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*** READ: ok, idk if i would say there's smut but it's mature. no, ok there's smut but its... different? lol, not in a kinky way. u will see haha, BUT MIND THE ITALICS!! ***


"so, do you want something to drink?" danny asked after a few moments of awkward silence. it was a saturday night and el had just arrived at his home if you could even consider the oversized mansion as such, for them to talk. she finally decided she had been avoiding this conversation for too long, and she was growing tired of his repetitive apologies.

she shook her head, "no, thanks." he tossed her a soft smile, standing nervously before her. "i thought you wanted to talk... so talk, daniel."

at her sharp tone, the hopeful glint in his eyes faded. nonetheless, he nodded. he sat down on the grand leather sectional of just one of the abundant living rooms in the house and gestured for her to do the same. after she was seated, approximately three feet away from him, the dark-haired boy inhaled deeply and began, "ellie, i'm sorry. i know, okay? i know i was a dick, and i feel awful. i know it isn't an excuse, but i had been drinking with my friends that night. sometimes, when i'm drinking, i just get-"

"like you said, it's not an excuse. don't try to make it into one," she interrupted, her features displaying her reluctance to easily forgive him.

he nodded vehemently, "i know, i know it isn't. i didn't mean the things i called you, el. i don't think you're any of those things, i promise. i'm so sorry for hurting you." he moved to sit on the cushion beside her, closing the empty space. he took her hands, "being without you for these past two weeks has made me realize how much i love you and how much i've been neglecting you."

her eyes widened, looking up from their now locked hands. "you have?"

he swallowed before nodding. "i have. i've been ignoring you lately, and i'm sorry. i understand that we've reached a point in our relationship where we're ready for more."

el's brows furrowed. "more? what do you mean by more?"

he tilted his chin at the request for clarification, hesitant to even utter the single syllable word, "um, sex."

"oh! uh, we -- we really don't have to, daniel. if you're not ready then that's fine. i'm sorry if i made you feel like we have to. i was drinking that night, too," she lied. she wasn't sure why she was suddenly so opposed to the thought of sleeping with daniel, her boyfriend. she had wanted it for so many months, and now it seemed finally within her reach yet she couldn't even pretend to want it.

the pink-cheeked boy moved a hand to rest of her thigh, just beneath the hem of her lemon-colored skirt. "but i am ready, babe. i've wanted to for so long, i just thought you weren't ready."

this made a faint scowl taint her features. "you thought -- you thought i wasn't ready?" she had trouble believing that seeing as she had many failed past attempts of seducing him. she wasn't always after sex, sometimes she just wanted him to grab her ass or something. she had only assumed that's what happens when you date someone like daniel, a classy, respective gentleman.

perhaps that's why she treasured her time spent with mike.

daniel smiled in an obvious sort of way. "yeah, and i never wanted to pressure you." she nodded, thinking back to any signs she could've missed. "but now, if we're both ready, then i think we should."

the whites of her eyes doubled. "like -- like, now?" surely not now, right?

"well, my parents are at gala in indianapolis. they won't be home for hours, so..." his hand trailed up her thigh.

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