3 ~ Soulmates

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"well of course I have maids, how many do you have" if it wasn't obvious before it was very obvious now, jin was clearly royalty. You laughed and answered "I don't have any maids, it's more like I'm the maid actually" you remembered how you would have to clean up after jungkook all the time. 

"oh...well I suppose I could send you one" jin spoke while you began cackling. 

"j-jin I don't need one" you managed to say while laughing uncontrollably. 

As you calmed down from your laughing fit you seriously thought about jins words "also, I don't think that is even possible" you said as you slowly touched the water and your hand went through into the cold water. 

Even though jin was right there you couldn't feel anything other than the water so you doubted that he could send someone over.

"hmm, well I suppose it would be difficult...but you deserve the best" jin began blushing after he spoke and you smiled lightly while you blushed as well "thank you for the offer jin but I think I'm okay" you then leaned back onto your hands. 

You glanced up at the sky and jin also seemed to be looking up. The stars and moon were fading as you stared at the sky in fascination. You had never stayed out late enough to see the stars and moon disappearing.

You smiled while you spoke still admiring the sky "I can't believe we talked all night. It's weird but I feel kind of...how do you put it" you mumbled out the last part trying to find the right word.

"like we are comfortable around one another" you turned to look at jins refection finally breaking your staring contest with the sky and smiled. 

"yeah" you still had a different word in mind but for now 'comfortable' was a good enough word to describe how you felt around jin.  

As you looked at jin you noticed that as the moon and stars were slowly disappearing  jins reflection became very dull as well.

You furrowed your eyebrows and spoke "jin, what's going on" he looked very upset "I suppose our time is up, he never said anything about this either" jin grumbled, he was clearly irritated at whoever 'he' was. 

But you managed to put the pieces together, it seemed like when the moon left the connection broke. So you quickly spoke before jin completely disappeared.

"bye jin" 

You saw jin smile "goodbye y/n"

Then slowly the lake showed your reflection again and you sighed, you still couldn't believe you stayed up all night talking to jin. You truly felt different around him, even though you had know each other for such a short time.

Jin said you were 'comfortable' around each other but you still felt like the word wasn't quite correct... it was weird. You couldn't find a word to express how you felt around him. 

However, you realized you had to get at least some sleep and head to work, you were glad that you didn't start work too early in the morning. So you decided to push those thoughts away for now and you got up from your spot on the ground. 

You traveled back home and washed up before heading to bed for a nap before work. 

You groaned as you felt someone aggressively shaking your shoulder "y/n wake up" you turned over and smacked jungkook away. Then you heard hoseok yell "y/n, work..now" you shot up from bed and jungkook pouted "am I not intimidating enough"

"hoseok is way more scary" you never wanted hoseok to be truly upset, even thought he was a ball of sunshine as soon as he was actually angry it was scary. So you would always get up as soon as you heard his voice, it was like a habit. 

You quickly got ready and headed down stairs, hoseok smiled when he saw you and handed you some food. You happily took it and ate while you suddenly thought about last night. You had to be crazy right, but after last night you confirmed that jin was real. You continued eating while wondering how you would talk to your friends about the strange occurrence. 

They would probably think you went insane

You sighed while finishing your food. It was probably best to keep this to yourself for now.


Jin watched as y/n faded in the small pond in front of him and he sighed. Jin jumped when a voice spoke. 

"see I told you it would work your majesty" jin looked up and him and glared. 

"do you have to sneak up on me like that...namjoon"

Namjoon was a magician of sorts...well jin wasn't really sure what namjoon was. He suddenly burst into jins garden a year ago claiming he could help jin find his one true soulmate. Jin was always skeptical of namjoons claim but agreed. 

Namjoon said that jin would find this soulmate through the small pond in his garden and he dropped a strange flower inside his pond. Jin questioned  namjoon as a year went by and nothing appeared, he started to wondered if he had been tricked by namjoon, but suddenly one night she appeared. 

Jin thought she was beautiful but the clothes she wore were odd. Then the next day when jin attempted to step on the pond he fell through not fully knowing about the connection, and of course namjoon appeared after he fell in to explain the moons effects. Jin was still upset that he got wet thanks to namjoons lack of explanation and he continued to be upset by namjoons lack of explanation. 

Jin had finally found his soulmate but he had no idea what to do now "well namjoon how am I supposed to find her" jin spoke softly and namjoon smiled.

"well the world is mysterious don't you think, I'm sure fate will bring you two together one day" namjoon gave a light smile and jin visibly frowned. He wasn't explaining properly again. 

"that is not a good answer" namjoon sighed and spoke "have patience" then he walked away. 

Jin groaned in frustration but then he smiled lightly thinking about y/n.  At least he got to see y/n. 

When she was describing how she felt around him jin couldn't help but say they felt 'comfortable' around each other but in reality jin knew the real word that described himself and y/n.


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