16 ~ Remember

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"remember that time I got my hand stuck in that jar and we had to use butter-" taehyung was talking happily and you couldn't help but smile while thinking about the old memories everyone kept bringing up. 

"hoseok, remember how much of a coward you were when we first met" jungkook laughed. You laughed as well remembering exactly how you met hoseok. You had met him at the park along with taehyung and jimin when you were younger. 

"KOOK" you yelled happily while running around the park. You were both just aimlessly running around and screaming until you suddenly paused. Your eyes fell onto a bright purple flower that made you stop instantly and suddenly you found yourself wanting to go closer, so you did. 

"kook, look at this flower it's so pretty" you yelled and jungkook rushed to your side. You were about to grab the flower by the stem until a hand suddenly reached out and snatched the flower before you could even touch it. 

"hey" jungkook yelled angrily while you looked up to see who had snatched the flower from you. You stared blankly when you only saw a a boy with a large boxy smile. 

"here, I was getting it for you" the boy handed it to you happily while you smiled brightly "my name is taehyung but you can call me tae tae, want to be friends" he asked. 

"no she is my best friend, get your own" you looked up surprised and jungkook grabbed your hand. He was about to drag you away until you felt someone garb your other hand. Then you saw the same boxy smile "it's okay we can all be friends". Jungkook clearly looked annoyed at taehyung but before you could say anything you heard a loud barking. 

The three of you turned your heads curiously to the source of the noise and saw a large dog barking loudly at one of the trees located in the park. You walked over with taehyung and jungkook and you gently patted the dog. You had seen the dog many times at the park and you actually knew the owner of the large friendly dog. 

taehyung and jungkook continued arguing as you approached the tree. You saw a very frightened male holding onto the tree branch with another male beside him. You couldn't help but laugh at the two sitting on the branch and holding on for dear life. 

"you guys can come down, he isn't scary. He just wants to play" you said while continuing to pet the large dog. The two kids looked scared still but slowly climbed down from their spot. 

"oh, who are these guys" jungkook and taehyung seemed to have taken a break from their bickering to see the new people. 

"my name is hoseok and this is jimin, we just met today. We were trying to pick the pretty flowers over there but once we did the scary dog came" you smiled at them "it's okay he is just playful, he does't bite"

You laughed after remembering exactly how you and jungkook met taehyung, jimin, and hoseok. 

"you guys almost cried and the dog wasn't even that scary" taehyung laughed out. 

"shut up taehyung, you suck" jimin grumbled out. Your eyes then traveled to a sleeping yoongi and you frowned slightly, you remember when you met yoongi it wasn't on such nice terms like the others.  

"you met yoongi a couple of years after right" hoseok asked and you smiled softly remembering how you met yoongi. 

The sound of the ambulance was overwhelming. You looked around while you ran and pushed open the door in front of you and suddenly you were inside the hospital. 

Then in what felt like seconds you somehow ended up in the waiting room. 

You gently held the purple flowers that you picked randomly as a gift. You had ended up at the hospital because of taehyung, he had accidentally fractured his arm and you had wanted to visit him. You smile holding the flowers while you looked around the waiting room only to notice a male sitting there with a blank look on his face. 

He looked so lost, you watched as time went by and everyone else was leaving but he stayed sitting there. You could have gone and seen taehyung by now but you were distracted, like you needed to be here. 

You slowly got up from your spot and decided to sit down bedside him.  He turned to you and you had a hard time figuring out what to say. You wondered why no one had come up to him, why no one had talked to him. 

"are you alright" you gently asked those words, he seemed a little older than you but not by much. His face changed from a stone cold expression to a painful one until you suddenly spoke without thinking. 

"it's alright to cry" you watched as the male started crying and you gently hugged him. You had wondered how painful it must have been to be waiting here all by yourself trying to look strong. 

His name was yoongi, his mother had ended up fainting earlier in the day. He was anxiously waiting to see if she was okay and you felt terrible about leaving him alone so you decided to stay with him. 

Luckily the doctor came out and told him everything was alright and that he could go visit his mothers room. You smiled at him and gently handed him the flowers "here you should give these to your mom" you smiled and he looked surprised. 

"are you sure, isn't this for someone else" you smiled while thinking that taehyung would also want to give the flowers to yoongi if he was here. 

"I'm sure, take them" you gave a bright smiled while he gave you a gummy smile in return. 

"yeah she helped me out when my mom got hurt" you were surprised to hear yoongis voice. His one eye opened while he looked up at you and yawned tiredly. You simply smiled at him. 

You soon yawned tiredly as well and laid down on the sandy beach. Your eyes slowly began to close while your friends continued to yell loudly about old memories. Then slowly the voices you heard faded as you finally fell asleep while thinking about how grateful you were to have met all your friends. 

You felt someone touch your nose. 

You opened your eyes and you were back at the familiar small house in the grassy field. The unknown male had gently poked your nose and smiled while you woke up "hello little moon, did you have a good sleep"

You smiled brightly "I wasn't sleeping, I'm just waiting because you said we could see something amazing today" you swung your legs happily until another voice spoke.

"hurry hoseok, come on" you looked as a younger hoseok was being dragged over by jungkook and taehyung. Then yoongi followed with jimin. 

You all sat down happily in the grassy field waiting "alright, look up" the unknown male said while your eyes traveled up to the sky and you smiled brightly.

"the full moon" you stared in awe while hoseok screamed"it's so pretty"

"remember you said you wanted to see it again right little moon" you smiled fondly at the moon while you nodded your head. You then remembered about the boy who visited a couple of days ago, the prince. 

"I'm going to capture it and give it to the prince as a sign of my love you" you screamed and taehyung laughed "yeah right y/n, he wouldn't marry you"

You pouted as the unknown male handed you a purple flower "you know I saw this flower when I first met you guys and took you in, it brought a lot of happiness for me so how about instead of taking the moon away you give him this instead" you smiled brightly and nodded your head. 

"I want to remember this day, I want to remember everyone"

then you looked at your friends and the unknown face. You stared until suddenly everything was so quite. 

"remember" the voice echoed in your head...it was your own voice.

You tried to remember desperately until suddenly you coughed and your hands were covered in blood. 


You shot up from your spot heavily breathing from the dream and your friends were by your side trying to comfort you while you felt tears develop in your eyes. However, all you could think about was one thing. 

What was it that you needed to remember. 

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