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with their feelings no longer hidden behind the 'friends with benefits' mantra, el and mike were learning lots of stuff about one another.

mike now knew that el, despite her record for rejecting his cuddles, loved to bundle herself up in his arms and sigh in contentment until the serenity sent her to sleep. he also learned how much she loved to have her hair played with.

and that's where they were. el was wrapped up in his arms in her bed. luckily, her parents were visiting jonathan again and will was staying at dustin's so that gave them the night to do as they pleased.

in quite the contrast to their usual nights spent together, they were only cuddling. well, there was a serious lack of clothing involved (her in underwear and a tank top, and him in boxers) but aside from that, it was innocent.

mike was awake, barely, as he mindlessly played with her hair. el was at laying in his chest, her leg hiked over him as her vague dreams took a turn for the not-so-innocent.

eventually her eyes fluttered open, and she was met with anything but the urge to fall back asleep. there was a very prominent wetness between her legs that suggested other indulgent activities.

"mh, mike?" she mumbled against his chest, once she realized she was incapable of putting her wild imagination to rest. she looked up at his unbothered face, admiring how his lashes fluttered against his freckles cheeks.

without opening his eyes, he hummed, "hm?"

a small blush crept over her cheeks as she tried to think of a way to put in her request or at least make her problem known. "i, uh, need to tell you something," she pushed out, instantly regretting her choice of words when his eyes flicked open in alert.

he peer down at the petite girl resting in his embrace, searching her features for a trace of uneasiness. "what's wrong?"

"no, no, nothing. i'm just.." she trailed off, earning a raised brow from him. she bit her lip and sighed before finally just saying it, "i'm kind of wet, right now."

shock flickered on his face for hardly a second before it was replaced with a look of amusement. "how did you get wet?" he innocently queried, beginning to caress her back in small movements.

"i don't know," she shrugged, a bit of an embarrassment blush tinting her cheeks.

mike smirked and moved the hand that once rested beneath his pillow to the waistband of her panties. "tell me how you got wet, el," he coaxed, teasingly rubbing his fingertips along the band.

obviously flustered, she huffed. "mike," she whined, trying to send him a glare but he found the frustration coating her face to be adorable. she sighed, "mmh, i had a dream.. of us. we're in my bed. it's not hard to imagine why my subconscious would roam there."

he nodded, still taunting her with his grazing touches. "and where did your subconscious roam, baby?"

"can't we skip the foreplay, mike? just this once?" she requested.

but he declined, "i'm afraid not. tell me your dream."

el huffed and looked down at his hand that had finally pushed its way past the fabric of her underwear but still had yet to make the destination of her choosing. she caved, "in my dream, you were on top of me — inside me, obviously." her breath hitched when one of his fingers parted her folds, dancing across her slit. "mh, and you were fucking me softly, but it felt really good. and you were talking dirty, dirtier than usual. oh, mike," she lowly moaned when his index finger finally landed on her clit.

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