9 ~ Little Moon

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Ever since the crescent moon a few days ago jin had been very distant. Even yesterday he told you he would be busy for the next couple of days. You felt worried seeing how jin looked tired and almost angry when he would come see you lately. 

As for you, even though you should technically be getting more sleep considering you didn't see jin as often you still ended up tired. This was because of your work. Right now it was the busiest time for your division. Even though you, jimin, taehyung, hoseok, yoongi, and jungkook all worked together you were all split up by the sections you each worked at. 

You had a lot on your mind. Work, jin being distant, and how to mention to your friends about jins existence without them freaking out like you did on the first day. You figured they would think you were insane, but as they got more and more worried about your constant disappearances you realized you couldn't really hide the secret any longer. 

But seeing how distant jin was being you wondered if you could even manage to get him to show up to see your friends. You sighed and simply pushed away your many thoughts and walked through the office to your desk. 

You looked up and gave a slight smile to the person who sat in the desk in front of yours. 

"morning" you said while sitting down and yoongi gave a light smile back as a greeting but then instantly had a frown and began grumbling while finishing his work. You two were the only ones out of your friend group that worked in the same division of the company, so naturally you were both exhausted. 

You were about to start working when you heard someone call your name "y/n". 

You looked up and saw your boss standing there, she looked very tired and she gave a slight smile "I'm sorry to bother you but do you mind going on a coffee run, it seems like everyone needs it" you looked at your fellow coworkers and they all looked dead, especially yoongi. 

This time around was really the busiest for your division. So you gave a bright smile "of course I can" you quickly asked around for orders in coffee and walked out of the building. You rushed down the street and arrived at a small cafe. 

You placed the orders and the employee told you it might take a while. You simply found a spot to sit so you could wait for the multiple drinks you ordered. But as you sat there for a couple of minuets you felt someone tap your shoulder. You were surprised to see namjoon once again. 

It seemed like you had run into him a couple of times now, it was odd. 

"hello, we meet again" you gave a slight smile but you were still thinking about how it was odd he somehow ended up bumping into you three times already, however, he might just work near you. 

"yes, it's so weird we always bump into each other" you laughed out and namjoon gave a bright dimpled smile "well I suppose we were meant to meet". 

"y/n, y/n. Your drinks are ready" you looked up and saw the barista holding your drinks. You quickly got up and went to retrieve the drinks. Then you turned to namjoon "I'm really sorry, I would love to talk but my office is really busy right now and I promised to bring them some caffeine quickly" you chuckled and namjoon smiled once more and got the door for you. 

"it's alright I should probably go too. it was nice seeing you" you then took a few steps out of the cafe while namjoon held the door open. You then turned around to thank him for holding the door open but suddenly he was gone. 

Vanished. You were confused but you were distracted when you yelped as you accidentally got some hot coffee on your hand. So you quickly rushed to work not wanting to hold the scolding hot coffees for long. 


You sighed and silently walked into the house not wanting to wake up jungkook or hoseok. You walked towards your room and quietly opened the door and flopped onto your bed exhausted. You finally finished up the work you needed to finish today but unfortunately you still had a busy week ahead of you. 

Your thoughts then wandered to jin once again, you were truly worried for him. He looked stressed, angry, and tired. You wondered what upset him but every time you asked him he would brush off your question and simply state it was nothing. The look on his face told you different though, he was clearly upset and stressed about something. 

You sighed knowing jin was hiding something but considering how exhausted you were you decided to get some sleep. So you finally closed your eyes. 

You looked around feeling a slight breeze on your skin. The same small house could be seen in the distance and the same unidentifiable man was standing there and waving at you. For some reason you wanted to run to him. 

But as you went to move you noticed something clenched tightly in your hands. You looked down at your clenched fist and noticed your held a bunch of flowers. The flowers were light purple and looked oddly familiar but for some reason you couldn't explain why, like your forgot. 

But still you found yourself running over to the small house with a feeling of happiness, it felt like home.

You ran over with a pure smile across your face while you held the flower tightly in your hands. You finally reached the small house and you looked around, now that you were closer you could clearly see the houses details. It was a small house and looked like it belonged in the past, It was older and was made completely of wood.

You walked over the the male and handed him the flowers while he smile at you but for some reason you still couldn't see his face, like you couldn't remember what he looked like. 

You felt happy around this person though. You smiled as he took the flowers while you were surprised when all of the sudden the bright sunny day was replaced in seconds as the moon appeared in the sky. 

The moon, the house, and the unknown man...it seemed so familiar but it was like the pieces wouldn't fit together. You couldn't determine where this scene was from. 

You looked at the bright stars and you smiled brightly while the male suddenly turned towards you and laughed lightly, the laugh was warm and you felt a feeling of happiness once again. You began laughing as well as you two sat on the grassy field just in front of the small house while admiring the stars. It was so peaceful. You wanted to stay here forever. 

"well little moon, why are you so happy today" the voice, that nickname. 

Little Moon, why was that so familiar. 

You turned to the male and it was almost like you could see his face but suddenly you began couching uncontrollably. You looked down at your hands and saw blood, you felt your heart race increase while the male tried to help you. 

"w-what's wrong" his voice was soft and filled with concerned. You felt tears form in your eyes, not because the pain you felt in your lungs but because the person in front of you was...he was crying. 

You felt your heart shatter as he called your name





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