12 ~ Secrets

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Jin felt exhausted since he had just returned from a two day trip so seoyoung could have the 'perfect' accessories for the wedding. He had finally obtained the golden bracelet and he huffed angrily trying to keep calm for a little longer. 

It was so soon, he just had to wait a little longer and he could see y/n.  His eyes traveled to the night sky as he walked through his garden. The moon was only slightly larger than half and he frowned watching as it seemed to taunt him. 

Each day only changing slightly, each day seeming to pass by too slowly until finally the next full moon would appear. Sometimes jin wished he could control time, he could change it so the day of the full moon would come faster. 

He sighed and continued his walk inside towards seoyoungs room holding the bracelet in his hand, as soon as he arrived at the familiar door he saw the two soldiers standing guard at seoyoungs door. He simply walked up to the door and the guards quickly opened the door.

"here seoyoung" jin grumbled out and he walked up to seoyoung who was sitting on her bed. He placed the bracelet in her hand and he immediately wanted to leave, he was exhausted. 

"took you long enough. I mean seriously our wedding is soon and you expect me to wear some sort of commoner jewelry" her voice was sharp and jin clenched his fists.

"why are you even agreeing to this" he questioned. Jin truly was confused, he didn't understand why seoyoung had agreed to the marriage. He knew that seoyoung wasn't fond of him just like how he didn't enjoy being around her for longer than needed. 

Seoyoung simply laughed and she slowly got up from her spot, she walked over to jin and as soon as she was in front of him she stopped laughing. She looked at him with such a serious gaze. 

"for power of course" she seethed out. Then she laughed again "you wouldn't understand. You see power is everything in this world jin. If I marry you I will be in control of two regions. My fathers...and now your fathers" 

Jin glared at her not understanding how someone could run after power so blindly. 

"you really wish to get married just for that" jin questioned and seoyoung looked at him and went back to her spot sitting on her bed. 

"why are you having second thoughts" she asked and jin looked at her not showing any emotions on his face. He couldn't risk his father knowing jin was going to leave to be with y/n. Knowing his own father jin knew he would do anything to prevent jin from leaving. The king would probably lock jin up so he couldn't see y/n, his father would do anything to make sure jin didn't end up with someone of such low status. 

So he stayed silent but seoyoung spoke again "you see I heard from your father you demanded he call off the marriage. Now I wonder why you would do that, unless you could possibly have someone you wanted to be with" jin clenched his fists tighter.

"no" he spoke simply not wanting seoyoung to know. But she simply pulled a small piece of cloth from the sleeve of the long dress she wore. She showed jin and his eyes widened in surprise.

"how do you have that" he asked and she smirked "I simply found it in your room, why is it important" she asked. Jin snatched the piece of cloth from her hands and turned to leave her room.

"do not touch my things" he seethed out before leaving the room and seoyoung glared at the prince before he left. 

Jin sighed while he returned to his room. His heart was racing from almost being caught, he gently lifted the piece of cloth in his hand and admired the stitching. It was a good thing that jin only finished the design and not the writing he was planning to sew in later. 

The piece of cloth had a small purple flower delicately sewn into the fabric right at the bottom corner. Jin was glad that something he learned growing up as a royal came in handy, sewing. 

The small piece of cloth was a handkerchief he wanted to give to y/n,  he got he inspiration from namjoon's handkerchief he found a while back, he still had not seen namjoon in along time though and he wondered where he was since he had yet to return said handkerchief. 

Jin sat down at his desk and took out his sewing material. He then began to finish the small purple flower on the fabric, he sewed slowly but accurately. The small purple flower was from a flower jin grew in his garden, he had seen it a couple days ago and he thought it was one of the most beautiful flowers he had seen. 

So he decided to sew it into the handkerchief he was creating for y/n. He was almost done with the present, he would surely be done by the time the full moon arrived. Then just like namjoon said he would go see y/n.

He smiled at the thought of seeing her while he continued sewing, he had missed her over the past couple of days but he found that making the small gift for her was a good way to distract himself.

His thoughts then wondered to namjoon, the stranger for some reason had yet to show up to the garden even thought it had been a while. Jin was worried considering namjoon always visited quite often. 

Jin sighed while he continued  sewing trying to ignore the bad feeling he got while thinking about namjoons disappearance and about the way seoyoung glared at him when she spoke about their marriage. 

He yawned and decided to get some rest instead of worrying too much. But he couldn't shake the feeling like namjoon was hiding something from him, like he was hiding some sort of secrets. 

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