xxxii; jaemin x jeno

450 31 6

(content có nhắc tới sex và có chứa swear words. cân nhắc trước khi đọc.)

''hey, we need to talk.''

jeno looks a bit worried when he hears jaemin says that. ''talk about...?''

''you know i hate communicating, right? but we gotta work on this. the house is a mess.''


jaemin had made a list of rules in the house and he hands it to jeno. ''just read it and tell me if you agree or not and if you have anything to add in.''

''put dishes in the dish-washer machine. turn the lights off after using the bathroom...''. jeno reads a bit before looking up at jaemin with a confused face. ''what do you mean 'don't be too loud while having sex'? have you heard yourself?''

''uhm what? my level is nowhere near those girls you brought home ok? they are loud AF. like how turned on could you possibly have made them that they moaned like crazy like that? sometimes i feel like i can get turned on with those moans too. i also have my boyfriend coming over very often and it's just awkward every time we hear that.''

''then he and you can just have sex together.'' jeno says without blinking.

''FYI we did. many times. with and without your girls' moans. but it's not like we're horny all the time you know? can you just, like, chill and have less sex please?''

''are you jealous you're not having sex with me?''

''ew. oh gosh. don't think that way. i just want a pair of clean ears and a clean mind ok?''

jeno looks a bit disappointed but hides it right away. ''very well then, what do i get if i follow your rules?''

''uhm... nothing? what did i get for putting up with your filthy and dirty moans then? nothing right? so no.''

''nah uh. i'll follow your rules and have less sex at home, in return, you gotta give me something.''

''what do you want then?''

''a kiss every morning?'' jeno leans on the kitchen sink, arms crossed in front of his chest. the left corner of his mouth twitches upward smugly.

''ew. no please. i'm not your sex slave.''

''ok i was just kidding but a sex slave sounds pretty tempting right now.''

''lee jeno...''

''ok ok. geez, you don't know how to take jokes well huh? how about a breakfast every morning?''

jaemin thinks for a while before nodding his head. ''okay. doesn't sound too bad considering i have to make breakfast for myself too.''

''so deal?''



jaemin comes home pretty late because donghyun and he went to watch the last premiere of the avenger. they tip-toe inside the house while holding hands and trying to suppress a laugh.

and then jaemin hears something. ''oh gosh. they are going at it again.''

''oh fuck jeno ah. harder, harder. ughhh. jeno!!!'' jaemin mouthes the words he knows that girl would be saying right now and that makes donghyun laugh out loud.

''i can't believe just literally yesterday he agreed to have less sex and now he already has a girl screaming in his room. the audacity...''

donghyun laughs even harder. ''do you want to? i mean, we can make him realize how loud a person can be when they have sex.''

dream | jaemjen/jenjaem; thế giới trong mắt anh chỉ có emNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ