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"mh, ugh! oh, my god!" el cried, clinging to mike's frame as he pounded into her.

with his forehead pressed to hers, he stared into her lustful, hooded eyes. "fuck, you're so tight. shit, el," he groaned, relishing in the way her heat was gripping his dick. "you missed this, didn't you?" he asked, his hands holding her legs wide open as she remained perched on the edge of his couch.

"mh, so much," she agreed, her voice diluted with pleasure. she snuck a glance down to where there bodies connected, moaning at the sight of him disappearing inside of her. he descended to her chest and began adding to his new collection of love bites. one of his hands released the grip on her quivering thigh to rub her clit, immediately eliciting a moan from her, "oh, fuck!"

he smirked against her flushed skin. "tell me about it, el," he encouraged, loving how vocal she could get.

"mmmh, oh, i missed your cock, mike! uh, you fuck me so good, shit!" she whimpered as his thumb quickened on her bundle of nerves.

with her high-pitched moans edging him on, mike's thrusts grew harder. "god, i missed your pussy. always so wet and tight for me, fuck," his sultry breathless words sent chills up her spine and her nails scraped against his bare back. "c'mon, baby. cum on my dick," he instructed, knowing neither of them had much longer.

she whined in relief of his words, unable to delay her orgasm any longer. "mh, oh, fuck! mike, yes!" she cried as she came, wrapping her legs around him tightly to pull him close. "fuck!"

only a couple more strokes and he was joining her in her euphoria. "uh, el," he groaned, filling her up as his thrusts began to slow.

once they both recovered, mike pulled himself out of her quivering pussy, sighing at the sight of his cum spilling out of her. his heavy eyes looked back up at her, finding her dazed gaze on the mess between her legs. without a care, he tugged her off the couch on to his lap and attached their swollen lips with (surprisingly) no protest from her.

the soft, sloppy kiss seemed never ending as their lips continued to carelessly lap at each other. it was an uncharacteristically intimate type of kiss that neither of them desired to stop or question.

eventually, they parted as their need for air grew restricting. el panted with a drunken smile. "that was amazing," she heaved, unclear to whether she was referring to the sex or the hot and heavy kiss that came after.

not caring for clarification, mike agreed, "yeah, it was." his palms continued to caress her smooth back, keeping her in his embrace. "i missed you, so much," he gushed, not even caring how sappy he was being. if they still had their rules in place, he would undoubtedly be breaking them.

she smiled softly, "i missed you, too, mike."

he nudged his nose against hers, "i wish you could stay the night." unfortunately his parents would return in an hour or so from his sister's play.

her finger lightly traced his freckles and she agreed, "me too." with a soft sigh, she leaned her forehead against his and fluttered her eyes shut.

mike's hands lowered to her thighs and he picked her up, setting her back on the couch. seeing her frown when he stood up, he assured, "i'm just getting a blanket." true to his word, he retrieved one of the thick knit blankets from the basket at the foot of the stairs and returned to the couch. he covered both of their bodies and pulled her against his chest. he looked down at her a noticed how she chewed on her lip, like something was bothering her. "what's wrong?"

she dismissed it, "nothing. i'm just thinking."

"thinking about what?" he pried, gently rubbing her shoulder.

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