2 ~ Dream

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You yawned while you slowly opened your eyes but you quickly shielded them from the bright sunlight coming in through your window. You shifted and groaned removing your blanket before sitting up in your bed. You felt like you were forgetting something..... the lake. 

It was such a weird dream. Well, it had to be a dream considering you woke up in your bed. 

You attempted to stretch your back but suddenly someone slammed your door open "y/n I have been calling you for ten minuets, come eat or you're going to be late for work" hoseok sighed while you jolted up from your bed and spoke "sorry hoseok, I'll be there in a sec"

Hoseok closed your door and you quickly got ready.

You walked out of your room and began eating the food hoseok made noticing jungkook beside you doing the same. As usual you both woke up late. You both finished eating and hoseok grabbed the keys to his car and you three headed to work. You three worked in the same company so you traveled together. 

You, hoseok, and jungkook also wanted to live in a cheaper place so you three decided to live in a house outside of the city. The house was bigger, costs less, and you had the small lake you loved right near the house. But unfortunately this also meant you three drove for a while to get to the city and arrive at work. 

After hours of driving you three walked into the large building where you worked. You quickly went to your desk and attempted to get set up but you were instantly crushed into a hug "y/n, we missed you yesterday" taehyung was pouting while your heart stopped.

Wait... so they did call you yesterday, so you did go to the lake. Was it not a dream.

You sighed at your ridiculous thoughts and pushed them away. That just means you must have gone home or something then had that weird dream about the prince. 

"yeah, since you weren't there tae kept eating my snacks" jungkook said while approaching you. 

"okay we can catch up at lunch we have to go before the boss gets angry" hoseok said while you all nodded and went to your separate desks. 


You were finishing up your work but you kept yawing. You wondered why you were so tired. 

But it was finally your lunch time so you got up from your desk and headed to the usual lunch table you and your friends sat at. As you walked closer you could hear hoseok calling you over. 

"oh there you are y/n, sit down I was just talking about you" your eyebrows furrowed in confusion but you sat down beside him. You got out your lunch and began drinking some water. 

"yeah so like I said I found y/n just sleeping near the lake-" you chocked and spit out your water all over jimins face and he was visibly displeased. 

"y-you what" you screamed, was it really not a dream. If you stayed up all night talking to jin through the lake it would explain the yawning. 

"gross" jimin wiped his face with a napkin while you shook hoseoks shoulders "when" you asked. 

"early morning, I went to look for you and you were sleeping really close to the edge, it was dangerous y/n" hoseok scolded while you were having a melt down. Were you going crazy or something. 

You wondered if jin wasn't some weird dream and suddenly you were really questioning your sanity. "u-um yeah sorry hoseok, I won't do it again" you answered while you kept thinking about jin. Maybe you were dreaming by the small lake side, there was no way you actually saw a prince from the past through the lakes reflection. It had to be impossible. 

"guys we should get going, breaks over" yooongi yawned from beside you and you nodded your head. You hoped working would take your mind off of the whole in situation. 

You furiously typed on your computer but nothing was working, even if you tired to work overtime you kept thinking about jin. You just had to know if it was real, you had to know if it was a dream. 

You quickly got up from your seat and ran outside the large building. You called a taxi since you told hoseok and jungkook to leave without you. You decided,  you had to know what was real or not. You arrived at your house and you quickly followed the pathway to the small lake. 

You noticed the small lake reflecting the stars beautifully, you remembered the glass-like lake from yesterday and you took a deep breath before you ran towards the lake.... then you felt it. Your shoes were soaking wet, you had gone through the lake, it wasn't like glass. 

You furrowed your eyebrows "wow y/n you're so smart, of course it was a dream. Also why did you run in you could have just used your hands" you scolded yourself out loud while you walked out of the lake.

"great wet shoes, how pleasant" you huffed. Jin was a dream, it all made sense. You looked up at the bright stars and sighed heavily. Then you decided to walk back home. 

You turned around and began walking but you completely froze when you heard a voice speak. "well that was very entertaining to watch". Your blood ran cold, you had talked to jin all night and you knew his voice. 

You contemplated just running and pretending like you weren't losing your mind but you also felt drawn to him.

"are you going to come greet me, you can't treat royalty like this" jin huffed out, you slowly turned around and walked closer to the edge of the lake. Then you saw him. Clearly in the lakes reflection, he looked the same. He had a olden style royal outfit and he had a bright smile after seeing you. 

"y-you're real" you couldn't believe it. "of course I am, but I can understand you're confusion. I am just too handsome, you couldn't believe I existed"

You couldn't help but laugh at his words even though you were internally panicking at the fact that jin was real. You also just noticed you still couldn't see your reflection in the lake. 

"but why did I go through the water this time" you questioned and jin smiled lightly.

"the moon, he told me about the moon" jin lightly pointed up and you looked up at the moon.

"on the exact day of a full moon the lake becomes solid, it's when the connection is the strongest. After that the connection gets weaker until another full moon is reached, like a cycle" jin said simply. 

You felt your head spin in confusion, a connection. 

"what connection" you whispered in confusion and jin was clearly blushing. His ears were turning red while you stared at him through the lake.

"n-nothing, you don't need to know. Just know that you can't go onto the lake unless it is a full moon" he said while you looked down and  noticed something. 

You began laughing uncontrollably as jin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "what are you laughing at" he questioned. 

You wiped away your tears and tried to calm your breathing "y-you tired to go on the lake to" you couldn't stop laughing and jin blushed again when you finally noticed his wet clothes. 

"y-you can't make fun of a prince" jin pouted but you continued laughing and jin slowly started smiling and laughing as well.

So it really wasn't a dream. 

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