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*** READ: ok, this is smut. sorry if ur babie!! it's fluffy at first, but i'm not going to lie, it's pretty much just smut. ***


out of the many, many times el had been in mike's bed, this was the first time she had ever actually woken up in it. she always made sure she untangled herself from him to collect her belongings before sleep could overtake her. as previously mentioned, sleepovers were against the rules.

this was also the longest time she had ever been in his bed with her clothes on -- well, not exactly her clothes. after they left lucas' house, they got some food from denny's and went to his house where she, without permission, traded her fiery red dress for mike's cheap trick tee-shirt.

her eyes weakly fluttered open, instantly snapping back shut when the sunlight beaming through his window burned her corneas. she groaned, absentmindedly nestling herself even closer to the sleeping boy.

at the realization that her face was now smushed against a bare chest, her eyes snapped open and she abruptly pulled away from the warm body. her orbs flickered up to land on his face, instantly relaxing when she saw the familiar freckles. going against her instincts, she cuddled back closer to him, shamelessly admiring his features.

his lashes rested against his speckled cheeks and his pillowy lips were slightly parted. his curls had lost some of their shape from rubbing against his pillow, but she could still notice the outline of ringlets. she allowed a soft smile to sweep across her lips before she thoughtlessly lifted her hand, running her finger against the contour of his right cheekbone.

his brows scrunched and a soft scoff slipped his plump lips. she smirked before pressing a light kiss to his jaw, keeping her mouth shut to conceal whatever morning breath she most definitely had. he stirred even more, finally lifting his own eyelids to see the brunette occupying the space beside him.

his eyes widened, surprised to see her doe-wide eyes already staring back at him. his groggy voice filled her ears, "i thought you would sneak out before i woke up." she frowned, wondering if that's what he wanted. he quickly dismissed her thoughts by touching his fingertip to the crease between her brows, "stop it. i can see you thinking. i'm glad you didn't go."

a close-lipped smirk appeared on her face before she replied, "good."

he contentedly nodded before leaning towards her, expecting her to do the same. a huff fell from his lips when she pulled away. "el," he whined, reaching his hands out to her hips.

with pink cheeks, she explained, "i have morning breath."

he rolled his eyes before suddenly tugging her clad against him. "i don't care." he pushed his lips against hers, proving himself true. he didn't care that neither of them had brushed their teeth yet, he didn't mind in the slightest.

his tongue dove between her lips as he rolled over on top of her, his hands that once gripped her hips had slithered up underneath her shirt -- technically his shirt. he only disconnected their lips to pull the material off of her body completely, leaving her in her matching bra and panties.

he groaned at the sight. "fuck, you're perfect," he whispered against her mouth before he connected his again, running his hands up and down the curves of her waist.

her legs locked around him, pulling him closer. her fingers were twisting in his luscious curls and her tongue was pushing against his. her breath caught when he caught her lower lip between his teeth.

she sighed, removing a hand from his ebony hair and sliding it between their flushed bodies. before he could scold her for trying to touch herself, her hand slipped into the band of his boxers. he moaned when her delicate fingers wrapped around him, immediately pumping up and down.

animal / mileven au.Where stories live. Discover now