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"this is a bit much, don't you think?" mike complained from the ground as he massaged el's feet.

she popped a spoonful of chocolate ice cream between her lips and hummed in delight. her gaze lowered to him and wasn't surprised to find him scowling at her. she shrugged, "i disagree. i think it's just enough, actually."

he rolled his eyes and looked back at her polished purple toes. "i've never been much of a 'foot kink' type of guy," he thought out loud as one of his hands brushed along the chain of her anklet.

"that's nice, rub harder," she instructed as she licked the spoon.

he smirked and removed his hands from her feet. before she could question his sudden cease, he stole the bowl of ice cream from her lap.

"ugh, hey! no, gimme!" she demanded in a whiny tone. he didn't even bother to reply before he rubbed what was left of her previous spoonful against the skin of her ankle. her breath hitched, "that's cold!"

he chuckled. "no shit, it's ice cream," he chided back before lapping up the trail of chocolate coating her skin.

her hard exterior was waning as he licked across her skin. she had plan to come over and make him work for it, seeing as he ignored her for over a week. but suddenly, it seemed like it was much easier said than done.

"mike," the brunette sputtered, trying to hide her sudden arousal in an annoyed tone. "give me back my ice cream," she snipped, breathing through her nose to keep from gasping.

his eyes fell to the chilled dessert in the bowl. "hm, this?" he questioned as he scooped a spoonful of it. she nodded with a raised brow. the curly haired boy took the ice cream in his own mouth before surging forward to connect their lips.

her lips parted for him immediately, allowing him to push the chocolate taste into her mouth. she moaned as his tongue tussled with hers.

finally, their kiss broke and he pulled back slightly. "you done?" he asked, matching her breathlessness.

"what do you mean?" she quipped, reaching for him and placing her hands on his shoulders, not even realizing that he was now positioned on his knees between her legs.

he gently caressed her porcelain cheek before explaining, "i mean, are you done being mad at me?"

she bit her lip, "are you sorry?"

his brows furrowed at the sincerity in her tone but he nodded. "i am, truly." she lowered her gaze and it became obvious to him that his recent absence hadn't just angered her but upset her. "i missed you," he revealed, hoping to get rid of the frown on her face.

her warm, round eyes flickered back up to him with a soft smile. it seemed like she was going to tell him she missed him too, but all too soon, she caught her slip. her warm eyes narrowed into a playful glare, "feel like proving it?"

his intense stare turned amused and he nodded. "i'll prove it over and over again," he assured, releasing his soft hold on her cheeks and dropping his hands to her exposed thighs. he reached behind him and grabbed the spoon once again to rubbed the cream against the top of her thigh.

"s'cold, mike," she whined with an excited smile. her eyes dilated as she watched him drag his tongue along her tanned thigh, his eyes gazing up at her. she bit her lip to withhold her gasp.

his hands moved to the bottom of her sweater, discarding it without a second to spare. "now, i know exactly where this ice cream should go," he murmured, moving the bowl to sit of the couch cushion next to her.

she hummed, "hm, where?"

mike reached behind her and unclasped her baby blue bra, pulling it off of her and freeing her small, round globes in the process. he released a deep exhale at the sight of her hardened pink nipples, already begging from his mouth.

he bit his own lip before refilling the spoon and lathering her peaks with the chocolatey cream. el hummed in delight, feeling the unearthed excitement throb in her core.

he caught her stare before leaning toward and placing his lips on her breast, sucking the sinful flavor into his mouth. her fingers threaded into his hair as she moaned out, "mh, fuck."

he sucked her nipple to nearly the point of soreness before moving to the other where the ice cream had begun running down her flat belly.

his lips trailed to the waistline of her skirt, staring up at her as he nipped at her skin.

the anticipation was growing unbearable as he neared the pulsing of her heat. "please, mike," she practically begged.

his lips stopped at her plea and he looked to her with a smile. "you don't have to beg me, el. i'll do whatever you want. tonight is about you, okay?" he ensured, rubbing his hands along the sides of her thighs. she exhaled deeply and nodded, trying to find her words. "you want me to eat your pussy out, baby?" the vulgar words sent chills down her back and her breathing grew even shallower.

she nodded. "mh, yeah," she all but moaned, getting worked up just by his choice of vocabulary.

"i can tell, babygirl. fuck, you need it so bad, yeah. you're shaking," he coaxed, pulling down the waistband of her skirt. she nodded in agreement, lifting her hips slightly so he could remove the prohibiting article of clothing. "shit, your panties are soaked. did i get your pussy this wet? already?" he queried, already discarding her panties which were nearly a thong.

el willingly nodded. "you make me so wet, fuck," she whimpered. once her panties were gone, she didn't hesitate to spread her legs for the raven-haired boy. "please," she spoke, her brows furrowed and mouth agape.

"you don't have to beg, remember?" and with those reassuring words, he leaned into her sweetness and licked her slit.

immediately, she tossed her head back and her hands were back in his hair, gripping so much harder than before. "fuck," she cried as his tongue vigorously flicked her clit.

sucking of the bundle of nerves, he brought his hand to her heat. his index finger ran down her slit before slipping inside her. "you're so tight, baby. it's been too long since i fucked your pussy, huh?" he egged her on before returning to her tender clit.

she nodded, thrashing as she grew closer and closer to her high. "fuck, mike! ugh, ah!" she cried out.

his eyes gazed up to her as his tongue continued to lap against the sensitive bean and his finger rammed in and out. when he grip tightened on his curls even more, he added a second finger to her hole.

"gonna cum, fuck!" she heaved and her legs began to close around mike's head on instinct. he could only use one of his hands to keep them open seeing as the other was pumping in and out of her. "oh, uh, fuck me! uh, mike!"

suddenly her quivering and thrashing came to a halt and her orgasm washed over her. he moved his mouth away from her clit and she rode it out but kept on fingering her. "tell me how it feels," he encouraged in a soothing voice.

"fuck, it's so good. holy shit," she softly whined, her gasps breaking apart her syllables.

he smirked as her climax wined down and he pulled out his fingers. he didn't hesitate to suck her juiced off his digits. "you're so sweet," he complimented.

she smiled, still coming down from her euphoria. his eyes raked over her flushed, heaving body before pulling his shirt over his head. when she saw his hands begin on his belt, she sat up a little, "what are you doing?"

he looked up at her confused face before smirking. "baby, you need to be fucked," he explained with a soft chuckle. "don't you think?"

she smiled at the idea, relieved that, that wasn't the end of their night. she nodded with a beaming smile, "yes."


a/n: bro ik i haven't been updating. mayhaps i'm busy, mayhaps i'm lazy. the world may never know. thx for reading, x

word count: 1397

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