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"good morning, ellie," a taunting, all-too-familiar voice rasped in her ear from behind, eliciting a slight flinch from her. her wide eyes snapped away from the words of her novel, glancing around the practically empty library to make sure no one was paying witness to his close proximity to her. "calm down, no one's around," mike coaxed with a smirk before taking the seat on the sofa next to her.

"what are you doing here?" she whispered, slightly angry with him. perhaps she had no right to be upset about him not prioritizing her needs over those of his girlfriend, but she was. he had been neglecting her for over a week, to the point where she had to take care of herself.

he flashed her a soft, apologetic smile. "well, i checked the lunchroom but your table was empty so i asked myself where else a nerd like you would be and ding, ding, ding! i was right," he smugly replied, leaning closer to her. she only rolled her eyes before redirecting them back to her book, giving him a taste of his own medicine in the process. if he could ignore her, so could she... even if a part of her would've straddled him right there on that couch in the back of the school library. "why aren't you eating lunch with max?"

she shrugged nonchalantly, "she's busy." unfortunately, the ginger earned a week's worth of lunch detention for arguing with her chemistry teacher.

"are you even going to look at me?" the raven-haired boy queried with a slight huff.

she pursed her lips before shaking her head, "nope."

he dropped his head against the back of the couch with an exaggerated sigh. "you're breaking my heart," he whined, holding a hand against his chest. when no smile appeared on her face, his amused expression faded. "you're actually mad?"

"no, i'm not mad," she lied in an obviously fake tone, still not taking her eyes away from the book.

he frowned before leaning closer. "please, don't be mad at me. hey, i'm sorry," he apologized, his voice gentle and comforting.

it would've been so easy for her to cave and clutch his chiseled cheekbones in her hands and taste his naturally cherry-tinted lips... but she was stubborn. though she wouldn't ever admit it, him catering to his girlfriend over her left her with an u desirable feeling.

she slammed her book shut with force before finally meeting his tender gaze. "save it for someone who cares. now, you better get going. candy might realize you got off your leash if you don't hurry back," she spewed before grabbing her book bag.

catching her wrist, he gently tugged her back. "el," he pleaded, "look, i really am sorry. i miss you, c'mon."

her gaze sharpened. "you'll live," she bluntly remarked, looking past him.

he sighed. "candy has been insane, lately. every time i try to get out of hanging out with her, she brings up all her family drama and guilts me into coming over."

"family drama?" the brunette queried, not sure if he's just giving her an excuse or if there's any truth to him.

he nodded, "her mom cheated on her dad, so they're constantly fighting but they won't get a divorce. it's been going on for months, and she's having a hard time with it."

"and i'm guessing you're her distraction?" el presumed, a hint of bitterness laced in her tone.

mike kinked a brow. "is someone jealous?"

the girl scowled, "sexually frustrated is the term you're looking for."

"need some help with that, or do you prefer handling yourself? the other night was quite the show, you know?" her cheeks tinged at the mention, having forgotten how she let him watch her through his onlooking bedroom window. "you didn't think i'd forget, did you?"

she pursed her lips in an effort to fight the smile that threatened to show. "i'm not sure i know what you're talking about," she feigned innocence, avoiding his stare.

"need i remind you?" he proposed, a smirk full of mischief sweeping his luscious lips.

"i have a class in five minutes," she informed, hiding her disappointment as the idea was rather appealing.

mike groaned before offering, "then tonight."

"tonight?" she echoed, slightly surprised by his insistence.

he simply nodded. "tonight, my place. my parents are going to watch holly's play at eight and won't get home until 10 at the earliest," he assured, knowing from the many plays she had been in that they normally stretched beyond the two hour point.

el wedged her lower lip between her teeth, deciding if she was willing to let him off so easily. was she really so desperate for his dick that she would just let him ignoring her for over a week slide?

"okay," she agreed. "but you're better have ice cream. chocolate, not that gross orange sherbet shit your mom buys," she conditioned, grabbing her belongings once again.

"i'll get your ice cream on one condition," he replied and stands up with her. her brows furrow when he leans into her ear, "i get to lick it off you."

she felt her breath hitch upon hearing the raspy words, but refused to let him see the effect he had on her. she nodded before calmly responding, "that can be arranged."

mike smirked before turning away, disappearing into the array of book shelves in the library.

el realized a deep breath once he was gone, smiling to herself. she made her way to her next class, oblivious to the soft blush that coated her cheeks as she thought of what the bright had in store.


a/n: hahaha it's been a rly long time, my bad. btw, i made another smut book called "talking bodies" on my second account, SUGARMILEVEN ok, thanks for reading!! xx

word count: 984

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