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"fuck, you're so perfect," mike grunted as he brushed one of his hands through her hair, gazing down at the sight of his cock filling her greedy mouth.

her tongue skimmed the underside of his length as she bobbed her head at a steady rhythm, training her eyes on his face. her dainty hands gripped his sides, steadying herself on her knees.

he was certainly the only guy she'd ever willingly get on her knees in the dusty a/v closet for. at least she opted against a skirt today and settled on jeans so there was some barrier between her knees and the permanent grit of her school.

her delighted hum sent vibrations along his throbbing dick and he moaned. "god, el. just like that," he praised, guiding her head. the way her wide, watering eyes looked up at him made him want to blow his load down her throat right then and there, but he willed himself to prolong the experience. "you love sucking my cock, don't you, baby?"

she replaced the pressure of her mouth with her hand so she could reply, "mh, i love it. let me swallow your cum."

he mouthed a silent 'fuck' before pushing her head back to his dick and entering her mouth again. she happily obliged, moving her hand away from his shaft to cup his balls. his eyes studiously watched her lips encase his hard cock, feeling that familiar pressure begin to build within him as her cheeks hollowed.

his other hand made its way into her chocolatey waves as well, "feels so fucking good." his hips were itching to thrust against her, and for a split second he lost control and fully pushed himself into mouth. "shit, el," he groaned, cursing himself when her already round eyes widened at his sudden gesture. he hastily pulled out of her mouth, "i didn't mean to-"

"do it again," she cut him off, stroking his cock in her hand. "it's okay, mike. it didn't hurt, i was just surprised." she kissed his tip, watching the way his eyes filled with contemplation. she encouraged him even more, "please. please, fuck my mouth."

her crude words sent a shiver down his back and his hands shifted from her hair to the sides of her delicate face. her mouth readily gaped as she eyed his hard length. he filled her mouth with his cock and started thrusting, trying to watch for any implication of discomfort though it was hard because it felt amazing.

he loved the way she sucked his cock, but this was different. fucking her mouth was almost as good as fucking her pussy, and that was saying a lot.

he scoffed as his hips quickened, locking his stare on her watery eyes that didn't dare to look anywhere but up at him. "you like that?" he asked over the sounds her throat was packing. she hummed an enthusiastic 'mhm' and nodded slightly. "fuck, i'm gonna cum down your throat," he seethed, feeling his release grow closer and closer. her eyes were begging and he knew it was only a matter of seconds.

with a final thrust his, his balls hit her chin and his milky cum pumped into her awaiting mouth. he stilled himself as the hot, white liquid drained down her throat and she softly sucked him off to relieve every last drop.

mike muttered a breathless, "oh, fuck," as he pulled himself away from her warm mouth. his hands that gripped the sides of her head moved to cup her cheeks as she gazed up at him. his thumb swiped over her lips before he leaned down to gently kiss them. "fuck, you're so perfect," he mumbled out and kissed her again, letting the kiss linger before he pulled her off her knees.

"keep saying that, and i might start to agree," she giggled and pulled to band of his boxers up to cover him. he took it upon himself to pull his jeans up after that and fasten his belt. she frowned, "well, i should go before-"

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