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*** READ: smut,, not the fluffy kind either. ***


"this is fucking bullshit," mike growled.

el giggled, sitting across the table from him with far too much clothing on for his liking. "you have to do your work, mike," she instructed, trying (and failing) to hide her amusement at his frustration.

he rolled his eyes before leaning back in his chair, releasing an exasperated sigh. "if i knew this tutoring idea was going to involve tutoring, i wouldn't have agreed."

"it would reflect poorly on me if your grades don't eventually improve. so, come on. just finish at least one of these papers," she pleaded, gesturing to the stack that had been scattered across the dining table.

he kinked a brow. "and if i do?"

she rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what dirty intentions his words offered. "i'll make it worth your while," she ensured.

he narrowed his eyes before sighing and lowering his gaze to the papers. he bitterly chose a random sheet, and began reading the questions with his pencil clasped tightly in his hand.

el chewed on her lower lip, watching him rather intently. she couldn't deny how beautiful she found him to be. not in just a hot or a handsome way, but beautiful. it wasn't a word she would acclaim to many boys, if any, but it was the only word she could think of. there simply wasn't any other adjective to describe his pillowy pink lips and freckle-coated cheeks, though. beautiful was the only suitable title for his chiseled jaw and distinguished nose. it was the only word for him.

"el, if you don't stop eye-raping me, i'm going to bend you over this tab-"

snapping out of her daze, she interjected before he could finish his distasteful sentence, "focus on your work!"

his defined browns scrunched, "how am i supposed to focus if you're over there gawking at me?"

she scowled, shaking her head. "i-i wasn't gawking. i was watching you to make sure you're doing your work -- which you aren't."

"oh, please. you look like you're over there about to cream your pants," he noted, loving the way he could shock her with his words as if she was some innocent, untainted child. he can confirm that she is none of the above. "yeah, i bet you were. i bet you're real wet, aren't you?"

knowing exactly where things were heading if she didn't gather some restraint, she straightened her posture and pursed her lips. "macroeconomics, mike," she pointed to the paper in front of him.

"why don't you check? reach down there and tell me how wet i make you without even touching you," he continued, observing how deeply his erotic words affected her. "you can touch yourself, ellie."

she bit the inside of her cheek, trying to ignore the very prominent pulse in her core. "won't you just focus?"

"how could i when you're sitting there, all hot and flustered? oh, i bet you're fucking soaked," he rasped, turning his own self on at the thought. "you'd feel so good if you just rubbed yourself, you know? i'll even talk to through it."

her nostrils flared and she shook her head. "mike, n-no. not now."

"look at you. your cheeks are getting all red and your mouth is drying out. come on, babygirl. i know you want to, i can see it in your eyes," he coaxed on, sending a shiver up her back as his hungry eyes bored into her.

she clenched her legs together, forcing herself not to succumb to his sultry words. "i don't want to, actually. now, read the next question," but as soon as he stood up from his seat across from her, she knew exactly how this going to play out.

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