A Sacrifice Made

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*Asher's pov*

I looked back at my father as I ran up the stairs to the top of the castle to get away from him. I finally get to the roof and walk out on the flat surface that is out there. I look over and see mom, Violet, Sora, and Vanitas all standing over by the edge of the barrier. My mom and Sora both look panicked. I turn around when I hear him up on the roof too. I keep the keyblade right in front of me to make sure to block. I look at him with hope that his will all be over soon. He then goes after me, but as I go to block it, I realise he wasn't going to try and hit me, but hit my keyblade out of my hands, which is what he did. I looked back as it went flying down to the ground. "Dad stop! This isn't you! I know that the darkness isn't something you always liked giving into. Please just fight it. Come back to the side of light." He advances towards me with his keyblade and all I hear is my mother yelling at him to stop, and Sora trying to calm her down. Trying being the keyword. I looked over at him and then got an idea, that I am really hoping will work in my favor. I looked back and started taking steps back towards the edge. I get to the edge and look back at everyone else then look back at my dad. "Asher don't do what I think you are doing! Get away from the edge! Please! We'll find another way to bring Riku back!" I heard my mom yell at me for still going through with my plan. Riku started advancing towards me and I take another step back hoping this will work. I slip off the edge and hold on to the ledge. I hear everyone scream after I slip. My dad's eyes are still gold. The worst thing thing that could have happened right at this moment happened, I started slipping. I had to let go, then all of a sudden a hand grabs my arm. I look up and notice my dad holding my arm. I looked at him in shock. "I got you Asher. I am never leaving you again. I promise." I looked at him and could tell that he was upset about everything that has happened. "I'm sorry that you had to go through this." I looked at him and nodded and he pulled me up. He sighed in relief and hugged me tight. "Don't ever do anything that stupid again. No matter what happens to me, you have to be safe. There is also a lot we have to talk about when we get back." I nod in response, I smile and hug him again. "I'm glad that you are back!" We were all happy and him and I were still hugging until we heard the others yell our names to look behind us. I shove my dad out of the way in time for the dagger to miss him, and hit me. I looked up to see who had tried to stab him, but ended up getting me instead. The person had a hood on and there was someone else there at the time too also wearing a hood. The one takes the hood off and I see that one of them is Aria and she is looking down at me and smirks. They both disappear when a port appears behind them. The barrier also disappears too so the others run up to the castle to get to us. I look at my dad as he walks over to me. "Asher why did you do that? You shouldn't have pushed me out of the way." I looked at him and nodded. "I didn't want you to get hurt." I was putting pressure on the wound. He tried to sadly smile, but he also scolded me. The others got up there and I looked at all of them sadly. "I love you guys. Tell ever-everyone th-that." I started getting really tired and my eyes started to fall shut. 

*Riku pov*

I look over and see Emma and all of them coming over to us. I looked at them and sighed. Violet walked over to Asher and automatically grabbed his hand and I knew she was heartbroken right now. We all froze when he closed his eyes. I looked at Emma and she was looking at me and ran over to us and tried shaking Asher awake. I grabbed her and she hugged me tight and started crying really hard. Violet looked over at Vanitas and Sora who were walking over. Vanitas grabbed Violet and hugged her as she cried also. I let Sora go and hug Emma while I sat by Asher and looked down. "Who ever that was is going to pay. They are going to pay for killing Asher." Violet looked down after she said that and then looked at Asher and then we all went back to Destiny Island. Everyone was outside besides Avery. They all smiled at first and then their happy faces disappeared when they saw me carrying Asher's body. Xehanort and Eraqus walked over with Terra and Jayden. "What happened?" I looked down feeling more guilty as ever. "He was protecting me. Aria came over there with another person and killed him. It was my fault that he went and protected me. " I set him down and then look at Emma as she comes over to go and give me a hug. I started to back away and then looked at all of them sadly. "I need to be alone for a bit. I'm gonna go for a walk." I go and leave before they all could say something. I walk and then sit down and start to think about all of the memories I had with Asher. Especially when we first met. He was so attached to me. 

A Destiny Found (Riku fanfic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now