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partying never really appealed to el. to her, the idea of walking through a crowd of intoxicated, smelly teens gyrating to ear-piercingly loud pop music was a form of cruel punishment.

yet here she was, doing just that.

though this party wasn't like any other party in which she would've tried her hardest to get out of, inevitably breaking out into an argument with daniel. no, this party was different. this party was a birthday celebration of the one and only, mike wheeler.

she found herself not fighting daniel much at all when he proposed the idea. of course, daniel and mike weren't friends at all. daniel knew he dated candy, the cheer captain, and was best friends with his girlfriend's step-brother but that's about all he knew of the curly-haired birthday boy.

however, because the party was at lucas' house (obviously they couldn't have it at mike's with him living right beside the chief of police), it was pretty much an open invite to all. plus, daniel and lucas were teammates, so it wasn't absurd of him to attend.

per usual, daniel had already run off to do keg stands with the rest of his idiotic teammates in the backyard, leaving el alone in the sea of drunk teenagers. she wasn't surprised.

her eyes were scanning the faces she passed, looking for max. she wasn't sure if she would come with it being at lucas' house, but mike was also one of her best friends.

finally making it into the kitchen, el spotted her ginger best friend at the island counter, which was overflowing with different types of alcohol, pouring herself a drink.

"max!" the brunette chirped, relieved to find her. the redheads focused eyes flicker away from her task of filling a red solo cup to find el.

her icy orbs widened in excitement, "oh, my god! you're here!"

el nodded with a shrugged. "i'm here," she affirmed, not nearly as enthusiastic as her friends.

max glanced at her appearance. the chief's daughter was dressed in a casual yet fairly short red dress with black, leather boots that reached halfway up her calves. "bitch, you look hot! where's danny? i'm going to steal his girl if he's not careful." el let out a small laugh before grabbing herself a cup. "speaking of stealing his girl, have you seen mike? i've been here for, like, half an hour but i haven't seen him at all. did he even come?"

el shrugged once again. "i don't know. i just got here," she explained, her eyes reading the labels of all the bottles with a slightly scrunched nose.

max giggled before grabbing one and taking her cup. she filled the cup up halfway with the clear liquid before passing it back, "here, grab a sprite from the fridge and mix it." el complied, knowing max was knew what she was doing. she grabbed the can of sprite and did as instructed. max reached out a hand, popping the lacy black bra strap that was exposed when el poured the soda. "who's the sexy lingerie for? normally, i would assume danny but i have a feeling it's for the birthday boy, hm?"

el's cheeks tinged and she pulled the sleeve of her dress up to cover the strap. "max, stop," she scolded before taking a sip of the beverage.

"oh, come on. i'm still curious! so, what are you going to do? find him and sneak upstairs?" she further questions, drinking some of her own, much stronger drink.

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