6 ~ Promise

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Namjoon felt a heavy feeling in his heart while he thought about what jin had asked him. He was filled with guilt knowing he didn't have a proper answer. He knew he should tell the prince, he should tell him before this went any further, before jin got too attached. 

But the selfish part of namjoon was screaming at him. That part of him kept telling him the same thing 'you went through so much, why can't you be selfish this once'.

So in the end he suddenly blurted out "the next full moon you can bring her here" and jin smiled brightly while his eyes lit up in excitement. "well that is perfect, I should go prepare things" jin left in a hurry while namjoon thought about his decision.

He would tell him. He would definitely tell him soon. Namjoon just wanted a little more time. He just wanted to be selfish for a little longer. 

He looked down at the small handkerchief while he felt tears form in his eyes.

He felt terrible knowing deep down that he had made the wrong decision, that the selfish part of him was wrong. That he made a mistake. 

But looking at the handkerchief pushed those feelings away. 

He had remembered the time when he was the happiest, he could have that again because he was deceiving the prince like this. So he pushed away the guilt and whispered out. 

"I'm doing the right thing..." 

Namjoon knew he was lying to himself. 

He sighed and leaned back onto his hands while his eyes drifted to the small pond in jins garden. 

He gently waved his hands over the pond and the pond water swirled and mixed until he could see the person he had missed dearly on the other side. 

The connection he had to the future was all thanks to this pond and jin. Seeing the person that he had  longed to see again. Deceiving jin was suddenly worth it seeing them, being able to talk to them, being able to connect to them. 

He would tell jin...he would someday. 


You yawned while you guys finally finished shopping and looking around. You traveled back home with everyone but as soon as you stepped foot into the house you immediately wanted to go to sleep.  

It was exhausting trying to run around and make sure taehyung was being responsible and not spending all his money on clothes. You all gathered in your living room while you and jungkook quickly went to get some blankets for your guests. 

Yoongi, jimin, and taehyung would always stay over on weekends or you guys would visit their place so you had a lot of extra blankets and pillows. You walked back into the living room and yawned "I'm so exhausted I just want to sleep" 

"same" yoongi mumbled from the couch and you laughed at how grumpy he looked from being dragged around outside all day. You guys quickly set up the pillows and blankets while jimin excitedly put on a movie. You found a spot on the couch in between taehyung and jungkook while Jimin, hoseok, and yoongi were sprawled around on the ground on different blankets.

You tried to focus on the movie but a tiredness swept over you. You slowly felt your eyes get heavy while you tried to not fall asleep but soon you passed out. 

You looked around confused as you were sat in a beautiful garden. Your eyebrows furrowed while you continued to look around . There was a large field and in the distance you could see a small house. You could also see a figure in the distance but you couldn't quite see the persons face. It was definitely a male though, he waved at you and you suddenly felt happy seeing the man waving at you, like you knew him. 

You tried to run to the male but noticed how it almost felt like you weren't getting anywhere. You continued to run but slowly he kept getting further while your sadness and panic grew. He was clearly trying to reach for you as well while you desperately tired to run to him. 

You tired your hardest to move but you couldn't and for some reason you still couldn't picture his face or remember who he was. You desperately wanted to scream his name and slowly the field below you rumbled. Then you watched as the man disappeared from your site while you were swallowed by the crumbling ground underneath you.  

Your eyes shot open and you wiped away your tears, you tried to calm yourself from the dream you just had but your poor heart wouldn't calm. You took some deep breaths and slowly your heart beat went back to normal. You looked around and noticed you had fallen asleep on the couch with taehyung and jungkook.

You were surprised you didn't some how wake them up, but then again they were both really heavy sleepers. 

You got up form your spot while making sure to lean taehyung and jungkook on each others shoulders so they wouldn't wake up and you headed to the kitchen to get some water. The dream was still on your mind though. 

It clearly felt like you were drawn to the person waiting for you, however, you had never seen that small house before. You wanted to know who it was but you couldn't remember. You sighed heavily and got a glass and filled it with water. 

You took a big gulp but then completely froze when your eyes drifted towards the clock in the kitchen. You chocked on your drink while you saw the time 2:34 am. You quickly placed the cup on the counter while you were careful not to wake anyone up. You got on a random pair of shoes and grabbed one of the extra blankets from the floor before you ran to the small lake. 

You ran down the familiar path while you scolded yourself for missing your usual meet up time with jin. You had planned to finish shopping and go on time but the exhausting day caused you to oversleep. 

You continued running until you arrived at the lake. As you walked closer the lake that was reflecting the trees around you slowly began changing scenery and you knew that the 'connection' was working since you had arrived. You walked a few steps closer and saw jin's reflection, he was sitting on the ground like normal. You were about to apologize for being late but you froze when you suddenly heard a beautiful voice. Your eyes widened hearing jin's voice as he softly sang. 

His voice was breathtaking and you smiled brightly while you listened. He had his eyes closed and you quietly sat down in your usual spot careful not to disturb him. He finished singing and he sighed heavily. 

"where is she, I hope she didn't get hurt" jin mumbled and you finally spoke "I'm right here" jin screamed and fell back in shock while you laughed. 

"y/n don't scare me like that. Also where were you, I was so worried" jin looked at you sternly while you blushed at his words. 

"sorry jin, I fell asleep and I rushed here as soon as I could, but maybe I should come late all the time if I get to hear you sing. Your voice is amazing" you smile brightly while jin blushed at your compliment. However, his face quickly turned very stern. 

"no y/n, you have to come on time or else I will miss you too much" your face went bright red while your heart started thumping like crazy, you really shouldn't be feeling this way. 

"okay, I promise I'll come on time" you laughed

"okay, it's a promise then" jin smiled. 

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