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"faster, fuck," she panted from beneath him, a thin layer of sweat beginning to coat both of their bare bodies.

the curly-haired boy that lingered above her quickened his pace, thrusting into her even harder than before. "god, i fucking missed this. 'missed you," he claimed before bowing his head into the crook of her neck.

a breathless smile pulled at her parted lips. "you missed me or you missed fucking me?" she was shocked she got the words out as smoothly as she did given the waves of pleasure rolling throughout her body.

"both. shit, el. you're going to make me cum," he groaned, glancing down  to watch the way his dick pounded into her.

she nodded. "you can cum, baby."

he shook his head, obviously trying to prolong his climax. "not yet, not until you finish."

she blushed at how considerate he was, though she wasn't too surprised. he always put her needs first. "no, go ahead. i'm close, so fucking close," she assured, feeling her core start to quiver.

again, he shook his head. "no, i meant studying. you have to finish studying, el. holy shit, you're so fucking tight-"

she jerked herself up, shocked to find herself alone on her bed, clothed, and surrounded by her textbooks and economics notes. her eyes widened before they landed on the drool she had adorned one of her pillows with and so she quickly wiped her mouth.

stupid fucking wet dream.


it had been well over a week since she and mike last — well, you know, and while she wasn't desperate enough to go to her own boyfriend for sex, she was horrendously horny.

it seemed every time they made plans for a 'tutor session' candy would come through with some radical commitment that mike just couldn't turn down. candy was really starting to get on el's nerves.

the flustered brunette huffed, trying not to let her mind wander back to the incredibly vivid dream. she glanced to the alarm clock on her bed to find that it was passed midnight. she must've dozed off whilst studying. she rubbed her eyes before crawling off of her made bed and beginning to put away her books.

her slightly dilated eyes flickered to the window across from hers to find it empty. she wasn't shocked. he had been getting home after she fell asleep for the past few nights and she didn't want to imagine what had been keeping him out so late.

she shook the thoughts away and began to get ready for bed, knowing her entire family was already asleep. she discarded her denim skirt and cable knit sweater, leaving her in her sheer white tights, bright blue panties, and nude bra. given her lack of action lately, she hasn't been too worried about matching to undergarments.

she went to her bathroom and rinsed off the little bit of makeup she wore and pulled her honey-colored hair up, allowing the shorter pieces to fall against her neck.

she removed her tights and bra first, discarding them to her dirty clothes hamper with the rest of her clothes. at last, she pushed her panties down her legs to reveal the wetness her dirty dream had provided. "fuck," she groaned, desperately wanting to ignore the horniness within her.

the brunette huffed before tossing the damp panties in her clothing hamper and grabbing a thin tee that reached halfway down her thighs. she often slept without underwear ever since max informed her of how important it is to 'let the good stuff breathe.'

she gnawed in her lip as she removed her decorative pillows from her bed, trying to busy herself seeing as the last thing on her mind was sleeping right now. el turned off the light of her ceiling fan, flicking on her nightstand lamp instead and fell back onto her bed.

she would be lying if she said she wasn't thinking about it. actually, the idea was reoccurring as of late due to her sudden lack of orgasms. it'd be so easy to just reach down and do it herself, but it had been a while since she felt the need. truth be told, the last time she fingered herself was before the actual sex with mike came into play. back when they only made out and felt one another up just long enough to get each other horny.

knowing it was the only thing that would cease the aching in her core, she spread her legs and closed her eyes. she forced the images from her dream back to the surface. the way her filled her up, so ruthlessly yet so gently. she imagined him whispering all her favorite profanities into her ear, groaning with every one of her clenches.

her finger found her clit as she replayed everything she remembered from her dream, focusing on the feeling of his weight on top of her, thrusting into her.

she hummed out, spreading her legs even more. she replayed his groans, his mantra of his nicknames for her, and the sultry words he would whisper to work her up even more.

as that familiar feeling began to bubble within her, she moved her hand and started pumping two fingers into herself. "mike," she softly whimpered, imagining that it was him bringing her such pleasure. she clung to the concept that it wasn't her fingers but his dick pushing in and out of her, fucking her like it was the last time.

her eyes fluttered open as she neared her climax, but when they landed on the figure in the bedroom across from her window, she ceased.

her breath was caught in her throat as the sight of him watching her bring herself the pleasure he had so ruthlessly been neglecting her of. she instinctively shut her legs, not that there was anything to see that he hadn't seen before.

her hooded eyes gazed at him and bit her lip when he didn't even try to hide how obviously he was watching her. even from her distance, she could recognize that glint in his eyes.

she smirked before grabbing the hem of her sleep tee-shirt and tossing it to the side. she leaned back onto her pillows, the only thing hiding her face from him was her closed legs. but of course, her plan to tease the boy required her legs to be open — wide open.

she noticed him mouth something and she would almost bet his life it was, "fuck."

her mouth hung in an 'o' shape as she pushed her fingers back in herself, making sure mike had the perfect view. her free hand ran up her body, caressing her breasts.

she felt her climax approach once more and pumped her fingers even faster, lifting her hips on instinct.

she locked eyes with him as she finally came, quietly moaning out, "fuck, mike, ah."

she pulled her hand away, feeling a sense of satisfaction and not just because she had met her own needs but because he watched (though gawked is more like it) and couldn't participate.

she sat up, still breathing heavily and flipped over. while it wasn't completely necessary to turn over to flick of her lamp, she wanted the last thing he saw before bed to be her ass.

and with that, her room was pitch dark and she was able to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep, knowing mike was getting off to the thought of her at that exact moment.


a/n: ok, this book is smut y'all, idk if y'all missed that memo or what. jist stop complaining bc i have had hella disclaimers. also, there is a plot line that i'm following, but smut books develop slow bc of u know, smut, so sorry if it seems like it's going nowhere, i'm just taking my time. there's more smut to come, tho so now worries. also if ur mad abt it, i don't recommend reading this book lmao. ok, thx!! x

word count: 1341

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