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oh, how el loved study hall.

"you have to stop," she insisted, but her growing smirk betrayed her words.

his lips fell against her flushed skin at a punishing pace, pushing her back to the a/v closet's locked door. "you know, that would've been a lot more convincing if you weren't pulling my shirt up," he replied just before placing his lips back on her neck.

she huffed, removing her uncontrollably grabby hands from the dark, cotton material. her head instinctively tilted back, offering him more access to her porcelain skin. his plump lips trailed to her collarbones, pushing away the fabric of her shirt in the process.

as she felt his mouth apply pressure, she quickly snapped out of her dazed state, "i'm serious, i have to go, mike."

"the bell hasn't even rung," he temptingly coaxed in the shell of her ear before his teeth grasped her lobe, earning an involuntary moan from her.

she inhaled deeply, "i know, but i have to get to sixth period early. i have a calculus test, and i really need to look over my notes." her explanation went practically unheard as the raven-haired boy was too consumed by his task at hand and that task was eliciting another moan to fall from her lips. "mike," she whined, pressing her palms against his firm chest but not finding it within herself to push him away.

she could feel his lips curve into a smile against her neck before he reluctantly pulled away. his hungry eyes stared down at her in the dimly lit closet as he leaned closer. "you really want me to stop, hm?" she watched the words leave his swollen lips, nodding.

she knew she didn't. she knew how much she enjoyed their secret rendezvous. she'd been looking forward to the taste of his lips since they last left hers last.

her unconvincing nod quickly changed to a head shake and she conceded to him. she pulled his lips back down to hers, kissing his smug smirk until his lips returned the embrace. no matter how hot and heavy his kisses were, his lips were soft as butter and she couldn't imagine not wanting to kiss them every time she saw him.

when she pulled away to regain her breath, mike's lips fell back to her skin of her neck. he loved the brunette's neck. there was nothing he wanted to do more than adorn her perfect skin with lovebites, but he knew she'd kill him.

like clockwork, the words fell from her breathless mouth, "don't leave a mark."

if his eyes weren't closed, they would've been rolling. he boldly replied, "what if i did?"

el smirked, digging her fingers in his curly tresses. "then daniel would kill you," she mused, knowing the name would stir a reaction from the boy.

and she was right. his grip on her hips tightened and he bitterly removed his face from the junction of her neck. "fuck daniel," he spitefully muttered, staring into her hooded eyes.

she raised a brow before smiling, "oh, no, i don't think you want me to do that, do you?" she teased, cupping his cheeks. she felt his jaw clench beneath her palm and she giggled. "down, boy. i'm joking," she assured, tracing a patch of freckles beneath her thumb.

"i hate when you say his stupid fucking name," he uttered with a rather whiney tone, leaning his forehead against her own.

she couldn't help but smile at his whine, but she chose to continue the taunting. "well, if i can't say his name, can i say candace's?"

he groaned at the mention of his girlfriend. he kissed the tempting pair of lips in front of him before whispering, "stop talking, el."

she bit her lip, stopping him when he leaned down to capture her lips, "uh, uh." he rolled his eyes, recognizing amusement in her orbs. she continued stroking his cheek, "where does candace think you are?" it was a question that's always boggled her mind she's always too distracted to ask.

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