18 ~ Queen

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Your eyes snapped open while you were heavily breathing. You felt yourself calm down while you looked down to your hands seeing there was no blood. 

Another terrible dream. 

You sighed while getting up from your bed and you quickly got ready for work. After you got dressed you met up with hoseok and jungkook in the living room and you three drove to work. 

When you arrived at the office you remembered you had to stay late today. So before you split up to go to your desk you spoke "don't forget I'm going to be late today because I promised to help set up for a meeting tomorrow. So you two can go home without me" 

"alright we will see you at home later then" hoseok yelled while you walked towards your desk. You smiled at yoongi as you sat down "good morning" you said and yoongi smiled. 

"hey" you chuckled knowing you would probably never hear a 'good morning' from yoongi. Ever since you two were younger he always stated that no mornings were ever good to him.

But despite that you and yoongi were clearly happier while working considering you were finally done with the huge workload. 


After hours of work you finally met up with some fellow coworkers who you were supposed to help. But as soon as you ran up to them one of your coworkers looked apologetic as they spoke. 

"oh I'm so sorry I forgot to message you. We actually came to work early today so we set up everything in the morning" 

"oh, it's alright. I will be going then. See you tomorrow" you turned and went to pack up your things. 

You were slightly irritated, they could have told you sooner, now you had to take a taxi back home. You sighed but you called a taxi anyways. Apparently it was busy so you would have to wait a little while so you decided to drop by a cafe and get something sweet before you left to go home. You ordered some cookies and walked out of the cafe after paying. You sat down at a random bench outside and you began eating your cookies. 

"hello again" your eyes widened and you jumped slightly at the sudden voice. Your heart was racing as you scolded the person"namjoon, you scared me" 

"sorry about that" he laughed and you quickly moved over so he could sit on the bench beside you. You offered him a cookie and he gladly took it. You both sat together while you simply went back to thinking about the dreams you kept having. 

"you look troubled" namjoon spoke softly.

"I've been having these terrible dreams" you sighed and namjoon nodded his head indicating he was listening.

"it always starts with this small old looking house.  It's surrounded by green grass that stretches for miles and then there is a small forest too. It always starts so happy, I'm younger and there is a guy that for some reason I can't recognize his face no matter how hard I try..." You paused thinking maybe you sounded a little crazy but namjoon simply nodded his head again indicating he was still listening, so you continued. 

"So at first it was just the guy that I can't recognize, then it's like I'm slowly recognizing more things...remembering more things. There was a prince who apparently I wanted to marry" you laughed lightly but your heart clenched because you thought of jin and how even in real life you somehow ended up falling for a prince. But you quickly pushed away the thought. 

"then my friends stared showing up in the dreams apparently we were a family. The guy who I can't recognize, he was the one who took care of us" you smiled while you thought about the dreams, even though they always ended badly the beginning was always the same. Warmth and happiness. 

"The dreams seem to always end the same lately. I would always cough up blood" you shuddered at the thought. Namjoon had an expression on his face that you couldn't quite place, but the expression was gone in an instant and was replaced with a smile as he gently put his arm around you in a comforting way. 

"it's alright y/n, I'm sure that they are just some dreams from stress. Have you been stressed out recently" namjoon asked and you thought about his words. 

"well I have been having a huge workload which is stressful, we just got done though" You then thought about jin and knew that not seeing him and his weird behavior was also stressing you out. But you knew you probably already sounded crazy enough and decided against bring him up. 

"maybe that's it, I'm sure after a couple of days these stress dreams will go away" you smiled up at namjoon "thank you namjoon, I appreciate you listening"

He smiled again showing the cute dimples on his face "no problem, I'm always here". You then heard a honk and noticed your taxi had arrived.

"well my taxi is here. I'll see you around namjoon" you got up from your spot on the bench and you waved to namjoon before getting inside the taxi.


Jin smiled as he continued to sew the handkerchief for y/n, it was almost done. He just had to finish up the letters on it, he smiled at the purple flower in the middle as he continued to sew. He was so busy that he hand't gotten to finish, but luckily he finally had some alone time. 

"jin what are you always doing out here, we should be spending more time together" jin quickly put away the handkerchief into a draw underneath his desk and he turned to see seoyoung. 

"of course" jin sighed at seoyoung before he got up from his seat "but I've very tired so I think I will go to bed" jin spoke. 

Seoyoung glared at jin while she walked out of jin's room to leave him to rest. But as she walked out of the room she noticed the desk drawer was opened slightly and she could see the familiar handkerchief she had seen before. She narrowed her eyes and she caught the new writing clearly sewn into the piece of cloth. There in the writing was an unfamiliar name that made her rage build. 

She had a plan and this y/n was going to ruin everything, clearly she needed to do something about her but she needed to figure out who she was first. 

Seoyoung knew that she was going to be queen and nothing would get in her way. So...

She was going to have to get rid of y/n. 

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