20 ~ Meant To Be

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You felt uneasy.

Sometimes you would travel to the lake near your house after work but you did not see jin once. You had hoped that maybe he would suddenly show up one day. You remember him telling you he would be busy until the next full moon but you had hoped to at least see him a few times. 

But today was different.

You felt a feeling of emptiness while you walked down the familiar path thinking about jin. Today was supposedly the last day, tomorrow the full moon would finally be here. You stared up at the sky noticing the bright moon shining with just a small piece missing. A single section taunting you, almost mocking you. The small missing piece was preventing the full moon you had so desperately waited for...

You sighed and turned your eyes away from the sky and began walking again. You knew jin would not be at the lake but you still found yourself walking there, a small part of you hoped you could see him a day earlier. 

You arrived at the small lake and you walked closer to the edge. You were used to seeing your own reflection by now and even though jin was shown in the reflection of the lake it took you a few seconds to register what you were looking at. But when you finally understood that jin, the person you had wanted to see for so long was actually there you couldn't help the feeling of pure happiness that overwhelm you. 

But as you got closer you froze completely. Then like a passing breeze the happiness you felt disappeared almost instantly. First there was pure pain, it felt like your heart was being ripped apart while you looked with teary eyes at the lake. 

Then there was an empty feeling that took over the heartbreak you felt as you stared at jin in the lakes reflection kissing another girl. 

"I am your future bride jin, we are to be married don't forget that"

Those words felt like they physically attacked you gripping your heart and constricting it tightly until you couldn't breath. You felt empty though... you felt so empty because you knew. You knew no matter how much your heart raced for jin that you two could never be together in the first place. 

So instead of screaming and angrily protesting you stayed quiet making sure jin wouldn't be aware of your presence. You fought with every fiber of your being, you fought the urge to scream that you wanted to be with jin. That you felt things for him, that you had fallen in love like an idiot.

You took in a deep breath and you turned around.

It's never going to work y/n. He is with someone now, even if you tell him how you feel do you think that would change anything...it would just cause more trouble. 

Your own words fought your instinct to turn back around and you finally took a few steps forwards away from the lake before running away as the twigs underneath your feet broke. 

It was never meant to be.


Jin smiled while holding the handkerchief in his hands and he gently lifted it to admire his work. He had finally finished the writing he wished to sew onto the small piece of cloth. 

Jin would only need to wait one day. Just one more day and he could finally see y/n, he could finally be with her. Jin smiled while he admired the bright moon in the sky, just a small piece needed to be added until jin would finally be free from his father. Until he could be happy with y/n. 

Jin found himself wandering around the castle since he actually had some free time for once. The days had been hectic considering the wedding was supposed to be soon but jin knew there would be no wedding. 

He would be gone as soon as the full moon shone in the sky. 

Finally free. 

Jins eyes winded when he arrived at a familiar pond. He had a sad smile of his face and he mumbled to himself "you're really desperate you know that". Jin knew he subconsciously traveled to the pond because he wanted to see y/n. 

He stared at the pond wondering if she came sometimes hoping to see him just like jin would from time to time hoping to see her. It broke his heart every time when y/n would not stare back at him through the reflection of the pond but it was jins fault he had not seen her in so long. After all he was the one who told her to wait until the next full moon. 

But still a piece of jin desperately hoped he could at least see her face one day earlier than planned because he had missed y/n. So he stared into the pond intensely while holding the small handkerchief in his right hand tightly hoping that if he stared long enough that y/n would magically appear. 

But his staring was soon cut off when a voice spoke "are you meeting her here" jin turned around and he quickly hid the handkerchief from seoyoung. 

"I already saw it jin, you know we are to be married there is no use in seeking after whoever this y/n is"she laughed out. 

Jin looked at her with disgust and she walked closer to jin "you know I always wondered why you spent so much time in this garden. You always come here at night, don't think I don't notice. So where is she, the girl you visit by coming here"

Jin looked at seoyoung and he glared, she looked through his stuff. 

Jin didn't want to answer seoyougn so he simply turned to walk away from the small pond. But as he turned to leave he felt a sudden pull from his wrist that surprised him. However, he was even more surprised when he felt seoyoungs lips on his. 

Jin pushed the girl away but seoyoung simply smirked.  

"I am your future bride jin, we are to be married don't forget that"

Jin was furious while he clenched his fists in anger but jins anger was soon replaced with a feeling of panic at seoyoungs next words

"I definitely heard something moving, so maybe the girl is around and even saw the kiss. That would be better, she would know to give up" she whispered out and jins eyes held his angry expression but he couldn't help but feel uneasy. 

"get out of my sight" jin seethed out and seoyoung smirked and she walked away leaving jin alone. 

Jin made sure she was gone before looking in the refection of the pond, he hated to admit it but he heard the sounds of crunching twigs and his heart constricted thinking about if y/n truly had seen the scene or not.  

"y/n, y/n." jin called out for hours but she never showed up again. 

"its fine she probably didn't see so she wont misunderstand" jin spoke out loud trying to reassure himself. 

But deep down he had a bad feeling. Then his mind started racing, 

what if she doesn't show up tomorrow since she heard seoyoung...what if she never comes back. 

Jins heart constricted at the thought of missing the opportunity to finally be free and happy with y/n. If he missed the full moon he could never meet her again. 

The person he loved.

His heart shatter at the reality of the situation and all he could do was hope. He could only hope that y/n would show up tomorrow. 

The person he knew he was meant to be with. 

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