" They both looked shocked and guilty. "Violet, what are you doing here?!" I looked at him upset and surprised. "You're alive..."


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