1.3 like me

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song of the chapter: like me - teen beach movie


"is it weird some of my closest friends are nearly a decade younger than me?" as they had went back to the us, Zendaya suggested a girl's night in. production had been pretty much non stop for weeks, leaving all of them in dire need of spare time.

"maybe." Angourie remarked. "but I say this eating popcorn with ketchup, so who knows?"

Martina felt a bit guilty because other than Jake, who had managed to become closer to her, she had kept everyone at arms length. her rational brain thought it would make it hurt less when this was over, people wouldn't be missed as much but who cared? May decided it would be better to hurt and not regret missed opportunities. So there she was with two younger girls, braiding their hairs at three in the morning while Brooklyn 99 played on tv. only Angie and Zendaya were needed on set right now so they were in charge of figuring out just what was going on between Jake and her.

 only Angie and Zendaya were needed on set right now so they were in charge of figuring out just what was going on between Jake and her

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with angourierice and zendaya

liked by harrisonosterfeld, caffenina, bordercollins, robertdowneyjr and 32716 people

notauntmay I had no idea this night would turn into Brooklyn 99 and interrogate your host but at least the pizza was good

username  can this squad adopt me?
notauntmay fill out a form and wait 3-5 business days

zendaya like you didn't enjoy discussing you-know-who for hours
notauntmay I'm always down to overthrow the dark lord

caffenina why was I not invited?
angourierice you were?? you are literally in London???

robertdowneyjr why was I not invited?
notauntmay sorry dad

username imagine the power of a movie with all of them
notauntmay maybe not a movie, but keep an eye on YouTube sometime next week.

Nina and Cassie were dying for updates, whether it came from them or from the other group in a hotel room. as the saying went: divide and conquer. Tom had promised May not to meddle with her love life but even his mom could see there was potential for something between Jake and her. so no one would meddle, they would only give gentle pushes in the right direction.

"truth or dare?" Jacob asked Tom. so maybe it was late and half of their other party was gone already (Aaron had rehearsals and Jeremy had a young child) but the boys refused to sleep.


"I dare both of you to shut up and go to sleep." Jake was exasperated by them and their constant nagging about Martina.

sure, she was pleasant to the eye, incredibly funny, shared in his profession so there was another level of understanding and would probably get along greatly with his sister but... there was not buts, he did have feelings for her that were more than friendly but it wouldn't be good to act upon them for now. he was going to wait for filming to end before anything.

"you, sir, are no fun."


hey, if your night was
anything like mine
then you must be needing
some coffee

both of the younger boys were still asleep, as were the girls. and while they wouldn't act on their feelings just yet, Jake and Amy decided to walk the line.

I would kill for it
meet me in five

{martina has attached a location}

[1] WASTELAND, BABY! | J. GYLLENHAAL ✔️Where stories live. Discover now