13 ~ Beach

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"YOONGI" you screamed in pure joy while jumping up from your seat and slamming your laptop closed. Normally yoongi would be too lazy to jump up from his seat but suddenly he followed your actions and his gummy smile appeared right after he also closed his own laptop. It seemed like he couldn't contain his excitement as he ran over to you and hugged you tightly screaming your name as well "Y/N". 

You both jumped up and down in happiness completely forgetting you were still at work. You heard jungkook gasp " yoongi actually moving. I can't believe it". Yoongi glared at him while jungkook squeaked in fear and hid behind hoseok who looked amused watching you two. 

"you guys are finally back to a normal workload. You both still look awful though" you glared at jimin and he froze. "it was a joke. I brought you snacks, please don't kill me" you laughed and took the snacks from jimin and he handed some to yoongi as well.

Everyone was currently on break so you were all at your normal lunch table. You and yoongi had finally finished up your work and were now able to actually enjoy your lunch.

"this weekend, let's do something fun, I really want to go on a trip" you and yoongi both groaned.

You were both dead tired. You knew you did not want to go on a trip, you wanted to sleep.

"we would have to leave after work since I want to go to the beach and it is a couple of hours away so we would have to leave right away. Oh besides I really want to go see the beach at night time apparently it's really pretty..." jimin was still talking and began rambling. This was one of his evil strategies he learned from taehyung. 

You sighed knowing he wouldn't shut up until you agreed to go so you and yoongi slammed your faces onto the table in frustration. Jimin continued to talk and you thought you might be able to ignore him but as time passed you and yoongi both snapped and yelled at the same time "OKAY JIMIN"

Jimin smirked when you two agreed. You glared at jimin while he rushed away to his desk, probably to plan the trip. "he was clearly trying to talk until we snapped and agreed to go" yoongi groaned out angrily "he is evil" you whispered in reply. 

Despite the fact that you and yoongi would have to go on the trip you both couldn't stop smiling since you were finally done with the massive workload. You, yoongi, jungkook, taehyung, and hoseok finished eating. 

You and yoongi traveled back to your desks and began packing up your things. You yawned and put on your coat but as you were about to push your chain in you heard a loud voice. 

"let's go, let's go" you looked to the side to see jimin running over and waving his hands excitedly. Your other friends followed closely behind. 

"relax jimin, I still have to get my stuff and so does yoongi" you laughed "I have yoongis stuff and hoseok packed jungkook's and your stuff"

You sighed knowing there was now no chance of you sneaking home and just passing out on your bed to sleep for two days. 

You had no excuses anymore so you simply spoke in defeat "fine lets go" "YES BEACH TIME" taehyung grabbed your wrist and dragged you outside the large office. You took two cars and you were with taehyung and yoongi while hoseok, jungkook, and jimin were in the other car. 

You yawned while taehyung was driving and he laughed "you guys should get some rest" you looked at him and smiled "yeah probably a good idea, yoongi is already asleep though" you laughed at how yoongi was knocked out in the back seat.

"I feel bad about falling asleep won't you be bored" you asked while taehyung gave you a large boxy grin "it's alright, get some rest. I know you're tired"

You smiled grateful that taehyung was driving and you slowly began drifting asleep as your eyelids closed. 

You looked at the small house once again. Whenever you saw it a feeling of warmth would overcome you, like you always wanted to be here. You were happy here. 

You smiled while you saw the same man standing there once again, he smiled and waved at you but again you couldn't make out his face. You still smiled back and waved at him as well. Then your eyes widened when you saw someone stumbled into the grassy field near the house. 

You turned your head slightly in confusion and the kid approached you, he was young but he was making eye contact with you. Which meant you were young as well. You were confused but then the mysterious male from the house walked over. 

"is this a new friend" the unknown male asked while you stared at the new face in front of you. From some reason you felt drawn to the boy your age, so you gave a small smile and then gently took his hand smiling "yup"

You both played together in the fields while you made a flower crown out of purple flowers. You smiled brightly and ran over to the male in front of the small house and put it on him. He smiled and spoke "y/n shouldn't you be giving the crown to him" he pointed at the boy you were playing together with, the one you felt drawn to. 

"after all that's the kings son, his name is-"

you couldn't hear the name. You frowned as there was a ringing sound suddenly blocking everything, it got stronger and stronger until you could not hear anything anymore. You panicked as your heart rate increased and you tired to hear properly but the ringing only got louder. 

You opened your eyes as your heart was racing.  You sighed while you calmed your heart and looked out the window to noticed the sun setting, it brought some sort of peace. 

"how long until we get there"you asked taehyung and he turned his head to you giving you a small smile before he turned back to look at the road. 

"oh you're awake, only about thirty more minuets" you smiled and nodded. The dreams were so weird, it was always the same place, always the same unknown face. But this time there was the boy you had never seen before...but were drawn to him for some reason.  

You tried to forget about the dreams because the more you thought about it the more it frustrated you. You had no idea why you were dreaming about these things but it felt like deep down you should know, like you should..remember. 

You continued to look out the window while trying to push away your lingering thoughts because it was like no matter how hard you tried to think and remember it was useless, almost like you weren't meant to remember. 

You jumped slightly when taehyung yelled "we are here, yoongi wake up" you turned your head from the front seat and looked back to see yoongi waking up. He glared at taehyung and you laughed seeing his grumpy expression. Apparently you lost track of time and you hadn't realized that you already arrived. As you got out of the car you admired the house jimin had rented near the beach and then quickly made your way inside. 

You noticed jungkook and jimin were already inside the house setting the table while hoseok was cooking. You lugged in your bag while taehyung and yoongi followed you inside. 

"well tomorrow we can go to the beach bright and early, for today we eat and sleep" hoseok spoke and yoongi laughed "now that sounds like my kind of trip"

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