10 ~ Half Moon

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Your eyes opened while you sat up in your bed and you looked around panicked. Your heart was racing while you felt someone hug you tightly as they gently spoke "it's alright y/n calm down. It was just a bad dream"

The dream felt so real. It felt so heartbreaking, but what scared you the most was you couldn't shake the feeling like you knew the person who was waiting for you by the small house. You tried to calm down by taking deep breaths, and as time passed your sniffles died down and the person pulled away from the tight hug. You looked up and met the eyes of a very concerned jungkook. 

"you alright y/n, that must have been a pretty bad dream for you to be crying and screaming" you looked at jungkook and wiped away your remaining tears. 

Your heart beat was finally calm and you spoke "yeah I'm alright kook, it was just a dream" you gave a soft smile and he sighed in relief at your now calm expression. He quickly placed your blanket over you while you laid down again and he smiled.

"alright, goodnight then" jungkook yawned and walked out of your room giving you a warm smile before leaving. You were relieved that you didn't wake up hoseok since you already felt bad about waking up one of your friends. However, your eyes quickly widened while you looked at the clock.

"jin" you gasped and shot up from your bed. You removed your blanket and you quickly sneaked out of our room. You were extra quiet considering jungkook must be somewhat awake. You made your way to the door and you slipped on a random pair of shoes before walking out of your house. You quickly ran down the pathway to the lake using your phone flashlight as your dream still replayed in the back of your mind.

You arrived at the lake and you ran over to the lakes edge excited to talk to jin. You were hoping to distract yourself from the bad dream you had. "jin" you called out happily as you neared the lake edge, you looked around seeing he wasn't there but you still called his name. 

"jin" you called out again but then you stopped when you remembered. In your half awake state you had forgotten, jin was busy. You forgot he told you he wouldn't be able to see you for a while, you had missed his voice. You felt your heart constrict thinking about why jin was avoiding you but you decided to head back home. 

You turned around and began walking down the familiar forested path back to your home. 

The dream and jins behavior still on your mind. 


Jin was contemplating telling y/n about the horrible arranged marriage his father wouldn't let him get out of. He could just run away, he could just leave with y/n and never look back. 

That was exactly what he was planning to do. He just needed to pretend like he was alright with the marriage. Then when the full moon came, just like namjoon said, jin could go to y/n. They could be together. 

But seoyoung was overbearing, she demanded for everything to be perfect for her wedding, so of course jin has been running around buying all the 'necessities' she needed. He didn't have any time to even talk to y/n anymore. 

He missed her smile, he missed her laugh, he missed her with all of his heart. But he knew it would all be worth it, so jin just had to wait. Just a little longer until the next full moon. Jin knew he was doing the right thing, even if he couldn't see y/n for a couple days it was all worth it when they could finally be together. 

He knew he wanted to be with her ever since the day on the lake. 

Jin had only known y/n for a short time. Possibly only a couple of days. But like any other day jin was scolded by his father saying he needed to make more connections with powerful people. 

Jin of course didn't want to considering they only cared about his wealth and the fact that he was a prince. He didn't want to be around people who were trying to use him. The people who only saw him as the next king. 

"jin what's wrong, you seem upset. You known you can tell me if anything is bothering you " jin looked at y/n's concerned face and he felt his heart constrict. 

"y/n, would you still want to meet me even if I was not a prince" jin had always been sought after by people because of his royalty status.

Jins eyes widened when he heard laughter echo from the pond and he was surprised to see y/n laughing. Then she calmed down and looked at jin "jin, I can't believe that's what you were worrying about. I like coming to see you because your are jin, not just because you are some prince" she giggled slightly and jin felt his heart swell. 

From that day on jin had known the girl he wanted to be with was right there on the other side of the lake. 

Of course he was still worried about his plan as well. This was because even though namjoon had claimed that himself and y/n were destined soulmates jin still felt uneasy. He was worried If the girl from the other side of the lake felt the same about him. 

He could only hope y/n felt the same, but either way jin would rather try and be with y/n then be miserable and married with seoyoung. He didn't care how slim the chances, he was willing to risk anything to be with y/n. 

So if he had to stay away from her to play along with seoyoungs ridiculous requests for a couple more days he could do that. 

Jin looked up at the sky as he smiled brightly.

He only needed to wait a little longer since a half moon was finally shining brightly in the sky. 

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