24 ~ Happy

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Namjoon walked away from the small pond in the royal garden and he left the king to grieve over the death of his son. 

He had made a mistake. The prince was dead, y/n was heartbroken, and it was all his fault. 

Namjoon cried softly as his tears made his vision blurry, but despite this he could still see the bright full moon in the sky and suddenly it felt like a fire was lit in his heart. 

He may had made a mistake but the full moon was still in the sky, the connection could still be there...He could try to fix things.

So namjoon ran. 

He ran for miles not caring if his feet hurt or his lungs burned. 

He stumbling into the forest area right outside of the castle walls and he continued running through the forest. 

There was still time, he had to keep going. 

So he did...until he arrived at the small house he used to live in. His eyes traveled to the side of the house and he saw the familiar trail.

He ran down the trail path and he approached a large lake that glowed brightly as the moon reflected on the water. The place where it all began. 

"please, you have to help me" namjoon pleaded to the water and he fell to his knees when he heard no reply. 

"please" he begged again and he heard a soft voice "I warned you water spirit, humans are fragile creatures" a woman appeared floating on the lake. She had light blue hair that reached her feet and her skin glowed while she looked at namjoon. 

The spirit of life, the one he came to a long time ago when he first made the decision to link jin and y/n after y/n's death. 

It was a selfish decision.

"I told you that they would not be able to meet, I warned you" she spoke and namjoons tears fell down his face knowing her words were right, she had warned him but he didn't listen. He was too blinded by his own selfish desires to see his family again. 

"I also warned you that the connection would be broken on the next full moon. Their destined soulmate link will be broken after tonight. They will never see each other again because of what you did and you will have to live with the consequences" her voice was stern but her facial expression held sorrow while she looked at namjoon crying

"please, there has to be something, I will do anything" namjoon pleaded while his tears continued falling. He watched as the water rippled and the woman walked closer to him "you are very foolish, the price of 'anything' can be something you can not give water spirit" namjoon looked at the woman as his tears blurred his vision

"anything. I can't see her hurt so much. Please, I can't live knowing I broke their connection for my own selfish gain"

The spirit of life looked at him and spoke "your life" namjoons eyes widened while he looked at her.

"I can make sure that they meet, the human male can be reborn and the soulmate connection can be connected again but it will take a heavy price, your life water spirit. Are you still willing" namjoon looked at the woman while his heart clenched. He was never more sure about anything in his life so he answered quickly. 

"yes. I am sure" he watched as the woman approached him and she sighed "water spirits, what odd creatures" he felt her tap his shoulder gently as she spoke again "payment accepted". Then namjoon watched as his hands slowly faded and blue dust flew in the air around him, it looked like blue sand swirling through the wind. He smiled as he slowly closed his eyes "goodbye little moon, I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise" he whispered. 

"joonie, joonie, promise we will be together forever"

"of course little moon"

Namjoon vision went black as the blue dust increased as his whole body disappeared and all that was left was a sea of blue. 


The spirit of life was surprised when she heard it 

"yes. I am sure" 

She was surprised to see the water spirit gave his life so easily. Water spirits could live forever, if he waited he could see the human girl again in his lifetime, he could reunite with his family. 

The spirit of life had a feeling that the water spirit was well aware of that but was willing to give everything for the two soulmates to be together again. It was true she needed a bigger price to reconnect the two so she smiled gently while she walked over to the water spirit. 

She gently tapped his shoulder and he began fading into bright glowing blue dust, but as he disappeared she saw something that surprised her once again. A smile was on his face while he faded away and he spoke

"goodbye little moon, I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise" 

The water spirit completely disappeared as the blue dust whirled around and she held out her hand. The blue dust swirled around her hand and suddenly the blue faded as a white glowing sphere remained in her hand, the human males soul. 

She would keep her word, so she waved her hand over the lake as a crying girl suddenly appeared in the reflection. The human girl cried as she desperately searched the lake she was waist deep in.

"don't worry, I will help you" he spirit of life spoke softly as she placed the white sphere in the lake and she flicked her wrist. 

Suddenly the lakes reflection showed a human male sitting at a desk and she smiled, he was reborn. 

she noticed the human male who had been reborn was sleeping while sitting at his desk. She remembered how odd the water spirit was willing to give away everything and she couldn't help but smile "as a gift I suppose I can do you a favor, you very odd water spirit" she spoke to herself as her eyes glowed a light blue and the male who was previously sleeping at his desk suddenly jolted awake from his deep sleep. 

She had given the human male the memories from his past life. 

She flicked her wrist again and the image of the human male faded away, the two would now meet by fate. She was done, she had kept her word... but she couldn't help but look down at the lake feeling somber. 

The water spirits sad smile was still on her mind. He looked happy yet heartbroken at the same time, her heart clenched in sorrow

"truly what an odd water spirit. it seems he made me soft. Someone who was so willing to give up everything. I don't think I've ever met a spirit like that" she laughed lightly in amusement and then sighed.

 She held her hand out above the water once more and gently swirled it until a small glowing white ball appeared in her hands. She smiled softly while looking at it

"you know you're lucky water spirit, I'm more powerful during full moons so I can give you one more favor. I can not make you a water spirit again since I do not have enough energy but I can give you something else" she then placed the small orb into the water and watched as it burst and faded away. 

She gently looked at the moon once again and spoke "I hope you will be happy in this life" her smile was large as she remembered something

The spirit of life watched as a water spirit walked through the woods with....humans. They followed behind him or surrounded him but they walked with him happily with bright smiles on their faces. 

How odd, she had never seen humans around spirits like herself. But for some reason she wished that they would always stay happy like that. 

She smiled at the memory and spoke again "yes, I truly hope you're happy"

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