the zoom where it happens - hamilfilm au

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"Hey guys!" Martina greeted her friends. "How are y'all?"

"I am so excited!" Pippa, a ray of sunshine as usual, bounced in her little rectangle. "Also a little hungry."

"You're late." Thayne deadpanned, not really one for niceties. "Like super late, that's why we're all hungry."

Murmurs of agreement came through everyone's microphone.

"You say like you haven't all just gotten here." Renée sassed while munching on popcorn, her connection know the only ones working properly.

"Oh, shots fired." Lin and Vanessa laughed, leading everyone to do the same.

"Just eat your damn chips and shut up, Thayne." Jasmine cuddled up to Anthony, both obviously laying down with face masks on.

"The thing is my husband." Jake giggled, he freaking giggled while looking at his wife explain their tardiness. "It's still so weird to say that, totally not the point. Point is my beloved," She pointed at him using both hands. "Thought it'd be a good idea to try out a brand new recipe of pressure cooked past."

"Our ceiling did not agree with me." He widened his eyes. "Neither did May."

"Please tell me the kitchen is not on fire again." Eileen called from off camera while Aaron tried to calm down Dexy, their cat number three.

"Thankfully not or else Mister Keller would definitely kick us out." At the mention of their somewhat crazy landlord, every face contorted in a wince.

At long last their labor of love would be shared with the world. Almost five years after it'd been recorded, Hamilton's proshot would be released by Disney amidst a worldwide pandemic (far from ideal conditions but alas).

"I asked May to organize this thing." Daveed yelled I knew it hadn't been you at Lin's words. "Because she's a lot better at this and y'all listen to her."

"Can you blame us?" Oak's out of focus face smiled bashfully. "She is nice and knows how to cook, what have you ever done?"

"Gotten every award in this bitch of a planet except for an Academy Award." Aaron choked on his drink, knowing only his fiancée could get away with saying such thing.

"It'll come." The older man laughed because what else could he do? "If you're here on this monster of a zoom call..."

"THE ZOOM WHERE IT HAPPENS!" Leslie yelled, louder than anticipated, causing a wave of laughter to ripple through their homes.

"I like that. Anyways, if you're here than in some level you were an important part of this journey." Vanessa looked at him with adoration. "I really hoped we'd have a grand press tour, game shows and late nights."

"But COVID." Almost twenty voices chorused back.

"So in like twenty minutes when it starts streaming, I'll have to hang up because I'll most definitely be crying."

"Me too!" May mockingly raised her hand

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"Me too!" May mockingly raised her hand.

"Me three!" Pippa agreed while Steven just said you're crying already, hon.

"But until then, how about we remember how Thayne became Thyme for like three weeks?"

"No!" The man in question protested. "It was one time."

"One time you dropped a bunch of spice in all of your laundry and smelled funny for ages." He reminded everybody.

"Then another when..." Martina began to tell one of several stories.

[1] WASTELAND, BABY! | J. GYLLENHAAL ✔️Where stories live. Discover now