after party - bonus chapter

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the good part about being in the uk just as shooting finished up was that legal age for drinking was eighteen. another great detail was most of them were older than that. a not so great detail was they were all absolutely plastered while Christmas songs played in the background.

"I love all of you..." Jon Watts said cradling a cold bottle of whatever alcohol had been provided by Robert. "but good effing riddance to working with y'all."

"didn't you just say you loved us?" Most of the younger part of the cast had already fallen asleep against random pieces of furniture, Jacob Batalon remained awake though.

"love is a... complicated thing, young padawan."

directing these people had been a little easier the second time around due to a certain actress. Martina had completed their cast perfectly and he couldn't wait for their next adventure.

"let's play truth or dare." Tom said while cuddling their oficial mascot, Fenley the ferret.

"what are we? twelve?" Zendaya's American accent called out, a little muddled due to the few wine glasses she had drunk.

"and a half." was the answer she got, and soon enough those awake gathered in a circle around an empty bottle of wine to play.

"Okay, the first people to go are Tom and Harrison." Martina announced.

"Haz, truth or dare?" Fenley scaled back to his owner.

"Dare, you know too many embarrassing things about me for truth to be a safe option."

"I dare you to order me a pizza."

After a lengthy call to a local delivery pizza, during which z and Martina had fallen asleep, both boys began discussing Wicked in a rather heated form.

"it's obvious Fiyero was a mere plot device. Glinda and Elogie should have ended up together!" Tom nearly yelled at his friend.

"Hey, let's continue the game, shall we?"

as much as Jake loved partaking in their antics, it was late, he was tired and wanted some silence to fight off an oncoming headache.

"I dare both of you to shut up and go to sleep."

"I don't think this is how it works."

"It is now."

(This is a sort of present for the 20k views. Fun fact, when I tried to write Fiyero my phone corrected to FYI Eric.)

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