1 ~ Moon

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You yawned as you walked down the forest path of the area near your house. You smiled hearing the calming music playing softly from your phones speakers while you continued walking using a large flashlight to see. Then in a couple of minutes you were at the familiar small lake you were used to. 

You looked down at the ground for a good spot and took off your backpack. You took out a blanket from your backpack and placed it on the ground before sitting down. You took out some snacks and began eating while music continued to play from your phone. You put the flashlight near the blanket and laid down while looking up at the stars. You admired the beautiful view and noticed it was a full moon. 

Now that you thought about it you had never been to the lake while there was a full moon, you looked up curiously but smiled. The full moon added to the night sky creating an even more beautiful scene. You smiled gently while the stress you had pilled up was slowly fading away. 

Then you got a call and you frowned, someone was interrupting your alone time. However, your frown quickly disappeared when you saw who the caller was, your best friend jungkook. 

"what's up kookie" you said while you heard a distinct laughter in the background over the phone, apparently he was with your other friends as well. 

"come hang out y/n" jimin yelled over the phone.

"YES" taehyung screamed while you chuckled. 

"don't come, they are too loud. You will just be miserable like me" yoongi spoke and you laughed again, clearly he was not amused. 

"shut up yoongi, you loves us" hoseok yelled while you smiled brightly. 

"sorry guys I can't" you said

"oh, are you visiting the lake today" jungkook questioned and you laughed. "yeah I am, next time though" you replied. 

"alright, you want to talk about what's been stressing you out" jungkook questioned. He knew why you came here, you always went to the lake when you were stressed. However, if it was anything serious you would always tell him, but it was just little things pilling up over the past two weeks so you decided it was fine.

"no it's alright, I think just sitting here for a bit is helping" 

"alright, bye y/n- TAEHYUNG don't eat my chips- okay I have to go" you laughed but replied


You hung up and laughed loudly at the thought of jungkook chasing taehyung for taking his chips, but your laughter was cut off when you heard a voice. 

"who is there, show yourself" 

You eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice and you instantly sat up while you clutched your phone. You looked around the gassy area with you flashlight but no one was there. You quickly tapped your phone and you were about to call jungkook until the voice spoke again. 

"now you are quiet, show yourself I say" the voice was almost demanding, but you could also hear that he sounded slightly nervous. You realized it was coming from in front of you from the lake. You instantly wanted to run away but a weird feeling made you want to get closer.

So you took a few set forwards after standing up. 

Your mouth flew open when you say a male in the lakes refection, he had olden looking clothes, just like when there was still kings and queens. You looked down and froze, you quickly looked behind you to see if anything was there but there was no one. 

Your heart was racing while you took another step, normally you would see your own reflection being this close to the water but you saw nothing. You screamed thinking you had died or something.

Then the male looked straight at you and you screamed again. "w-who are you" your eyes widened while you could see he was definitely looking at you when you moved to the side and his eyes followed. 

You could not see yourself in the waters reflection though, it was almost like a video call, he could clearly see you and you could clearly see him. 

"I-I'm y/n. Who are you" your fear was pushed aside by a pure fascination, you bent down and gently touched the water only to realize you could not put your hand through the water like normal. It was like touching glass, it was solid, you gasped in surprise but the male from the reflection spoke. 

"I'm the first prince, seokjin" your mouth flew open again while you looked at him. He was clearly wearing clothes that weren't from your time but you did not expect him to flat out say he was a prince. Finally, you stepped closer and gently placed your foot on the glass-like lake. It didn't go though either so you walked a few steps on the lake so he could see you clearly. 

"nice to meet you jin" you said and he frowned.

"It is seokjin. I am royalty so you should address me formally" you looked at him questionably while you walked around the lake fascinated with the glass-like structure. You were literally walking on water. 

You smiled down at him "well you're not royalty here, we don't have kings or queens" jin seemed surprised and then he spoke "well that explains the odd clothes you are wearing" he said looking at your outfit. 

You frowned while looking down "whats wrong with a pair of jeans and a comfy sweater" you pouted and jin looked at you questionably "jeans...sweater... what are those" you sighed and pointed to your legs. 

"jeans" then you pointed to your torso "sweater" you said and jin seemed puzzled. "I have never seen those in my whole lifetime" 

You laughed and smiled gently, you had assumed that this was a dream, It had to be, so you simply answered jin "well honestly you look like someone from the past"

Jin looked very confused and he gasped "so you are from the future...I must discuss this with namjoon" he mumbled while you laughed. 

You returned back to the grass by the edge of the lake and spoke "well jin tell me about yourself". This was the first time you had such a vivid dream like this and you decided to get to know the prince. 

He looked at you and spoke"well like I said I am royalty, the first born prince" you laughed.  His reply sounded like an automatic  response he would just spout out over and over. 

So you smiled and decided to start "not that, for example, my name is y/n and I love looking at the stars" you said giving a small fact about yourself. 

"o-oh I see, um I also enjoy looking at the stars as well" you smiled even brighter and you two began conversing while the full moon remained in the sky. 

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