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"well, was it small?"

el huffed in frustration. "this is why i never tell you about this type of stuff. you aren't the least bit helpful."

max chuckled, "well, sorry. there isn't exactly a handbook for what to do when your best friend is stressing over her boyfriend and one of your other friends who happens to be the guy she's fucking on the side." the ginger's response elicited another groan from her best friend. "okay, i'll be serious, now. i swear! now, what exactly happened? what's the issue?"

el sat up, placing one of the decorative pillows from max's bed in her lap. "nothing. that's the problem! it was so bad, max. i'm pretty sure a gynecological exam would've been more riveting."

the other teenager sprawled across the vibrant bedspread burst into a fit of laughter. "i'm sorry, but this is hilarious. no, you know what this is? it's balance! daniel is seemingly perfect, right? this is it! this is the flaw that has managed to go undetected for all this time! the golden boy can't fuck!" she concluded, still very amused by it all.

el decided not to reveal the other flaws she had managed to detect recently, knowing it would only anger max if she learned about his temper. he had apologized, and that was that. at least, she hoped.

el shook her head, "are you going to tell me what i should do, or are you going to keep cracking jokes?"

the redhead sighed, "oh, honey, you already know what i'm going to say." el kinked a brow, clueless to what her best friend was implying. max rolled her eyes, "you like mike."

"no, i most certainly do not!" she hurried to object with wide eyes. "it's just that- things are- it- it's different, but that doesn't mean- we're friends!" she stuttered out, baffled max's accusation. her nostrils flared when the teen next to her laughed at her choppy reply. "we're closer that we were, yes, but it's not like that. it's sex, plain and simple."

the ginger clicked her tongue and shook her head, "no, no, no. maybe that was true for a period of time, but now it's sex almost every other day and on the sexless days, you're thinking about the past sex days and future sex days to come." the freckle faced-girl smirked, satisfied with her snarky but true comment.

"actually, we haven't had sex in, like, 5 days, and i'm fine!" el remarked, her cheeks flushing at the appealing thought.

max nodded. "yeah, sure. you've been picking at your fingernails and biting your lip because you're not horny. okay."

el huffed, shoving her friend lightly before looking down at her finger nails go see that the dark blue polish was nearly gone, only little chips remaining. she shrugged. "mike's just been busy, but it's fine. he has his life, and i have mine."

"busy with candy?" her icy blue gaze focused on her friend, trying to find an expression but el's face remained seemingly unbothered as she nodded in reply. she squinted her eyes before taking a more blunt approach, "so, do they fuck as much as you two?"

el's eyes widened in doe fashion, "what?! i don't- why would i know that?"

"um, because you're fucking him? you're at least entitled to know about his sex life seeing as it affects yours, too. remember 3 years ago, when that cheerleader got dared to stick a carrot up herself and then she got chlamydia? those cheerleaders are dumb, and if he's screwing one, you're kind of screwing one, too," she explained.

el shrugged. "he said they always use condoms because her parents are too religious for birth control."

max's brows lifted in surprise. "that's a shock considering that most of her cheers involve her flipping up the back of her skirt and flashing the student section." they both giggled. the ginger shook her head, remembering her original plan as for bringing up mike's sex life. "but dude, imagine if the days that he isn't screwing you, he's screwing her. that means he's getting it daily. the dude really is a manwhore, huh?"

el matched her best friend's giggle, but max noticed how her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "i know," the brunette commented, a vague frown tracing her lips once their giggles died out.

"it's okay, you know?" max offered in a gentler tone than she normally spoke in.

el's clean brows furrowed, "hm?"

"it's okay if you like him. even if it wasn't, any morals are kind of out the window for you two at this point, so," max joked, but received no laugh this time. "everything is a mess, but that doesn't mean it can't work out. but if you like him, you need to end things with daniel."

el bit her lip before shaking her head. "i don't really know what i'm feeling, but whatever it is, it's not mutual. he loves candy, like a lot."

"okay, but what if he's in the same boat as you. what if he doesn't know you like him-"

"i never said that i like him!"

"what if he doesn't know that you might feel something, too?" el offered no response, she only kept her gaze on the pillow in her lap. "maybe next time you two are together, stop ripping each other's clothes off for one second, and talk. ask him what you guys are to him."

the distressed girl shook her head, "that's a bad idea."


"i know him, max. he doesn't want me like that. for him, it's just sex," she claimed, unconsciously tensing up.

max shrugged, "it was only an idea. i hope you consider it, but it's your choice." el nodded, thankful that the topic had passed. "paint my toes?"

"pink or purple?"


a/n: no smut? wha?? sorry ya nasties, but i hope u enjoyed the elmax!! this chapter was necessary in el coming to terms w her undefined feelings tho. there will most likely be smut next chapter sooo ;) thanks for reading !!

word count: 1016

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