25 ~ Moon

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Your clothes were soaked while you stood waist deep in the lake. Your hands shivered from the cold temperatures but despite the freezing water you looked around desperately. 

"jin, jin please answer" you screamed out as you replayed the events that just occurred. Jin was stabbed.  

"y/n" you turned your head to see jungkook, hoseok, jimin, yoongi, and taehyung all running towards you. They all had concerned expressions and hoseok screamed from the lakes edge "we've been looking for you everywhere, do you have any idea what time it is" you continued to shiver while you stood in the lakes cold waters. 

"jin, he got hurt. I-I have to help him" you were sobbing and you probably looked crazy but jungkook rushed into the lake and dragged you out. 

You hands were still shaking from the cold but your legs gave out and you fell to the ground. You sat on the ground as your friends all looked at you in worry but your eyes widened when you looked behind them and you saw the sun rising. 

"NO NO NO" you screamed in pure horror. 

He can't be gone

 You sobbed while your heart shattered but you felt comforting arms surround you. 

Yoongi hugged you tightly while you cried into his shoulder. But when you saw the sun had completely risen you pulled away from the hug. You continued to sob and you realized something as the bright sun light reflected across the lake. 

He was gone, jin was gone


"y/n" jins screamed out while his eyes snapped open, his heart was racing wildly at the dream he just had. He took deep breaths trying to calm down when he realized he was still in his office.

He sighed when his breathing was finally steady and he thought about the strange dream while he leaned back in his large chair.

He was a prince.  

"yeah right" jin laughed out and he simply stretched his back, falling asleep in his chair at his desk wasn't the best idea. Jin tried to open his laptop to get some work done but his thoughts kept wandering to his dream, specifically the girl from his dreams.

When he thought about her his heart would race and he felt so warm. However, a knock quickly brought jin out of his daze.

"seokjin sir, your morning coffee" jin watched as a worker walked into his large office and placed some coffee on his desk before rushing out again.

Being a ceo meant jin found that a lot of people were scared of him, just like the employee who just ran out of his office. He reached out and took a sip of his coffee as he looked out his large office window seeing the sunrise. 

But his mind kept wandering to the dream. All the events passed by so fast. 

"if we ever met I want to meet by this lake, It's really beautiful. You would love it here"

Y/n, her laugh was like music to his ears and her smile made his heart race. She seemed so real... maybe she is real.

Jin shook his head trying to push away his own ridiculous thoughts but he continued thinking about the mysterious girl from his dreams. He even remembered the place she talked about so often, the lake she wanted to meet at. Jin drank his coffee while he tried to start working again but his mind continued to wander. 

I love you jin

His heart skipped a beat remembering her words, her voice. He remembered every detail y/n had told him, even the place she lived. He took out his phone and searched the address out of curiosity but he froze

Moon | bts jin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now