0.3 blow us all away

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song of the chapter: blow us all away - hamilton


Marvel Studios | @MarvelStudios
welcome to the marvel family
@notauntmay! you and bach are going 
     to be a great addition.
(38,7 k likes | 21,5 k retweets)
Martina Kivi | @notauntmay
thank you so much! and for those
of you concerned, yes. I did fly a
fish in from NYC.

on the spare time she had, May enjoyed playing around on the internet

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on the spare time she had, May enjoyed playing around on the internet. she had become a comic figure, mostly recordings dumb challenges or vlogs, sometimes posting about Bachelor. her fish was kind of communal to a small community of broadway actors. Jeremy has begged to be in charge of it while she went away but there was no way she would live her pet behind. the story of his name was quite funny, though not many knew it.

"shit." a sudden ring caused her to nearly fall off the bed. a small suite was being shared by her, Tom and now Harrison, who came only to visit. "wait a second."

not that the caller would hear, but a man next door did. he wondered what could be going on to cause such a ruckus. several pain exclamations later, Martina was able to recover a still ringing phone.

"Hey, Tini." So Aaron had gotten drunk again. At least he seemed to be home. "Look at what the cat dragged in."

his camera turned around to show a group in variant levels of drunkenness, while may wasn't a huge fan of alcohol, her friends leaned on it for an interesting moment. Jeremy had his head on the coffee table, waving in the general direction of noise. Cassie and Nina both we're dead asleep, empty wine glasses near them and lastly...

"wait, is that Brendon Urie?" she did a double take and it indeed was him. "how did you manage to drag him into this mess?"

no one in their group was able to remember how such a famous man had joined them, but sometimes their hang outs became a lot cooler.

"I'll have you know I came dancing." His voice slurred.

Tom, who had been quietly doing something, jumped up at the mention of P!ATD's lead singer.

"Brendon Urie is in your phone?" unlike his character, Tom wasn't the most gracious when moving. Poor Harrison couldn't do anything but watch as his friend jumped up eagerly, starting a tragedy. A confusion of flailing limbs resulted in a loud sound. May didn't look, fearing what had happened.

"I swear to God, if that was my fish." suddenly the drunks were paying attention as well. "if that was my fish, you're going to visit your mother in an urn." Martina looked up and surely enough her fish laid dead on the carpet. "Thomas whatever you middle name is Holland, you killed Bachelor."

both people next door and all the way in New York City could tell Thomas was about to suffer. Jeremy began mumbling about stupid families and murder whereas Brandon sang an off pitch version of his song.

"oh my god." Tom's eyes widened. "all we wanted to do was meet Brendon Urie, not accidentally kill your fish."

"I'll kill you, Thomas." Aaron and the gang were forgotten but still entertained by whatever was about to happen. "you and that wiry friend of yours."

"Tom, I think we better run."

Jake Gyllenhaal watched amused as his co-star ran by, soon followed by a woman he didn't expect to meet ever again.


(I have not revised this)

[1] WASTELAND, BABY! | J. GYLLENHAAL ✔️Where stories live. Discover now