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el stumbled through the school hallway, juggling quite a few books in her hands. she was just trying to get to her locker before they tumbled onto the ground.

two hands shot out to the textbooks in her grasp, "need a hand?"

her disoriented gaze flickered up to find a set of eyes in her favorite shade of brown. her eyes widened, "mike, what are you doing?"

he took some of the books, "helping my tutor. what else?"

a small smile pulled at her lips. "you're out of your mind."

he raked his eyes over the bustling hallway, searching for any suspecting eyes. when he deemed it clear, he grabbed her waist and pushed her into the vacant janitors closet just as they passed.

a hushed shriek seeped from her lips just as he shut the door behind them. when he flicked on the light, he found her wide eyes looking up at him. "that was risky, mike."

he set the textbooks in his hands on the shelf of of cleaning supplies before taking the books in her hands and doing the same.

"i'm in a risky mood," he shrugged.

she shook her head with a slight giggle, "i need to put those books in my locker before lunch."

"mmh, or you could skip lunch and we can make out," he suggested, brushing some hair out of her face. his eyes dropped to her outfit consisting of a pink seersucker skirt and a white blouse.

el frowned, "i can't. i told daniel i would help him study for one of his quizzes. he'll be pissed if i bail."

he groaned and pulled her against his chest before dropping his face into the crook of her neck. "baby," he whined, pecking the tender skin.

"what if we hang out tonight?" she suggested, unwilling to pull away from the soft kisses he was littering over her neck.

his arms tightened on her waist, "how about after school?"

she grimaced. "i have to go daniel's. his parents keep asking why i haven't come over in a while so i told him i would."

his lips opened and his teeth nipped at the skin beneath her ear. "i'm tired of sharing you," he growled.

she laughed, "imagine how i feel."

he unwillingly pulled away to look at her, frowning at her words. "i'm sorry. i'm trying to figure something ou-"

she silenced him with a quick kiss, "i know. you don't have to keep apologizing, okay? i know." he nodded but his frown remained. she lifted her finger to trace the crease between his brows. "stop, mike. it's okay, we're going to figure something out. i gotta go."

"fuck, okay," he growled. he unhappily loosened his arms on her waist and she slipped toward the door with a over exaggerated pouty face. once she was gone he glared at the semi-hard tent in his jeans before shaking his head, trying to dismiss el from his thoughts.

/ / /

"where do you see a turtle?" she whispered, twisting her fingers in his. mike and el were laying, sort of uncomfortably, on the hood of his car at the quarry start gazing — except mike was really bad at it.

his eyes narrowed and he raised the arm that wasn't wrapped around her to point at the sky, "how do you not see it? look, that's the shell and that's the head."

she giggled and cleaned her neck up to him. "you're so dumb," she insulted with eyes full of adoration for the curly-haired boy.

he scoffed and strategically pried his arm out from beneath her. "you're so mean," he feigned hurt.

she rolled her eyes before rolling towards him and leaning in to kiss his nose. "i still like you, even if you're dumb." he didn't bother to acknowledge her slight insult, he only leaned up and caught her awaiting lips.

his hands cupped her cheeks as the soft kiss grew needier. while he had no problem taking her right there on the hood of his car, he wasn't sure his car was that durable. after getting distracted by her tongue brushing against his a few times, he finally found the strength to pull away and murmur, "we can't have sex on my car."

she laughed but nodded, "i suppose you're right."

before she could nestle herself back in the spot beside him, he pulled her off the car by her hands. she gasped, not expecting the sudden jolt. "however, we can have sex in my car."

after quite a bit of repositioning and readjusting, the secret couple found themselves in the backseat of his car. el was perched on his lap, sucking on his collarbones as her fingers fumbled to undo the first few buttons of his shirt.

his hands gripped her ass, carelessly bunching her dress up. he sighed when her sinful tongue skimmed the expanse of neck back to his jaw.

her eager hands dropped to his pants and expertly undid his belt and began working on the button of his jeans without even fully removing his belt.

he moved her lips off his skin. "so eager," he whispered before reattaching their fervent lips. as soon as he heard his zipper being undone, he felt her pushing the denim fabric down. he raised his hips to help her push his jeans down his leg.

her hand cupped the tent in his boxers and she hummed, "i've been thinking of this all day."

against her lips he replied, "me too, you have no idea."

her fingers hooked his waistband and pushed the material down far enough to free his hard dick from its confinement. she bit her lip when his lips trailed down her skin and his hands moved from her ass to cup her tits through her dress.

"mike, i need you," she whined, feeling him on her thigh but needing him somewhere else.

he grinned against her olive skin, "i know you do, baby. i know you're wet, aren't you? you're always wet for me." it felt like his kisses were teasing her, making her shiver as she nodded.

she tried to push her hips against him but his hands stopped her. she whined. "move my panties over, please," she panted desperately.

"i got you, baby," his assures as his hand moved back under her sundress to push her underwear out of the way.

she didn't hesitate to grab the base of his erect cock and align herself. she slowly sunk onto him, gasping at his size. "fuck," she mumbled beneath her breath as she took into as much of him that she could fit.

he brushed her stray hairs out of her darling face to fully see her darling face as she adjusted the length of him inside her. "you look so perfect," he rasped, pecking a kiss to her chin and then to her jaw.

her hips started to slowly rock and eventually she was dropping herself on his cock at a steady pace. his fingers dig into her hips as a stream of swears fell from his lips on her flushed skin.

"mike, mmf," she whimpered when one of his hands moved to her clit and began to rub her.

he smiled down at their conjoined body. "fuck, i love when you ride my cock, baby. you feel so fucking good, el. so tight. shit, that's it," he kissed the shell of her ear.

after he started meeting her thrusts, they didn't have much longer before they were both coming undone. "ugh, oh, god," she seethed through her teeth as she came on his dick and she utilized the skin of his shoulder to muffle her cries.

"fuck," he breathed as he released inside her, hardly aware of her biting his neck during her own high.

the disconnected with soft, hazy smiles. his trailed kisses across her face, "you're incredible."

she blushed and kissed his lips softly. "thank you, baby," she returned with a soft grin.

he unwillingly moved her underwear back into place and pulled his own pants back on. she nuzzled into his side, not quite ready to leave their bubble at the vacant quarry.


a/n: i do be updating almost all of my book 👁👄👁 queen shit. anyway, thanks for reading!!! ily guys. x

word count: 1386

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